Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Titans, wake up!


His heart beat faster as the blood started flowing throughout his body. Something was wrong, he shouldn't be awake right now, should he?

His eyes popped open, he was still inside the bacta tank. He had been recovering from the wounds he had suffered from his last mission...wait? he was on a mission right? He couldn't remember, the amnesia scrambled everything.

I need to get out of here, wait, who am I? do I have a name?

These were questions that he would have to address later. He looked around to see how he might escape. He was suspended naked in a tube filled with bacta, a respirator mask was attached to his face. He couldn't see much past the glass, but he could make out a rhythmic red light flashing.

He could't punch through the glass with just his fist, he would need something harder. His hand moved to to the mask on his face, it felt smooth and hard, like metal! But that would require him taking it off and then he would lose his ability to breath. That was a risk he would have to take.

He unsnapped the buckles on each side of the mask, then took a deep breath.... He ripped off the mask and held in in both hands. he raised his arms over his head and then swung the mask at the glass as hard as he could. There was a dull thunk, but the glass remained intact, no cracks.

He swung again, and again. still no crack.


The blood was started to pound in his head. He need to break through, or he was going to drown.

He swung again.


And again


Spots were starting to form in his eyes.





The glass began to splinter as he was beginning to lose consciousness, he gave one more swing, and the glass shattered and he spilled out onto the floor. Then everything went black.

An unknown amount of time later....
He woke up. The ground was cool, it felt like steel. He sat up and looked around. He was still naked, he had suffered some cuts from then shattered glass, but he was alive. Above him, a red light attached to the ceiling was flashing rhythmically, to signify an emergency no doubt.

He looked at the tank which he had been in. It was a typical bacta tank, save for the fact that it was now broken. At it's base a name plate read Titan 27-5 "Atlas"

My name is Atlas...?

The name felt familiar, like a lingering shadow just on the edge of his mind. At least he knew his name now.

Next to the bacta tank which had previously held him, was an identical bacta tank, and is was currently occupied. Atlas moved closer to inspect it. Another human was inside, he was big and muscular. He seemed unconscious just as Atlas had been. Looking down, Atlas saw a similar name plate. This one read Titan 28-5 "Deimos"

Deimos....I know that name....

In fact, upon looking at the unconscious male again, Atlas was certain that he knew this man! He had to get him out of there. His eyes fell on a nearby control panel. He walked over to it. He wasn't sure what he was looking at, but his body seemed to. As if on it's own accord, his hand reached up and began deftly pressing buttons.

A sound over head startled Atlas. A small crane arm moved along the ceiling and stopped just over the occupied bacta tank. The bacta drain from the tank, and the top opened. Once done, the arm f the crane descended and gently lifted the unconscious Deimos out of the tank and then moved over and gently laid him on the ground before returning to its place of rest. Atlas walked over and checked Deimos' vitals. He was alive.

Atlas shivered which reminded him of his nakedness. He needed clothes, and so did his new friend. He looked around and saw a locker. Inside he found several jumpsuits, green in color, and three sets of boots. He retrieved two of the jumpsuits and two pair of boots. He quickly dressed and walked back over to the still unconscious Deimos. Atlas then began the awkward task of clothing Deimos. Deimos started to stir just as Atlas had finished.

"Good, I was afraid I was gonna have to drag you out of here"

@T28-5 "Deimos"
A cold breeze fluttered around, giving him the goose bumps. He quickly blinked open his eyes and the sound of grunting and groaning directed his attention to a familiar face attempting to dress him.

I think I can take it from here. Where are we? And who are we. I know your face, but not your name. Or mine for that matter. And what is with that horrible alarm?

He took over from his ally, strapping his boots up after slipping into the jumpsuit. He stood up to his full height, a good six inches over his comrade. His first instinct was to find a weapon, but he did not see any around.

@T27-5 "Atlas"
"My name is Atlas. And according to the tank you came out of, your name is Deimos. I'm not sure where we are, but I do know that we need to get out of here."
He stood to his feet and headed towards the hallway leading out of the room they were in. The hallway lead to...well, he wasn't sure exactly. But his body seemed to know where it was going
@T28-5 "Deimos"
Deimos rolled out after Atlas...Atlas...He knew that name...he recognized his own name...the hallways looked too familiar to be so unknown to Deimos...He had a flashback to a few doctors tapping on his bacta tank...Will they be ready for the next mission...Yes, but T28 won't finish as fast as T27, he took more damage the last time than prior missions...But, will he stay subservient?...The programming shows no signs of resistance or lack of connection to the transponder...How can you trust the-What was that...ALERT, ALL STAFF EVACUATE THE STATION, REPEAT ALL STAFF EVACUATE THE STATION *Repeats in the background*...Let's go...What about the Titans?...what about them, they'll wake in a few minutes, leave them, if they survive, they'll find us...But...No time, just move!...AHHHHHhhhhhhh!!!!

@T27-5 "Atlas"
They ran. Not knowing where they were going, but they ran. The walls were reinforced, like a bunker. Where were they headed? Atlas didn't know, but his legs seemed to know. The loudspeakers kept broadcasting the same evacuation message. Were they on a station? And if so, where?
There weren't any signs of life other than himself, and his comrade Deimos.

Their legs brought them to a hanger bay.... @T28-5 "Deimos"
Deimos thundered down the corridor after Atlas, but he did not know where they were going. Until he saw the doorway ahead of them, labeled Vehicle Bay, it must be what they were looking for. Sliding to a halt, Deimos reached out for Atlas' arm, they had been discovered but he didn't know by who or from where but the hair on the back of his neck were standing up and telling him there's danger ahead.

Hold on, we must tread carefully from here.

@T27-5 "Atlas"
He felt it too. Something was wrong. Well, something other then not knowing where they were, who they were. Atlas slowed his pace. his body started tensing in anticipation of something.... He just didn't know what.

The hanger bay was eerily still. it was empty, save for one vessel. A transport sat in the center of the room. Again, the shadow at the edge of his mind pulsed, he felt connected to that ship. He had been on it before, many times....

And explosion of blaster fire erupted around him. Without thinking he dove out of the way, his eyes scanning for the threat as he moved. Panels in the ceiling had flipped and now contained auto turrets which were now firing on the two intruders. No doubt they were set on an automatic kill order due to the evacuation.

Atlas' body kept moving, somehow dodging the shots as they rained down. He looked around till his eyes fell on his comrade Catching his eye, Atlas pointed towards the transport. Now, he just had to get there without getting shot...

@T28-5 "Deimos"
Deimos ducked behind a stack of crates as Atlas dove to the side. He saw Atlas point out the transport and grunted in approval. Picking up the stack of crates with some ease, he ran for the transport providing cover for Atlas to run behind. As he reached the ramp into the transport, Deimos waited for Atlas to get inside and then, he would toss the crates towards the nearest turret.

Move, Atlas. I've got you covered.

@T27-5 "Atlas"
Deimos lifted the heavy crate with ease, Atlas felt like that shouldn't be normal, but then, what was normal about the situation they were in?
Atlas sprinted forward, and again he got that feeling that this wasn't normal, he was moving fast, faster than what seemed appropriate. Oh well, he charged forward and made it to the ramp. He was unsure of where the cockpit was, but once again his legs seemed to know. He ran up the stairs and into the cockpit and threw himself into the pilot's chair. His hands begin to press buttons and pull levers like it was second nature. The ship started humming to life which was a good sign. Now to get out of...Well, wherever it is that they were.

@T28-5 "Deimos"
Atlas flew past him with greater than normal speed. He made it to the transport as well as the engines came online, with a great heave, Deimos flung the stack of crates in the direction of the nearest turret. It exploded as the crates made contact. He turned and ran into the belly of the ship, having somehow found his way to the cockpit, he sat next to Atlas, like he'd done it before a thousand times. He could feel himself settle into the seat and flicked a random switch that seemed to operate the ramp bellow.

T27-5 "Atlas"
He grabbed the yoke and accelerated towards the magfield and out into space. Then, everything was still, save for the massive amounts of asteroids the were filling the cockpit window! Atlas pitched the ship down and into a spiral barely dodging the asteroid. He completely gave himself over to his instincts, they had gotten him this far.

Somehow, he navigated them through the field and into open space. It appeared that whatever it was where they had woken up, it was hidden in an asteroid field. A destination flashed in his head, and his fingers input the coordinates into the nav-computer, then launched the ship into hyperspace.

Atlas looked over at Deimos. "Well, lets see what equipment we can find in the hold." He got to his feet, and exited the small cockpit and climbed down the stairs into the hold. His eyes scanned the room until the fell on a locker. He walked closer to it, again feeling a sense of familiarity with it. The name on the front of the locker explained the familiarity. It read "T28-5 Codename: Atlas"

Puzzled, Atlas opened the locker and found a black body suit which was supposed to be worn under the black armor hanging in the middle of the locker. To the side rested a vibro-sword and on the other side a sniper rifle. A blaster pistol was holstered to the right thigh of the armor. Atlas felt an intense connection to the items in the locker. His mind flashed with splinters of memories of himself donning this armor several times.

Shaking his head as if to clear the fragments dancing around his head. Atlas did what seemed natural, he began putting on his armor.

@T28-5 "Deimos"
Deimos followed Atlas down stairs to the lockers where the second, much larger one stood. Upon opening tyhe locker, Deimos witnessed a massive suit of armor, coupled with a body suit, heavy blaster rifle, heavy bolter and a satchel of explosives. The suit called to him, and as he reached for it, a flashback shot through his mind. Blaster bolts and explosions and chaos crossed his vision. The armor fit like a glove and as it powered up, Deimos felt some sort of security as the helmet locked into position and fired up the HUD.

Seems like we must've done this before no?

T27-5 "Atlas"

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