Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time to Mine

Corruck Kazen: Mandalorian Space
Intent: Begin a partnership with Volora's Mining Industry​
Too long a trip. It had been far too long a trip for Corruck. He had been aboard the Recalcitrant longer than this before, but never with so little reading material. He had been reading on the mining possibilities within Mandalorian space, which were far more numerous and more profitable than on Praesitlyn where his company was based. He had had at least two dozen datapad entries on different sources of materials that were valuable for different reasons within Mandalorian space. However, he had finished most of the readings about half-way into their travels.

So there Corruck was, standing on the bridge of his ship as it exited hyperspace above Concordia Dawn. He had already made sure that there was no illegal movements that he had made through the different space areas he had jumped through. Here he was, he could at last get to creating a deal and preparing his ship for docking rather than simple hyperspace jumps. He listened as Sheera dealt with landing the Recalcitrant according to the instructions of the flight coordinator.

Soon they were safely on the ground. Corruck took the time to send a message to the mining company that he had arrived and would like to do some business.

@[member="Nulmak Volora"]
(You'll have to @mention your friend.)

Nulmak Volora

Location: Concordia, Volora Territory

Objective:Business Negotiation

The heart of Volora Mining industry was the Volora clan, the snivvian's headquarters where there currently, one of Nulmak's assistants had told him of the arrival, and their intent. The blue,, mini-tank smiled underneath his Bucye he could smell the profits that could be had depending on what job Corruck Kazen would hire them for. The warrior had done research on his wealth status, the criminal mastermind had ownership of a small production company for weapons, and vehicles if he was not mistaken. The focused business man was in his blue beskaram, and while normally he preferred people to be intimidated of his athletic stature that accommodated the armor, the short, rough, and muscular miner spoke respectively when he hailed his visitor. " Hello Corruck, its a pleasure to be doing business with you, my allor has given me permission to allow you to enter Clan Volora territory when doing business, I will be sending a pilot to escort you to your specified landing pad.You should be getting the coordinates sent to your nav computer now, I will see you in my office." .Without, further due, the mandalorian cut off transmissions, and sat at his desk, sitting in an extended chair for someone, of his height as a table would not be of use otherwise. He waited, patiently, and calmly for the new arrivals.

@[member="Corruck Kazen"]

@[member="Corruck Kazen"] @[member="Nulmak Volora"]

She got the job to escort so freight, she head out in her ship. It was a cabur class starfighter, she waiting out in space for ship arrive out of hyperspace. To pass the time while she waited, she was playing online pazzack. She was getting quite good at it, and was starting to win some real money. She was just waiting for someone to hail her, so she could escort them to the landing zone. Though any deviation form the course, and shoot them. As they may be sith on board hoping to landed else where.
Corruck listened to the message intently. Sheera prepared the nav computer coordinates and set to standard flight. Corruck turned the comm on and sent a message across broad band. "Cabur Class Fighter. I assume you are the escort. We are set and ready to follow your lead."

The modified corellian corvette, Recalcitrant, moved towards the smaller fighter. Corruck spoke to Sheera, "Power down the weapons. I want all power to shields, aside from what is in the engines." He didn't think that he would be attacked, but he did feel that it was better to be safe than sorry.

@[member="Nulmak Volora"]
@[member="Corruck Kazen"]

She swore at the transmitter, she was just about to win the hand. She now had to abandon her game of pazzack, and guide this corvette to its destination. She sent message back to ships captain follow me She then set course to landing pad, that she was assigned to. The journey was not that long, though she kept an eye on corvette all the time, it never deviated of course. So she the job was easy, and after half hour space flight they had arrived. She sent her last message to him, Please go to docking bay nine, and have nice day. She landed near by, and waited for further orders.
"Thank you fighter escort. Same to you." Corruck nodded to Sheera. She landed the ship in the appropriate bay and began shutting down systems. Corruck left the bridge and picked up his gear as walked out off the loading ramp.

At first he looked around with little understanding of where to go, but he soon found the path and made his way towards the office. He noted that this was a relatively small facility, he wondered where most of the equipment was kept and how he funded such an operation with so much at stake. Mining companies, he knew, were quite lucrative until the minerals were all removed from the ground, and even if that didn't happen, it did not take much for a faction to simply steal the equipment for other purposes. He admired the tenacity and the guts that one required to work a mining company, though he himself did not want to ever own such a company.

Once inside the office he looked around the well kept room until his eyes fell upon a desk and the blue armored man in the chair behind it. The man seemed a little small for the chair size, but Corruck had seen worse proportions before. "Greetings, Mr. Volora. I hope I did not keep you long." He let his voice stop there, he preferred to be polite and let others speak while he tried to make a mental image of their character.

[member="Nulmak Volora"]

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