Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time for Repayment

Koga's assurances did not leave the Sith Lord with a confident feeling that her words were genuine. However, it was not a matter he felt needed to be discussed any further. Ashmedai's anger did dissipate all the same, but he remained kneeling on the ground when Koga came to her feet and offered forth her explanation.

For several lengthy moments in time, the Sith Lord was silent as he gazed at the corpse. It seemed that no matter where he went or who he interacted with...people were always laying claim to some grand secret of connecting with the Force or a certain aspect of such. The Force, quite simply, was a compilation of everything; the good, bad, and the ugly. That being said, the absorption of another's essence within the Force was certainly a way to infuse one's body with added, albeit somewhat temporary, power.

The technique was certainly not foreign to the Sith Lord. It was one of the chief ways he survived these days. The concept of pure bloods, however, Ashmedai placed no stock in. The real, original Sith species were capable yes, but they were ultimately conquered and forever subjugated by Dark Jedi that elected to learn and adopt Sith Magic. As such, a pure blood Sith...well they weren't exactly anything fantastic in genetic composition. "I see." It was the only real comment the Sith Lord eventually gave the Twi'lek.

"Well. As for your request, it certainly depends on the trick, and you are hardly old." Whether as viewed by age or experience, Koga was just starting on her journey to discovery and power. In that regard he almost envied her. So much of the unknown laid before her. Learning was the best time...looking back on centuries of learning grew tiresome at times.

Coming to his feet, the Sith Lord did allow the faintest hint of a smile to touch the corners of his lips.

"I've heard tales of sentients being able to place their souls into other vessels... whether they did this to preserve their mortality or not is none of my concern."

Koga stopped for a moment before approaching the Sith Lord again, stepping closer to him and speaking in a more personal tone.

"Is it possible to jump into another vessel temporarily? Almost like possession?"

The mistress could already control the minds of others, aided with the help of her talisman and if the mind was weaker. But mind and body possession was something different than that.

"And if feasable, would it be possible to control not only my opponent but still maintain control over my own self?"

@[member="Cameron Centurion"]
The Sith Lord was silent as Koga went about making her inquiry. The first technique she'd spoken of, transfering one's essence to another mortal shell was certainly possible. Including himself, Cameron knew precious few that utilized the skill with any degree of regularity. Actually, he wouldn't even consider himself a regular user of the technique simply because it was far too easy for things to...go wrong. He'd been sustaining himself in his current body for the better part of a century by now.

"Let me address the root of your curiosity. Transfering one's essence to another body...or transferring someone else's essence to another body is not an ability that meets with success lightly. There are many that have mastered the technique and may yet still find the process...problematic. Temporary possession...possible, but it is extremely difficult for the above stated reasons. If you wish to control someone else and your own body at the same time, transferring of your essence is not the way to go. A very acute use of mind control is."

Gazing intently into Koga's eyes, he made a simple, declarative statement. "Two souls occupying the same space at once is tantamount to madness on the part of both. You expose all that you are to another inhabitant with very little power left over for your own control."

She listened carefully as he spoke. She knew of the dangers and possible... outcomes of trying to transfer essences.

"What if you had the power of hundreds of sentient souls to fuel both you and the process?"

Touching her talisman, she casually looked down at the dead body once again as she asked her question softly. To have the power to change bodies was a great power to have, but to have the ability to not only possess another being but also keep your own soul was a very desirable quality the Sith had been playing around with since they last spoke. It would not only grant her the ability of being in two places at once, but it would give her the control to literally shatter another being from the inside out without fear of harming her own essence. From inside another being, she may even be able to tap into their wisdom and understand their abilities and knowledge better than using mind control techniques. It was the ultimate source of fear... to have someone literally control you and rip you apart from the inside out.

"Cameron..." the Twi'Lek spoke gently and calmly. "I have more strength and power than I ever could have possibly imagined... You helped me to realize that. I want to learn to make it useful and beneficial for me... Something I can tame. I don't want my fate to end like Jedi Pall's, so consumed by greed and hatred that he was consumed by darkness."

@[member="Cameron Centurion"]
Cameron inhaled slowly and then exhaled as he nodded his head to Koga. The Sith Lord knew all too well what the young Twi'lek was asking. While it actually was possible to do that which she so desired, Cameron did not have the requisite knowledge to speak on it with any level of authority. "There have been stories about a small handful of entities across the ages having success in possessing multiple bodies, making them avatars for themselves. However, I do not have the depth of knowledge on hand. A sorcerer would serve you better in this regard."

The Sith Lord could have done without Koga's self-proclamation of power. It made her sound far too much like so many that reached for things they were not yet ready to control or fully understand. "Your fate will no doubt be worse if you bite off more than you can chew, Koga." Her own current motivations were certainly...not much different. "You require the guidance of a more...practiced Sorcerer or Sorceress than I. I can...connect you with a few."


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