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Invasion Through the Gates of Hell (Republic Invasion of Empress Teta - Republic vs. One Sith)

The Hound

His eyes darted from the beast before him to the padawans stepping aboard the speeder. Heart pounding in his chest he felt her pull again. Could he just give up here? Lay down his blades and...Allow himself to be captured by the Sith? A part of him would have rather died fighting a proud defender of the Republic, a defender of his home. But something darker, something far more sinister, maybe the corruption of the Dark Side or maybe something much more primitive kept him raising his blades again in protest as heavy breathes heaved from his chest.

His blue eyes narrowed at the giant beast. His eye twitched and he gripped his sabers tighter, the cool metal sending shivers down his spine. And then he felt a touch, not unlike the Republic seer or the Sith wench. He did not doubt that forces were at work. He knew that his destiny and that of the Sith were intertwined, but how had yet to be revealed to him. Sucking his teeth he stepped into a passive stance, deactivating his weapons. "Fine Sith." Being undoubtadly the most dangerous and unpredictable of the small group his weapons were taken and he was stun cuffed by the Sith's soldiers and guided up the ramp of the speeder.

Cold hard eyes filled with regret, anger, and disdain fell on the Padawan Seer. Turin's eyes locking with his. "We'll do this your way, Jedi."
[member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Jannik Morlandt"] [member="Darth Mierin"]
That immense pressure in her mind would fall away abruptly, but the sense of relief from the Ithorian’s formidable mental coaxing to wander into slumber was short lived.

While her fellow brother in the One Sith had indeed allowed her the ability to be severed from the Jedi’s hold, such was her vulnerability without her Onii-san that her body was too weak to move, having had already moved into a delirious state that made it hard to keep her eyelids open.

So when normally she would have moved out of the way, Sokara’s body only ended up slumping to the side.

Only to be suddenly blasted back by the vestiges of the Force scream. Her ears would thrum, and that vong crab armor she wore would push an immense amount of pressure on her petite body. At 1.49 meters and weighing forty nine kilograms, it was fairly easy to toss the young woman’s body if she couldn’t quickly harness the Force to strengthen her resolve.

The mute would feel the savage rip of the Force crack her armor, the strands of ebony hair flying away from her face, blood seeping from her ears and her eyes. She’d fall to her knees, anguish and anger ripping through her as the agony swept through her body, feeling the looming sonic pressure in her skull.

She’d failed. This was her punishment.

Rage. Utter rage at her failure and the desperate need for her twin would burst from Darth Nephthys. It would go bubbling from the pit of her stomach, arching up her esophagus and then ripping out of her throat in an involuntary and tangible gurgling Force Scream from the mute. All of her negative emotions would fuel the shock waves that rippled through the Force. And would could potentially cause devastation to any that were unfortunate enough to be in close proximity, specifically her original target Shaw McKeller.

Nephthys, however, would not bear witness to the results of her anguished gurgled scream, as vertigo took her, blood stained tears smearing her vision a blur.

// Onii….. san. //

Then there was nothing but utter darkness.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Museum

Objective: Escort the military landspeeder carrying [member="Turin Val Kur"], [member="Jannik Morlandt"], and [member="Avalore Eden"] back to HQ

Allies: Darth Shara ([member="Darth Mierin"]), One Sith

Vehicle: AT-ST

As the Jedi at last complied, Armyss let out a relieved sigh, simply glad that they could get out of there. He still had those bombs on his mind, and if he knew the person who set them down, then another one was going to be at the museum as well. Millions were going to die as a result of this, and he couldn't do anything to prevent it, having already tried and failed back at the library.

"Is something wrong, Sir?" the weapons officer asked.

"...Yes...very...send a message to the others to get these things in gear and get away from here ASAP" the Sith Knight warned as he sent a quick telepathic message to Shara:


With the Jedi aboard the landspeeder, he opened the throttle on the AT-ST and gave the legs as much power as possible, quickly pushing the walker to a speed of 90 km/h, its maximum possible, the landspeeder matching the walkers' speed upon receiving the message. Off in the distance, a sheet of flame erupted from the library's location, along with an eerie sort of vapor only made visible by the heat. This was the nerve agent that was going to kill so many, and if the one at the library had gone off, then the one at the museum was going to detonate at any second. Fortunately, he knew how powerful Lord Shara was; he could take care of himself easily under these circumstances, and has survived worse.

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