Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Theodore Hyde (WIP)

NAME: Theodore Hyde
FACTION: Forceless Freedom Front
AGE: 50
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 400 pounds
EYES: brown
SKIN: burnt



Fanatic: There is nothing Hyde will stop at to achieve his goals. Absolutely nothing

Metal body: Stuck in a survival suit of durasteel the man hits hard and is quite strong for a man his age

Intellect: As sharp as a tack. The man is aged, experienced and very smart.

Held together: The suit Hyde wears literally holds him together. Without it he would die.

Mortal: He is a mortal man, if he is shot he will die.

Seen wearing a green robe and cape Hyde uses these to cover his metallic body. Every inch of him from head to toe is covered in durasteel, a man who can not touch of feel anything forever trapped in a cage.


A once family man and Ession native Hyde was a hard working professor at a local university. Everything in his life was perfect and wonderful until the rapture happened. With his family taken to the netherworld and he chosen to stay the man went mad as he would never see his dear family again. Approaching the Ession Jedi Lords to do something his cries were met with only silence. They did nothing for him or his planet as they sat atop their thrones while chaos engulfed the planet.

So in a moment of weakness and depression he attempted to take his own life. Jumping off the roof of a building he fell and hit the ground hard, and yet he did not die. With hospitals understaffed and over filled he was taken in by a former bounty hunter who placed him in a full body metal cast. There he healed for over a year until the suit itself fused with his flesh. Now a man trapped in suit of armor he contacted his long time friend and fellow professor Nopells to found the Forceless Future Society, as in his healing process he realized that force users tear the galaxy apart and hold everyone back.

Now he travels the galaxy in a quest to end all force users lives and free the galaxy of their rule.

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