Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Shark and The Mudskipper

See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Tatooine
Tag: Damsy Callat Damsy Callat

Damsy was okay, at least that’s what she said. From the sounds of it she had soothed the sarlacc with some kind of song and he looked back to her as she touched his gloved hand. A’Runda noted the use of ‘her’ and ‘she’ when referring to the sarlacc. It made him realize that he had been seeing it more as an ‘it’ than anything else. But Damsy was correct, after all male sarlaccs were quite small and unremarkable. It somewhat allowed him to humanoise the horrific creature. It also spoke to A’Runda and offered him a possible glimpse into how Damsy viewed the fellow sithspawn. They were, to some measure, kindred spirits weren’t they?

Noting that she had gathered his wrappings, A’Runda picked them up. They’d gotten pretty messy now after throwing them into the sand. Even though he felt naked without them, he’d probably choke on sand too like Damsy if he decided to wear them without cleaning them off first. Just another consequence for so hastily discarding them earlier. He would simply keep the wrappings in his grip for now.

Hearing her seemingly give him permission to slay the sarlacc he shook his head some. Already having made up his mind from how Damsy spoke about ‘her’. “Damsy… I didn’t track it- her down out of spite or vengeance.” He said, hoping to explain his intentions here. “I’m here for the sake of Tatooine, not for myself. I don’t know if what you hope to accomplish here will work. But if there’s a chance that I think it’s worth pursuing with you, Damsy.” In some ways The Sand Man felt like his life was like that. Filled with leaps of faith. Just like how his old tribe had to take a chance with adopting the spawn of human settlers. He felt like he owed it to Damsy to trust her, even if the rational part of him demanded that he slay the sarlacc now while she was vulnerable.
will you sink down to me?

Damsy glanced down at the sand, smiling shyly first at the silica and then back at him. "There's more than a chance," she promised. "I've been doin' it already: rehabbin' Spawn. It ain't easy an' if they don't got much sentience to begin with, they don't get more, but... they do get a chance to live without somethin' so unnatural bearin' down on 'em."

She had glanced to the sarlacc as she said that. "You can come see how we do it, if ya want," she offered after she had stood and as she offered him a hand up. "Kesh is off in Wild Space. Dunno if you wanna leave for that long." Maybe it was selfish to propose it, but that was a Sith trait anyway so, then again, maybe it was fitting. She desperately wanted someone to understand what was going on, and why, in Naneti sso jri Qorit.

A'Runda A'Runda
See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Tatooine
Tag: Damsy Callat Damsy Callat

As A’Runda listened he understood that Sith Spawn could be rehabilitated. After all, he was putting his trust in her right now. But a sarlacc was already… He’d try to remove the doubts in his mind. This was her goal after all. He just wanted to get it off his homeworld and believed that Damsy wouldn’t just make it someone else's problem.

He looked up at her and took her hand, getting himself back up onto his feet. “Wild Space? Then it sounds like I’ll probably make my way to Kesh at one point or another.” A’Runda often traveled through the Outer Rim, somewhat aimlessly. He also didn’t view her proposal as selfish. He was actually rather surprised that she would even invite him. After all he wasn’t someone who had much Sympathy for Sith Spawn.

Finally turning his attention back to the Sarlacc he spoke. “So how can I help get her to your ship? I don’t think I have enough strength in me to wrestle like I was earlier.”

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