Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Scattered Ones (Titans) (WIP)

  • Name: Titans

  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Variable
  • Language: The primary language of their homeworld
  • Average height of adults: Same as humans
  • Skin color: Same as humans
  • Hair color: White
  • Breathes: ALMOST anything, with space being the clear lack

  • Strengths: Quick to adapt (Takes about a day to adapt to one thing at a time), and always good with a sword of most types (besides lightsaber)
  • Weaknesses: Very hard to negotiate with, and are pretty much just big kids in mentality

  • Distinctions: Often have white hair and red eyes
  • Average Lifespan: Cannot die by aging
  • Races: [Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races)]
  • Diet: Titans are able to adapt to the normal foods of the homeworld through a "I must eat to survive" type mentality
  • Communication: Using their mouth

  • Culture: They are a warlike people created by the maker of the general universe for a certain purpose, they had no time to create a culture among themselves

  • Technology level: Variable

  • General behavior: Warriors all, but archers none, these men and women are always wanting to fight

  • History: They were created by the creator of the universe for one purpose that defines their very being, and they can live for centuries or mere years looking to complete this purpose

  • Notable Player-Characters: Vyperion
  • Intent:
Welcome to Star Wars and thank you for your enthusiasm in immediately submitting an application for a new species!

But before you continue with your WIP, there are some grievous issues that must be solved or else this will be promptly denied before the application is completed.

Vyperion said:
Homeworld: Variable
Variable as a homeworld is not acceptable. A species' homeworld is the world in which they originated on. If they live on multiple worlds, making a note of that is fine.

Vyperion said:
Breathes: ALMOST anything, with space being the clear lack
It is better to simply state that they do not breathe yet cannot survive in a vacuum. Star Wars has species that do not breath anything.

Vyperion said:
Strengths: Quick to adapt (Takes about a day to adapt to one thing at a time), and always good with a sword of most types (besides lightsaber) Weaknesses: Very hard to negotiate with, and are pretty much just big kids in mentality
The strengths and weaknesses need to be better explained. "Quick to adapt" does not explain how they adapt and what they adapt to. Being good with a sword is not a strength that a species would have. A species could have faster reflexes than humans, and thus be better with sword fighting. Yet, simply stating that a species is good with sword fighting is unacceptable.

Be specific in why they are like children in mentality.

Vyperion said:
Average Lifespan: Cannot die by aging
I will not accept an immortal species. Long lived is fine to a certain extent, yet immortal is not fine unless the reasons for them being immortal are spectacular in my opinion.

Vyperion said:
Technology level: Variable
This is supposed to be the technology level of their homeworld.

Vyperion said:
General behavior: Warriors all, but archers none, these men and women are always wanting to fight
While this is a good start, it does not link back to the childish mentality stated above in the weakness section. Try to keep this application as consistent and interconnected as possible.

Vyperion said:
Culture: They are a warlike people created by the maker of the general universe for a certain purpose, they had no time to create a culture among themselves
A species cannot be spontaneously created. There cannot be mention of a "maker of the general universe". Any purpose that they were made for needs to be explained.

Vyperion said:
If the intent is not given by your next edit, I will have to deny your application. The intent of why you are creating this new species is the most important thing and I cannot help guide you to creating an acceptable application if the intent is missing.

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