Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Right Hand of the Force.


Months had passed, and Orphen felt like he had missed the soothing caress of the golden sun, but, this project was important to him, he felt like the weapon he was creating was something that the Jedi sorely needed, it had taken some time for Orphen to create the full brace to his own specifications, so much of this weapon was about creating the right technology in the right place on the right angles, some of which contradicted the angles of others, which was quickly becoming a huge pain, though, what Orphen did have in place, was that the glove was mechanically powered and tapped into the users nervous system, so, when the user intended to fire the beam, it would push the hand into the correct position with maximum mechanical precision, so that Orphen would not be able to mess up. It also meant that he had a powered glove which would be stronger than his own hand. Within the mechanics of the hands and the joints, he sacrificed some of the strength for the holes which the charric electromagnetic tubes would feed through, as well as their own insulation which coated them, along the top of the gauntlet were six small raised platforms, four of them were small diatium power cores while the other two were large compressed blaster gas packs which were capable of holding about a half dozen shots for the weapon at full power. Though the recharging time for the weapon was rather long, and systems within the weapon also needed to make the gauntlet safe, Orphen spent a long time constructing the frame, but in the end, the result was not only operable, but it also looked rather impressive to the eye, though, it needed a bit of a paint-job.

Once the two sides of the frame were done, Orphen threaded in the interior wiring and the systems which needed to be there, making sure that there was as little wiring around head sources as possible. It came to his intention that in the same respect with this weapon, one would be able to make something not unlike a light-claw, with the ability to create a small light-saber beam from each finger, it would be a potent weapon, but, somehow, he felt like it would take a very specific breed of jedi to use it, one which be more bestial, likely from one of the more feline races like the cathar would appreciate the weapon more, while this weapon, was like infantry level artillery, something that would be able to sweep enemy personnel but also be able to deal with small vehicles, though, once again, this weapon would be pricey to make, though the science behind it had merit, it was highly unlikely that the republic would adapt this sort of technology on any grandiose scale. There were too many variables, however, it would be a good replacement for any of the super lasers the republic might already have in use, whether it be the lasers on their gunships or tanks or artillery, this charric technology would be over-all more beneficial than the technology which was already in place, with minimal increases to costs, because, if they were already building a super laser, it would not be a far stretch to introduce the radiation emission device which created and utilized the microwaves in the bolts, and as there was still an energy wave frequency which could be bent and amplified by making it more dense, it linked in perfectly with the philosophies of the norm.

The interior wiring was complete, though it was now in which the tricky part came in, setting up the quantum computer chips and the receiver which would interact with all of the functions of the weapon, including connecting the circuits and the rest of it to a mother board which would be compatible with Alpha and her systems, that way, it would be through the DCD that Orphen would be able to perform its firing mechanism, similar to how they used navigation computers on ships in hyper-space because of all of the calculations which needed to be run and set in, Orphen did not feel that he had the precision to be able to align his fingers in the right places all the time, even with the powered gauntlet being able to set itself in the right position, Alpha would be able to check the angles before firing, essentially allowing the weapon to calibrate and align itself with every shot, so, if wear and tear began to effect the joints, more or less power of movement could be put in place to ensure they align. Orphen had learned redundancy the hard way time after time... it was a hard lesson to learn, and though it was one that always stuck with you... After placing and connecting the motherboard, Orphen linked it up to a computer, and began to install the required software, this part was the easy one, it was simply turning data into actions, ensuring that the hand would move with Orphen until such a time that he would issue a firing order, in which the weapon would power up, aim, and override his own physical movements to attain the proper positioning listed by the data, it would run a single calibration check and then fire. At all times the process had a kill-switch, which would allow Orphen to be able to cancel the firing command, which would slowly remove power from the electro-magnetic containing field, which would allow the energy being projected to float away, lost to the aether. It was the best Orphen had, though, it may burn the user... it was an easy enough sacrifice. As an additional safety measure, the glove itself had two parts, and interior and an exterior, which created a separation from the user to some degree, so that the firing mechanism had about 4 millimeters of leeway to buffer the recoil built into each of the firing mechanisms, but as they were all identical, they fit nicely, and it would reduce the recoil from the 5 pistil class tubes, the gauntlet itself, as it overthrew the user's movement, also would act as a brace, which would ensure the users' wrist would not snap at awkward angles... Orphen liked his hands where they were.

He liked them very much.

Once the software was updated and the room for Alpha's control was implanted as yet another check into the powerful weapon, Orphen saw the gauntlet taking shape before his eyes, it was finally beginning to look like what he had envisioned, which pushed him faster than before, hoping to get it done. Focusing on his power in the force, he Used Mechu Deru to sense through the prototype and figure out exactly what he had done with it, looking through the data to ensure that he had not missed anything yet, as the next few stages would involve live testing. Activating his DCD, Alpha greeted him with a kind hello, smiling at the femanine voice which had been granted to the AI, Orphen looked to the gauntlet, levitated it off the desk and used his powers of the force to apply some of the interior padding, though it was only a thin layer within the glove, comfort had to be taken into account, though the task was hard and involved focus, his skill in Mechu Deru buffeted his lack of skill in simply being able to control the telekinetic power which was often considered so basic to a Jedi. Fusing the interior padding, which would ensure he would not blister or feel the heat or cold too badly, Orphen slipped the glove on the for the first time. The fit was perfect, the size of the glove was made to fit his hands. The Motherboard was still hooked up to a diagnostics machine as he began to take the gauntlet through its basic patterns, movement, simply of the fingers, the glove responded, albiet a little slowly, so its reaction times were tweaked to be more responsive, it was no problem, simple calibrations were what this was all about. Eventually, the glove was moving in time with Ophen's movements fluently, like he was moving the glove and the mechanical process was not there at all, merely a light reinforcement of his own movements and nothing more, having ditched the idea of a neural link all-together when it could be accomplished with a command or a hardware mechanism within the glove itself, not to mention with the survival instinct of Alpha working on his side, simply aiming the glove at a designated hostile target would more than likely proc the AI into the firing sequence of her own volition.

After movement had been sorted, Orphen linked up Alpha to the glove, and when she connected with the software in its motherboard, she gained an immediate understanding of the weapon, downloading the protocols like any machine would upload when a new piece of hardware was attached to it, growing, and adapting in the only way that a machine could. Orphen spoke aloud, telling Alpha to attempt to power up the glove, and put it into firing position. Orphen felt the pull of the powered glove as it forced his hand into position against his will, allowing it to settle there. Then, designating the firing plate target as hostile, it was time for firing practice, so, first he began to power the weapon up, while it was not the simple test prototype that he had used to check that if the technology was simply plausible, it used many of the same parts, which gave Orphen a little bit of confidence, the padding, the lens, the weapons, the ammunition and the diatium power supplies had all been attached and were in place, looking down at the target, Orphen was able to poject the lines across the Hud of his visor where the lasers were going to go, which would be damn handy when it came to firing the beam. Holding up his hand, the initial test would be for a quick, 1/4 second burst of the weapon, to test the recoil and ensure that everything was working nicely, praying that he had gone through enough checks so to not blow his arm off in the mean time... Orphen really wished that Tutaminis was one of his most powerful skills right now, though, through the influence of Mechu Deru, he would likely be able to project the explosion outwards and away from himself if it came to that. So, aiming, Orphen focused, really, really hard, powering the weapon up to ten percent.

and pulled the trigger.

The beams linked, like he had made them to do, and fired a quick bolt in the direction he had been intending it to go. The interaction was fantastic, and the recoil was nothing to him. The six beams performed exactly as they had been made to do, lancing into their target, at such a low power, it was hardly considered a real test of the weapon though. So, the next, after 20 seconds, would bring the weapon up to half power, still firing a blast of 1/4 second. Standing back further, Orphen would have Alpha count down until the trigger was fired, on the 0 mark, the beam combined once again, and fired another concentrated beam which penetrated deeply into the target, with enough kinetic force to create a wave of energy which reverberated off the blast door steel and press against everything like a gust of wind. Orphen knew now what he had to do, it was time for full power, 1/4 of a second blast, aiming it at the slightly warped metal, this time it was he who ordered the weapon to fire. The bolt created a small hole through the steel, and Orphen could feel the impact against his chest, against any opponent, bes'kar or not, the target of that bolt was dead, though the armour may not have been broken, the kinetic force would have broken every bone in the person's body. though, he had only been firing 1/4 second bolts of the weapon, this weapon was a laser, it was made to fire a beam for a full second before needing to recharge and cool down. So, waiting for the weapon to be primed once again, it was time for the final test, Orphen replaced the slab of steel for another one, layering three one in front of the other to ensure that the test would be safe.

Aiming them up, Orphen would fire the full beam for a second, it didn't take long for the weapon to get warm, though, it was a good kind of warm, and it quickly fled, the heat was simply from the diatium cells charging that much blaster gas that the weapon would be able to fire a continuous stream for a full second. The cooling was done in moments, but the destructive force against the solid plates was instantly visible, most of the laser had hit in a single location, though, of course the weapon would be able to be swept at multiple opponents... The concentrated beam was able to penetrate 5" into the steel he was using, meaning that, although less powerful than the test model he had begun with, it was more potent than any hand held blaster rifle he could think of off the top of his head. Stronger considerably than his own particle beam pistols, though, they were made for more explosive rounds than penetrative force. The concussive force of the blow had caved the steel inwards and the contact area for moments had been heated to red hot, showing just how potent this technology could be... suffice to say, that, ringing up his friend Greyson, Orphen collected all of the data and immediately requested an audience.

He wanted to show his friend what he had made... they would meet at the republic firing range where they had met the first time... Orphen had made a break-trough, and he wanted Greyson to handle patenting it under Orphen's name, though, of course with Orphen's signed permission, should the technology be wanted it would be available to the company.

[member="Lanax Grayson"]

[2374 words]
Lanax strolled up the walkway when he heard the loud boom of a weapon. He wondered what he was about to get himself into and worried a bit. He knew why Hakora needed weapons, he was a Sith and they were constantly at war. Though his experience with the Jedi was they loved weapons just as much would only continue the war for the Galaxy. Lanax stood in the middle, building weapons for the killing. He didn't like it, but he could not deny what the Galaxy wanted and the Galaxy wanted to kill each other and it was not profitable to ignore that.

He continued his stroll up to the firing range where he saw [member="Orphen"] wearing some sort of glowing glove. He questioned why he was wearing such a weapon, but at least he was not in a red metal suit that would make him a human tank. Lanax approached his partner and friend and smile, "What a beautiful day to be out, isn't it?" He admirered the weapon and then pulled out his screwdriver, "May I?"

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