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The Riddle of Steel (Gromas 16)

[member="Saffron"] | [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Gromas 16. The Blood Moon.

Long had the gaseous, rust-red planet been a valueable asset to whomever owned it. It had been noted for its abundance of phrikite ore, the basis for the resistant metal known as phrik. An Alderaanian vessel, a C90 Corvette bearing the imagery of House Frayus of Alderaan, blipped from hyperspace. The ship immediately opened up a channel to the mining operation.

"Greetings, ATC crew. This is Duke Valin Frayus of Alderaan. Your representative sent me this way." Came the voice of the Duke, "I assure you we mean no harm. We come to inspect a rather specific ore mined from the planet."

Over growing concerns from the galaxy, especially by recent actions taken by fellow Alderaanian House Thul and the closeness of Alderaan on the Galactic Alliance's ever shifty border with the Sith, he figured he would require a weapon to match that of lightsaber. In addition, there were further motivies behind this. The Duke knew very likely that he would have to battle more than just Sith lightsaber duelists.
[member="Valin Frayus"]


The security force orbiting Gromas 16 would send through the following message after verifying his transponder code and access codes.

[ Greetings Duke Valin Frayus, we have been expecting you. ]

A small pause in the crackle, the trio of Maladi freighters floating silently amidst the black of space.

[ Please dock in hanger Aurek - Seven. You are clear to land. ]

The lights would flare brightly along the dock hanger for the Duke to land. A welcoming committee would greet him there, led by a blonde woman exotically dressed in amber swaths of fabric.

It was Saffron, the young woman who had invited him here personally after his initial inquiry.

The Alderaanian Corvette gently manuevered into the docking bay classified as Aurek-7. The ship was most definitely House Frayus', having a motif of a Red Dragon on it. The ship's entrance opened and allowed a few figures out. Firstly was a man dressed in blackish-grey clothing that indicated noble heritage. Duke Frayus himself. Around him were a small security detail of loyal Alderaanian guardsmen that bore the sigil of their House. The scarred duke smiled and approached the light haired woman.

"Miss Saffron. Good to see you." He bowed to her, being rather cordial.
[member="Valin Frayus"]

"The pleasure is all mine, your Grace." the Companion would dip into a deep curtsy. Upon straightening, she would shine a soft smile to the nobleman. A graceful gesture would beckon him to follow her.

"Please, do come this way. We will retire to a more comfortable location." they would travel towards one of the larger conference rooms within the facility. Were the Duke to agree, Saffron would lead the way.

Among their path one would be able to see the constant mining in the distance beyond the viewport. This facility worked on a twenty-four hour schedule, with three distinct shifts to ensure the laborers were not wearied. These were the mines that would bring forth the phrikite ore that could be blended with others to create the phrik the Duke so wanted.

"How was your travel?"

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