Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The path to Absolution

Coruscant, the place everything began...
Cryil hated it, the pollution filled his lungs with every breath he took. Yet he couldn't leave it behind after everything that had happened. His past was haunting him the nightmares of the people he had to kill as well as the knowledge that he couldn't do anything to save himself. Cryil shook his head knowing that he just had to keep walking away from violence and killing.
He entered the quiet cafe, he had got to know the place rather well over the years living on coruscant and it was his last place he could relax. he ordered his usual Caf drink and sat down and closed his eyes. His fate had to change soon or he would continue down a path he couldn't turn back from.
[member="Cryil Lynn"]

Arnok was on Coruscant. He usually made it a point not to travel to any politically aligned planets, as he didn't like to be caught up in politics. However, he had heard he had a potential buyer. He had to admit, though, Coruscant was not too bad of a planet. The smog dulled the sun's rays, so he didn't need blinders.
As he neared the center of the city, he glanced at his watch. He still had twenty minutes before he had to meet up with his client. He ducked into a cafe and sat down and ordered a Daro root beer.
He took a sip from his Caf and out of the corner of his eye he saw a man walk into the cafe. The way the man carried himself showed that he either thought he was important, or that he was important and on Coruscant that attitude could get you killed. Unless he was apart of one of the many crime organizations that ruled Coruscant's underworld. He had left his blasters back on the Eclair and his only weapon was his Vibroknife that was strapped to his back hidden by his Dark Grey Trenchcoat. His hand slowly moved to his side and watched the man order a drink. If something bad was about to happen he would be ready.
[member="Arnok Leth"]

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