Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Past is Always There​

It was strange being on this planet once more. It had been over a hundred years since my exile from the clans. Which clan? Any of them. I was not born into one. Even as a female, I was still cast out. The Witches didn't accept me because of my heritage, and the Nightsisters had me for a while, but then threw me to the wolves due to my... actions towards our Mother. She was one of the most beautiful women in the clan. One I lusted after in fact. Now her name forgotten to time, and from my memory, I came back. Hoping to find some kind of semblance of our kin.

However, I found nothing I wanted.

I shook my head as I walked away. I wanted to be alone. Walking through the forest alone was a dangerous task. However, I am sure I would be fine. Even as I stepped over the still growing roots of trees that I remember as saplings, I came to the familiar sight of the Chamber of Banishment. I remember being led here. Being trapped here for years. Almost being housed into a crystal like the great Queen Axkva was.

Here is where I learned how to finally fight for myself. Here is where I used my talents of my "Demon" side to overcome my once-sisters. I slaughtered them. Ate them to the bones. Enjoyed every moment of it. Yet at the time, I was disgusted by it. Running from here, and into the Maleling that was only a teen when I was born. Now being claimed as a Warrior of the Nightbrothers. I remembered the day he died.

So long ago. Yet here he was. Still with me and living. Good thing for exiled sisters and their ability to aid one another. I kept him alive. Kind of. Reanimated to be correct. Now though? Why did I come back? I didn't know. Reaching out to touch the keyhole that would fit the Key of Exile, I felt the worn edges and the smooth rock formation. Part of me wanted to enter once more. It was then that I could feel the force twinge at my back. Smiling, I ducked at the last second for a Chain-scythe to swing over the top of my hooded head and horns.

Spinning around, I readied myself for a fight.
I smiled with glee as my turning around to face my opponent, revealed that I was not facing one, but five Witches who were still guarding the entrance to this place. They wore the traditional armor that was of this era. More technology than I would have liked, but it was their choice. All of them were armed. Opening my arms like a feral beast, I held them close to my chest almost as though I were going to gather energy within my hands.

"Be gone demon! You are not of this place, and we are the guard who prevents the theft of all that we hold sacred."
"Oh but darling, I am one of you."

I thrust my hand out into the open air, and summoned to me was the hilt of my vibrosword, and front it, the blade produced itself in front of them. All of their eyes lit up with surprise as I could control the very Ichor that they could. It felt good to see so vibrant children learning from their elders.

"Wha- What are you?"
"A Nightsister born that of Dathomir, and a Demon. I am the lady of Thorns. The Demon Ghost exiled to this forsaken chamber like a Queen of old."
"You cannot be. We have walked the entire chamber, yet your bones reside inside!"
"Are you so sure?"

The ladies who were here shifted their stance ever so slightly. Dropping my weapon down to not be threatening, I walked up to the one that spoke.

"Let me touch you, that you will see the truth."

Reaching up, I then touched the woman's forehead, and instantly she was under my command. My spell. My allure. She was my slave. The other Witches took a step back as the woman fell to the ground sleeping from my command as I was still touching her forehead.

"Join her, or flee. Spread the word of my return, and for no one to come to my domain."

One turned around as fast as she could. Running from me faster than the wind. Two more stepped forth. I each touched their foreheads, and they too fell to the ground. The last stood before me. Unsure what she should do. Smiling, I walked over, Reached around her garb, and grabbed her from behind. Pulling her closer to my own body to feel her shaking chest, and warm pulsating body.

"Shall you be of my kin, or shall I end your legacy?"

The lass was standing there. She shivered from fear, and knelt down. Smiling, I then placed my hand on her forehead, but didn't take her mind, instead, I spoke,

"Take your sister's bodies to my craft. A maleling Gladiator is awaiting you, and will give you all quarters. Prepare for my arrival."
"Yes my Demon-sister."

Raising her head, I then nodded my head and walked back to the door. Already I could hear her shuffling as she picked up one of the bodies and began to carry her to the ship. Walking out into the forest to deliver unto Samael my new kin. It was now that I reached for the one body of the woman with the Chain scythe. Checking her body. Smiling as I found the Key of the Exile within her robes, I then walked back over to the door.

Petting the key as I went, I gingerly placed it into the door, pushing it open with my might, and feeling all the tingly sensations of Lust as I entered the domain once more.
One thing that always got me, was the survival of the Nightsisters. Having neared extinction various times in our timeline, we still prevailed. Yet this place, of all places, was one that was almost always guarded. It meant nothing. The Nightsister who had once been here, had perished. So why did they still guard it? I only wanted to explore more as I came to understand, was the very reason they still guarded it. They may have thought that I, was the reincarnation of this old Queen. When in truth, I was no where near who this person was.

Or was it the other way around?

I couldn't tell the difference at this point. What did get me though, was the idea of this Queen. She was known for her ability to siphon the abilities of her students, and children, into herself. Empowering herself. Rare force abilities could do the same. So could this Nightsister have the ability to do as such? Or was this just a rumor? I wanted to find out. I could just see that if this was true, then there was a good chance that I could learn of this power, or incantation. To siphon the raw strength from others. And would this only be to beings of sentience? or could this be any creature? I had to find out.

Even as I traveled deeper into the tunnels, Flashes of my memory came back to me. Ones where I was dragged back through the halls. Almost dead. On the cusp of being drawn into the netherworld, or void, or hell. Whichever you wanted to call it. It was here that I could feel the grip of my captors weaken, and I could become stronger. I remember fighting them all. Three of them. Barely a teenager and being cast out. A whelp and a queen. My mother long dead, and my Demon of a Father no where to be seen or heard of, yet here I am.

I remember screaming on the top of my lungs. Letting my voice be heard for the first time in years. And yet, the women wanted to get closer to me. Even the Nightbrother began to grope me. Only then, I killed them as easily as I could breathe. Feasting upon their flesh, and tasting of their vessels. I ate till I could no longer lay awake. I fell into what some would call a "Food Coma." I had been for the first time in my life, full, and without hunger.

However, the next morning, I hungered not for food, or sustenance, but for power. For revenge. I thirst for blood. However, I couldn't be here. At the time, my heart and mind said this was wrong. Instead of attacking, I left. I found my Maleling, and we stole a Ship from the Jedi that were attempting to aid us, and left the planet. Now that I thought over this, I smiled a bit. Now? I would have feasted upon them, and the entire clan if my stomach could hold it all. However, I will have to settle for this.

Walking forward, I came into a central chamber. One that had statues of various "Mothers" before me. Names that were long forgotten. And in the center, a mass of broken crystals. I never remember this part of the chamber. Likely because when I left, I didn't want to go deeper into the chamber. What did make me move closer, was what seemed to be the crystals were attuned. One such to match the signature of a woman. I couldn't tell who it was, but I had an idea. Smiling, I walked forward, and grabbed one of these crystals. Cold to the touch, and I felt almost nervous or even fearful of the crystal, I still held it. Wanting more of this... this.... power. This energy.

This crystal was broken and in shambles. However, it could be remade. I knew what it was made of, and I knew what I could do with it. Smiling brightly, I began to reforge this crystal through the force, and the magicks of the Nightsisters.

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