Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG The Murderhawke needs a Jedi Friend

Leon Amun

The Murderhawke Mandalorian
Hello everyone! I hope all of you are keeping safe and healthy!

I'm Looking for a person or several people who would like to have a nice fun, distracting thread together! I'm not looking for anything super serious, more action/comedy than anything. My character is still sorta newish and needs to make connections with people, outside of battle and outside of the Sith Empire. Don't Worry! The Murderhawke isn't evil or blood thirsty or anything like that! He just needs some more friends! I'm mainly looking for LS peeps or characters who aren't all about killing, or even characters who are that just want to play nice and relax for a bit!

If you're interested let me know!

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