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The Mirage

Corporation Name: The Mirage
Headquarters: Neos
Locations: Neos, Antecedant, Nar Shaddaa
Operations: High-Quality Spice, Illegal Firearms, Invisible Market Trading

Rationale: It was not too long ago before the Hutt Cartel rose and fell, that the man known by many as Lysle of the Hydian Way ruled the galactic underground with an iron fist. The notorious Vice President of the Red Ravens, a galaxy-spanning criminal ring that was responsible for the collapse of the Black Sun Syndicate, a criminal empire that had thrived for thousands of years, brought to heel by a select criminal elite.

Lysle had his hand in every pocket that came through Antecedant. He owned corporations, and the Red Ravens soon began to grow too big to be controlled. With Sigourney, President of the Ravens, vanished, Lysle found the stress of the syndicate solely on his shoulders. He needed a way out, he had become a public image. During an attack on Raven assets, he was shot. With the help of his associates, he faked his own death.

When he revealed he was very much alive, it was only the top brass of the Ravens that were in the know. Unfortunately the Ravens were dealt with poor leaders, and their collapse was inevitable. Lysle, Isaac and Jen, the founding members of the Ravens, fled into Unknown Space, and with it total anonymity from the galaxy. Isaac and Jen parted ways, and Lysle, with his immeasurable wealth, began to craft Neos City.

Years of painstaking labor and secrecy, Neos City was created. Criminals of the highest caliber the galaxy-over were given invitations to visit. The nature of Neos City is that of total secrecy, few outside the elite circle of criminals know of its existence, and those that do believe it to be mere rumor.

Then came The Mirage, a collaboration of like-minded crime lords who sought to delicately and quietly pull the rug out from under the criminal factions of the galaxy, those that filled the power vacuum left behind by the Black Suns and Red Ravens. Lysle became the head of The Mirage, an ultra-classified organisation responsible for premium spice manufacturing, illegal firearm distribution and invisible market trading. From his seat of power on Neos, Lysle plans to once more gain the power and wealth he once held.

Tier: Tier 2

As mysterious as they are lethal, The Mirage is a secret criminal syndicate acting as a shadow organization of unknown origins, operation or location. Rumors on Antecedent suggest The Mirage was born after the failed coup by Lysle of the Hydian Way on the Red Ravens, while the streets of Nar Shaddaa insist it is a Black Sun Syndicate operation working in the Unknown Region. No reports are clear.

What has been gleamed by the brief and rare encounters with those affiliated with The Mirage is that it is ran by a small group of individuals living on a planet dedicated solely to night clubs, spice dens and casinos, and that their thugs are known as 'tourists' who are given no other information about The Mirage aside from the organizations name, their mission, and payment.

Speculation suggests that the planet could but Zeltros, however it is unlikely as such an organization would have long been uncovered. Whatever motives The Mirage holds, their interest is keenly held on controlling the criminal underworld.

Lysle Rigger has set up an Invisible Market on Neos, while keeping a tab on Nar Shaddaa with a spice lab, and a firearms factory on Antecedant. These locations were obvious and ideal for the wishes of The Mirage who have a long history with the planets, and coincidentally the planets are the largest hubs of criminal activity in the galaxy.

Subsidiaries: N/A
Parent Corporation: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

Lysle of the Hydian Way said:
Headquarters: Neos Locations: Antecedant, Nar Shaddaa Operations: High-Quality Spice, Illegal Firearms, Invisible Market Trading
please add Neos to the locations field as the HQ qualifies as a location. As you have 3 locations and 3 operations this looks fine without any development.

Make the above edit and it is good to go :)

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