Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mad Prophetess


The Mad Prophetess Marmora
"The Whispers called to me. They brought me to this world, warned me of something coming. Now as I have awakened from this slumber, the Force courses through me. Now I speak the words that the whispers have called, screamed to me. Something is coming, something is returning."
Original Artwork by Brad Rigney, Deviantart image by MillionFireflies
  • The Dark Lady
  • The Black Witch
  • The Witch of The Dead Forest
  • The Dead Queen
  • The Mad Prophetess

SPECIES: Bpfasshi
AGE: 34
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 159 lbs
EYES: Smokey-Grey
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Alabaster White



  • Strong willed and sharp of mind, she is capable of withstanding many mental attacks. The powers of the force that attempt to affect her cognitive and mental faculties seem to be brushed off with ease. This capability apparent though unknown as to where it has come from, or how she came by it. Be it through a fluke of nature and just merely a coincidence or by means of training, Marmora has shown that she is capable of holding her own and preventing her mind from becoming someone's plaything.

  • Patient and collected, calm and enduring as if she were a bulwark standing against the test of time. Those piercing eyes hide behind them the calm before the maelstrom that can often be unleashed. Her strength is in keeping her actions and emotions hidden from others, not allowing them to be seen before they are shown by her hand.

  • Piercing eyes are a strength in their own, with very little needed in the way of speech, she seems capable of moving others by a mere look. Such a look can push others to achieve their greatest desire or be merely moved as her own pawn. It seems that she has somehow managed to harness a means of dominating those of a weak mind and will by exerting her own with mere body language and a simple penetrating glance.

  • The Witch of The Dead Forest, an alias as true as that strength which it seems to bestow upon her. Skilled in the arts of the Sayormi Voodoo, she is able to to create potions, concoctions and brews that would otherwise be mere rotting water in the hands of others. Capable of seeing the potential within a plant and knowing its capabilities with a mere glance.


  • One does not survive the life she has at such a young age and come out unscathed. Rather she has returned from The Dead Forest changed and not for the better. Her mind while honed and calmed is a place of countless words and worry. Paranoia seeps in from all directions as she listens to the whispering voices that push her towards action.

  • Dead within, a soul shattered and torn apart by the mere existence and survival that she was put through. That which she has seen, that which she has felt has turned her into a hollow being. Incapable of making connections with others, incapable of the mere thought of empathy or understanding.

  • A narrowmind, such a trait in which she is incapable of seeing a picture at large, nor does she believe that there are those whom can truly prevent her from that desired course or goal that she so wills herself upon. When things do not happen as she directs them, she is incapable of truly and fully understanding that it was from the intervention of another.

  • Awakened. The world of Miasma has done this, the whispers of her Dark God have pushed her forward, torn at her mind and filled her head with a chorus of millions of screaming, clawing dreams. Her eyes burst open as she sleeps, objects around her thrown about or float of their own volition. She has tapped into the Force and now she has no means of controlling such raw power, making her even more unpredictable.

Lithe and slender, with pale skin which appears nearly lifeless and cold to the touch. Raven black locks of hair cascade down upon her shoulders, flowing along her back as if it were a waterfall. Deep smokey grey eyes piece those whom they are set upon, as black cosmetics cause them to appear as if they are two dying stars in the night sky. Full lips painted black are often in a small curl of a smile, making her expression unsettling to many.

Her face is framed by the large crown that she wears, a skull upon the front as crags raise up in a circle. A mourners veil hands from within, draped over the sides and back, as it comes to rest on her shoulders. Long leather sleeves, decorated with ornate pieces of silver coated metals cover the length of her arms, with her hands left free of any such burden of material. Hanging low upon her hips is a length of a dark skirt, with ornamental frame rising up and around. Her bust is covered, though only enough to be called decent, as her midriff and cleavage is shown in enticement of others.


Lost as a child, found by those of the Sayormi, bound for death and use as a sacrifice within their rituals. A last moment stay of a hand and snatching of another prevented her from dying as a child. Though was death so much worst than the next years she spent with the Sayormi? Countless years fly by as she was pulled deeper and deeper within the culture, finding herself at a point in which mere justification or even understanding the tears in another's eyes no longer meant a thing to her.

From this endeavor, this dark purgatory that she survived, Marmora emerged. The Dark Lady, The Witch of The Dead Forest, and other such names that allude to her place of being. Her mind honed and sharped, while warped and misguided. Now her goal is clear and simple, at least in her mind, as the whispers continue to grow louder and urge her forward.

Awakening in the mists of Miasma, she has reached her destination, the place upon which the whispers in her mind drove her, spoke to her, and sought to lay her. She has arrived, this darkened world, this darkened Galaxy about to be pushed into further darkness. Still the whispers speak to her, tell her of something coming from beyond the Galaxy. These whispers of her Dark God grow with each passing moment, her mind is never silent, for now she has Awakened, and the Darkness of Miasma seeps with in her.










While it does look interesting, Marmoa's creation predates the Primeval faction.

Plus, she has her own Dark Deity to find that is whispering in her mind.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Well at the very least, if you're ever interested in joining a faction; we're always obliged to make it work through threads. I could see her in a position similar to [member="The Queen"].

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