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Work In Progress The Lizard Twins - Gyle and Jyle

NPC Family Template 5.0



  • Family Name: The Lizard Twins
  • Family Type: Twin Brothers
  • Place of Origin: Nar Shaddaa
  • Family Size: Two
  • Loyalties: The highest bidder. Often Gatz Derrevar.
  • Description: A pair of twin brothers who work on Nar Shaddaa as hired muscle, often for irrelevant crime lords, or whoever happens to be paying them credits that week. Though they prefer easy jobs that don't involve risking their lives, both brothers are above average combatants. Gyle is particularly talented with vibroswords, while Jyle prefers blaster rifles.
  • Name: Gyle
  • Age: 30
  • Species: Trandoshan
  • Role: Older twin brother
  • Languages: Basic, Dosh, and Huttese,
  • Skills: Brawling, slicing, and marksmanship.
  • Notable Possessions: A worn A280 Blaster Rifle
  • Holdings: A small apartment he shares with his brother on Nar Shaddaa.
  • Appearance Gyle is large, muscular Trandoshan. He is both wider and taller than average for his species, standing at about seven and a half feet tall. His scales are a light green color, and his eyes are the typical orange/brown color for his species.
  • Description: Gyle is a very social man. He's blunt, and he doesn't like to beat around the bush, but he often fills silence with his words. He is the nicer of the two brothers, willing to talk down a foe instead of just shooting them. As the older brother, he often takes on the responsibilities of finding new work for them, as well as handling most of the day to day responsibilities. His brother's quiet and rude nature annoys him, but at the end of the day Jyle is still his brother, and he will defend him with his life.
  • Name: Jyle
  • Age: 30
  • Species: Trandoshan
  • Role: Younger twin brother
  • Languages: Basic, Dosh, and Huttese,
  • Skills: Jyle is a master with a vibrosword, and excels in stealth and espionage—not that he ever really uses those skills.
  • Notable Possessions: A well cared for vibrosword.
  • Holdings: A small apartment he shares with his brother on Nar Shaddaa.
  • Appearance Like his brother, Jyle is taller than most of his species. Unlike his brother, however, he's on the thin side, and lacks his brother's heavy musculature. His scales are a darker green than his brother's, and his eyes are a dark red color, instead of the orange/dark brown shade typical for his species.
  • Description: Jyle is the quiet and stoic member of the twins. Unlike his brother, he has little use for conversation, and often doesn't even speak in full sentences. He doesn't care for niceties, and often comes off as rude. Unlike Gyle, Jyle would rather kill a man and be done with a problem, than take the time to negotiate. He believes direct violence is simply more efficient. Though his brother's chatty nature irritates him, he is still more than willing to kill to protect Gyle. And also for money.

Gyle and Jyle are a pair of twin Trandoshan brothers who work as mercenaries. Usually, they take work that sees them acting as hired muscle, and they prefer work where all they really have to do is look tough. When a fight breaks out, Gyle often tries to talk down the conflict, while Jyle waits impatiently for his twin brother to fail so that he can get to killing people with a sword. When a fight is unavoidable, Gyle often hangs in the back with his blaster rifle, taking down targets from afar. Jyle, on the other hand, prefers a more intimate approach: gutting his enemies up close.

They can often be found in the Red Light District on Nar Shaddaa, where they both work and live. If you have the credits, they're open to being hired.

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