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Empire of the Lost

A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees based in the Lianna system rallying behind the idea of establishing an empire to secure peace and order for their people, noted for their realpolitik attitude and flexible internal affairs.

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The Imperial Paragons - A Marine Corps




Upon rising to control the Empire of the Lost, the Emperor created a mandate to form an elite shock-troop of marines who were trained and equipped for extreme combat environments, like contested landings and planetary beach-heads. It was ordered that the members of this elite marine corps be pulled from the ranks of Navy Security and Navy Commando forces. The formation and organization of this new force and the design of their specialized equipment took some time, but now the Imperial Paragons are finally ready to deploy.

Imperial Paragon Info
The Imperial Marines, also known as the Imperial Paragons, are tasked with the role of conducting highly-contested boarding actions and establishing beach-heads and capturing landing-zones so that regular forces can follow-on and bring invasion troops, vehicles, and equipment for long-term engagement and occupation.

They are typically not utilized for extended combat operations or nuanced objectives. Their job is to roar in, tear stuff up, and make a place safe for nimbler and more lightly armed forces to follow and conduct standard combat operations.

Marines are unique among Naval troops in that they do not require a ship in order to perform insertions. Their equipment allows each individual trooper to be their own dropship.

Their ranks are pulled from the most experienced Naval security and commando officers. Usually, no more than 5% of a ship's onboard troops will be Imperial Marines, and it is considered a high-prestige position with guaranteed intense combat associated with it. Regardless, many foes would prefer to encounter the full 95% of standard Naval troops as opposed to the 5% juggernauts that are the Imperial Marines.

Ranks of the Imperial Paragons

Ensign - This is the typical entry-rank of the Paragons, gained after receiving training and performing service in other areas of the Navy, usually in Security or as a Commando. An Ensign usually Commands no units, but may be assigned to Command a Squad of 5 fellow Ensigns as a Squad Leader.

Lieutenant - The first of the command ranks, a Lieutenant is typically assigned to commands up to 20 units of Ensigns.

Captain - The second command tier after Lieutenant, a Captain commands 40-80 units, and is the highest rank found on a typical navy vessel.

Commander - The third tier of command ranks, Commanders typically control between 320-480 Units, and are usually only found on star destroyers or the largest troop transports.

Major - The fourth tier of the command ranks, Majors control 480-2,000 units, and are usually only found on super star destroyers or as part of very large field operations

Colonel - This is the leader of the entire Marine Corps. The leader of the Paragons is usually not found in the field except during important planetary invasions.

Methods of the Imperial Paragons

Imperial Paragons are often launched directly from spaceborne ships. One common use is to have them forcibly board disabled ships which have an active and motivated defending force aboard. Their hulking forms then march down corridors, gunning down all opposition.

Another common use of the Paragons is to establish a beach-head and secure a landing site so that regular army units and materiel can safely transition to planetside operations. In such a case, they will often perform entry into the atmosphere from orbit, dodging anti-aircraft fire on their dive down. Then, at the last possible moment, they will fire their rocket thrusters and stop descending a mere couple of meters off of the ground. From this position, they lay down withering blaster fire and grenade launches to devastate defenders on the ground. Once a safe space is made for landing craft, regular forces touch down and take control of further operations.

From time to time, Paragons may be tasked with performing other operations that involve shock and awe. They are never used for missions involving subtlety or stealth. Such missions are best left to Special Forces of other varieties.

Resources of the Imperial Crusaders

Roster of the Imperial Paragons

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