Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hunt

Orion came out of hyperspace above the planet Toydaria. He didn't have very much fuel and was growing increasingly hungry. Not to mention that he didn't have any supplies. Plus, he wasn't sure how long his hyperdrive would hold out considering it was a very old model. He hoped that Toydaria was somewhat the same as he had remembered and that he wasn't going to be attacked by the inhabitants. He landed in the nearest city, and walked out of his ship. He threw a few credits at the Toydarian at the dock to fuel up his ship, and he headed off toward the nearest bar. He just hoped he wouldn't anger any of the drunkards inside.
Toydaria. A stinky, smelly, worthless planet. Of course, that is where Actakos had ended up. After the defeat at Zenith Prime, he wasn't sure what job would present itself. The Geonosians had paid him well, and fortunately most of them had been killed and nobody was left to blame him for the failure. He ended up on Toydaria because he needed fuel, and needed to get his jetpack repaired. Fortunately, he had gotten the parts and was nearly done fixing it when he saw a man wearing all black walk past him and head toward the bar. He instantly noticed something about the man, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. There was just something Actakos didn't like. Whoever the man was, Actakos was going to follow him.
"Give me whatever your best selling drink is" Orion slapped a credit down on the table.

"Here sir" The Ithorian handed him a mug. Orion sipped from it and instantly frowned. The taste was awful, and Orion really had no idea what it was. He hacked and coughed a few times and then called for some food. As he sat there and ate, he could hear a loud metallic noise enter the bar. He slightly tilted his head to notice a large, metallic being with a tattered hood walking toward the back corner. He doesn't belong in here. He looks like a droid. He sat there and then kept eating. He must be a cyborg.

Orion, concerned with why this huge beast had entered the bar, finished his food and stood up, preparing to leave.
Actakos saw the man look over. He realized that they now both recognized each other and Actakos still didn't know who he was. He looks like a Jedi. Normally people don't wear cloaks like that. Actakos was now convinced that he was following a Jedi. And he hated the Jedi. The thrill of hunting them was all he ever cared about. Money as simply an object. But the death of Jedi would make him so happy. As he watched him leave, he followed.
Orion walked outside, and then headed off down the road. The cyborg was following him, and Orion needed to get to his ship. But instead, he decided to lead the cyborg away from the main area of the city. If he could get to a hidden area or abandoned building, he would turn around and kill his stalker. He headed to a back alleyway and found a large, ruined apartments complex. It would work for what he had planned to do. He dashed inside, with the cyborg hot on his heels.
Actakos followed him all the way to the abandoned complex. He watched him dart inside and followed quickly behind. As soon as he entered the building, he destroyed the doorway, leaving the two trapped inside.
Orion turned back and watched as the doorway collapsed. He was now trapped in here, and he wasn't sure what the cyborg was capable of. His best chance was to just draw his weapon and prepare to defend himself. He grabbed his green lightsaber and drew it pointing straight down at the floor. He put his feet together and his other hand behind his back. His Makashi stance was flawless. If the cyborg didn't have a vibroblade or a lightsaber, he would switch to Soresu. "Who are you!? Why are you following me!?"
Glee. If Actakos' face could be seen, it would show a facial expression of glee. Seeing the man draw a lightsaber made him so happy. He had found a Jedi, and he was intent on killing him. He reached onto his back and grabbed his doublebladed red lightsaber and ignited it. "I am Actakos! I am a Jedi Hunter. I think you can figure out the rest." With that, he swung straight at Orion. He hoped to knock him off balance.
Orion blocked the swing, and realized Actakos was far stronger than him. His metallic body gave him a significant edge as far as strength goes. Orion hoped to be able to outmaneuver him. He rolled out of the way of his next attack, and forced a destroyed pillar toward him. Actakos blocked the attack, and then his left arm transformed into a large cannon. Orion had to roll multiple times to avoid the blasts coming his way. Eventually though, he would have to go on the offensive.
Actakos enjoyed shooting at the Jedi and watching him run and roll to try and avoid it. However, he was growing bored. It was time to actually kill his target. He kept firing at Orion as he advanced, spinning his lightsaber to intimidate his foe. He felt that his disadvantage of being stuck inside was nullified by his strength advantage. The human body was far too weak to contend with his thick, metal exosuit.
Orion noticed him advancing on him. It was time to make a move. Once Actakos got close enough, Orion used the force to pull the ceiling down on top of him, burying him in stone. As soon as that happened, Orion climbed out of the building and ran off down the road. He wasn't going to get back to his ship. He was going to have to steal someone else's and get off world before Actakos caught him.
Actakos was about to move in for the kill, and then the roof came down on top of him. He laid there for a moment, and once he realized what had happened, he sent the stone flying everywhere. He screamed in rage and then flew up above the building. He opened his glider and took off in the direction he saw Orion running. Actakos was now in his element. Being outside, he was far more mobile and would be able to catch Orion.
Orion could hear the scream from the building and saw Actakos flying over him. He had to take him down before he could catch him. Orion spun around and sent bolts of electricity flying into Actakos, hoping to short out his armor or his jetpack and slow him down till he could grab a ship. He then kept running and soon saw exactly what he was looking for. A Jedi starfighter. It was red, and seemed to be rusting in several places. But it was too bad. He quickly ran up to the ship and saw a Rodian reaching into the cockpit. Orion grabbed him around the waist and threw him out of the ship and onto the ground. He then started the ship and flew off into space, and prepared to head into Kathol Outback space.
Actakos felt an awful pain in his chest and plummeted to the ground. The bolt of electricity shorted out his armor and he crashed into the dirt. He was knocked out, and awoke only a few minutes later. His exoskeleton rebooted and he stood up. Orion was gone, and Actakos had made a mess of the city. Instead of sticking around, he decided to head back to his Sith Infiltrator and fly off world and head somewhere else.

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