Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Hunt is on

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


The Mandalorian was high above the rancid marshlands below, perched on one of the many twisted branches coated in moss and vines that descended back down into the nearby river. She had been tracking the beast for several days now, always on the lookout through Thermal Optics to ensure it didn't get the jump on her from beneath the water.

Just one slip up- just one misstep- and she could easily become something's dinner out here...

Luckily she had been patient. Bided her time, observed the beast's routine stops and feeding habits. The only question left was: How to do it? She could always just ambush it here, try a rocket or even plasma thrower if she was feeling ballsy. Or set a trap maybe? provided that anything was stupid enough to crawl out after what happened yesterday.

Hopefully something would come along soon... she needed those scales.


Daughter of The Destroyer

Tag: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

"So...Dima has to uhhh...go out THERE?" Five eyes dilated and drifted over the foggy, humid swamp marshes of the strange planet she had been dragged to with the promise of worthy prey to sharpen her killing potential. But the more she looked around the planets environment the less enthusiastic Dima became with the idea of hunting as her droid levitated a little over her shoulder. "This one does not wanna hunt here she thinks~" Dima quipped rather...nervously as she peered off the ramp of her ship towards the mushy, slushy mud and muck stirring around her ship as her tail rattled in disgust. "It's all wet and icky X9 why couldn't you find prey on like...a DRY planet!?" She complained, her lower pair of arms plucking up the fabric of her purple colored dress as if to keep it from the filth below.

"Dima you SAID you wanted to hunt beast! If i recall, your exact words were 'X9, this one demands worthy prey! Mighty beast like in Dimas stories!' And then you shoved that picture book in my face rambling on about monsters and creatures that need slain by your claws!" X9 quipped back, floating out from the ramp and hovering over the muddy marshes. "And besides! You LOVE feral, primitive planets! You literally hang out on Felucia in your own FREE TIME because you ENJOYED it! This is nothing compared to that!" He reminded her, causing her to shake her head and take a step back up the ramp.

"Y-yeah but Felucia is pretty! And more importantly Dima is a noble lady now ok this one can't go SLOGGING through mud and nastiness!" She whined, gesturing to herself with her upper pair of arms. "Dima will ruin her lady dress Dima traded a LOT of shinies to be this fancy ok!" He twirled on the ramp, causing the fabric of her armors dress to drift through the air as she giggled girlishly in delight. X9 however stared almost deadpan at the impish alien woman.

"I've seen you carve a path of devastation through a city so gruesome that by the time you returned to the ship your dress was ripped to shreds and what wasn't shredded was SOAKED in blood, guts and carnage. The mud should be the least of your worries but also IF YOU DON'T WANNA GET IT DIRTY WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS WEARING A DRESS WITH YOUR BATTLE ARMOR!?" The droid shouted back at her, causing Dimas brain to twist for a moment as she stood there awkwardly.

"That's different! The godlings always look so pretty and nice with their clothes and noble why can't Dima!?" She quipped in return. "Dima is not going, Dima is a noble lady of manda, a proper one! Dima does not dirty herself for lesser prey anymore. Dima is mature now!" She sang towards him before turning her back to the droid and the planet and tipping up her nose.

X9 stared some more, then drifted a bit further out. And just to test that theory of hers began to make a commotion. "Well ok, i guess we'll have to leave after coming all this wa- DIMA LOOK! WE'VE GOT MOVEMENT I THINK ITS THE BEAST!" X9 cried out.

It worked almost to well.

Before he could continue Dimas axe was already gripped tightly into her hands, snatching it from her back and SPLASHING into the muck without even thinking about it as her tail poised and rattled viciously. Teeth lining her jaws chittering audibly as she looked around frantically. "WHAT!? WHERE!? WHERE IS IT DIMA WILL CLAW AND BITE AND EAT!" She hissed, practically knee deep in mud and filth RUINING her dress as X9 just sat there calmly now staring at her as she came to meet him.

"Oh actually i think it was just a fish, false alarm. But HEY, now that your here and already dirty i guess the hunt is on!" X9 quipped, causing Dimas brain to slowly process what had happened as she looked down to see she was thigh deep in water and mud.

"W-wait huh? Oh no no no DIMAS DRESS!" She cried, X9 levitating to her and circling around her head.

"Yes yes a travesty, but nothing to be done about it now. Don't worry we'll get it cleaned up real nice when we get back. C'mon, we ain't fly all the way out here for nothing and if we return home empty handed your just going to complain and talk my ear off about wanting a 'trophy room of beast skulls' and you can't get the skulls unless yoooooou?" He asked, wanting her to finish the sentence as Dima sulked and sighed.

"As if a worthy beast even lives in such a terrible place~" She dryly replied.

Oh this was going to be a dreadful hunt, she could already feel it in her bones.

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

The sound of roaring ion engines would have been enough to stir the entire marsh all on it's own, and certainly stirred Tae'l from the monotonous fishing game, prompting a quick jog through the canopy and many a leap from one tree to the other via jetpack. Once close to the drop-off though, she was sure to use a grappling spike to swing between the widest gaps. From this height, it should have been silent.


Something big hit the water, catching the hunter's eye as she came to running stop atop one of the great trees that had fallen, creating a bridge between two living specimens above what appeared to be a hovering star-ship.

"W-wait huh? Oh no no no DIMAS DRESS!"

The voices were feint, but whoever it was, they didn't sound too happy. "Hmph" She laughed to herself at the child-like display.

Wait... did she recognize them?

Something about that armor seemed familiar... It was certainly Mandalorian, though it seemed awfully... posh to the mercenary.
Probably Enclave, she thought.

Wait... DIMA?

That strange alien girl that barged in on her meeting with the Seers. But that was years ago, what is she doing here?

It was possible that Mother had sent them here to find her. Dima was a member of their house after all, though the thought of Aloy going to the Enclave for help didn't make much sense. Not after she stormed out of the council to declare Akaan'gaan.

No, it was more likely that they'd arrived looking for something or someone else of their own accord. But what? were they hunting wildlife like her?

She decides to follow them from a distance, for now, creeping along the bottom of the great log with her crush-gaunt and wristblades like an arachnid, hoping she'd come close enough to listen in on whatever these two were saying...

Daughter of The Destroyer

Tag: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

"UUUUUHHHHGGGhHHH!" A voice groaned out so dramatically that the birds singing and chirping around her all fled in alarm into the skies above as the young Domina slogged and trudged through what felt like endless miles of marsh and swamp when in reality?

She had only been walking for about fifteen minutes.

"X9! This is like, totally NOT cool as the humans say! Dima wants to go home!" She whined and complained, dragging her legs and climbing up onto a nearby root of an overgrown tree to escape the flooded earth. The fine fabric of her dark purple dress completely caked and painted in brownish green muck, her feet completely covered as she lifted her dress and kicked her feet as if to shake the filthy mess away from her legs. "Ewwwww, YUCK! YUCK! YUCK! This planet SUCKS! No SHINIES no PREY and no FUN!" She hissed, gripping her axe angrily in her upper pair of arms as the droid levitated beside her.

"Oh come on it's not that bad. Remember Rishi when you fell in the tar?" X9 mused, attempting to distract her from the tantrum she was clearly moments from throwing.

"This one DID NOT fall!" She snapped back, abruptly turning around and snatching the droid into her claws as if trapping it within a bird cage. "Dima just...slipped is all~" She corrected with a coo, before letting the droid go from her grip.

In actuality, she tripped because she was distracted at the time. But Dima was a mighty huntress! And a good hunter did not fall.

"Ohhhh, i see i see~" The droid agreed just to quiet her down as Dima scoffed.

" go get ship~" Dima quipped, causing the Droid to stare at her deadpan.

"...So you really came all the way out here just to make us leave empty handed?" X9 asked. "Not very 'glorious' Dima. What would your cousins think if you returned from a hunt without a kill?" They persuaded, causing Dima to pause in her tracks and consider this for a moment.

"...Dimas hands aren't empty. This one has her axe~" She responded bluntly before flicking her tail. "And cousins don't have to know! Don't tell them ok or Dima will break your shell again!" She barked aggressively, causing X9 to drift back and away from her due to her threatening energy.

The suddenly. There was a sound that reached those sensitive ears even beyond her shouting, barking and hissing. The sound of bark being ripped from its trunk and branches being snapped caused Dominas grip to clench her axe as she suddenly winded her arm up and back while lifting her knee up towards her chest as if winding up a pitch. "Dima. Is. Not~" She began murmuring while building the power in her biceps and shoulder muscles.


She snarled before unleashing an explosive swing and throwing her axe upward and towards the branch she had pinpointed the sound to. The sheer force behind the throw causing the axe to SEVER through the branch where her stalker crawled, tearing the trees branch apart and collapsing the entire branch down into the marshes. Unsure what the hell she had even engaged, it could have easily been a bird.

But Dima felt like she was being watched so her paranoia had gotten the best of her.

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

What are you up to, my four armed friend? Tae'l thought to herself, watching from high above as the alien the alien below her began to wind up for an attack. But, what was she even attacking?
"Dima. Is. Not~


The stalking Twi'lek could hardly believe her eyes when the hefty axe was thrown upwards, spinning towards her in a flash of golden light. She barely had time to move, swinging her whole body aside and letting go of the great tree- hoping desperately that she could swing away in time- but hoping in vain. With a sickening ✱snap her gauntlet was struck, one of her two wrist blades unable to bear the strain of such a powerful blow- bending and then snapping the softer "liquid-beskar" of her mother's design, leaving her to plummet into the waters below.

The last thing she saw before hitting the bottom were falling branches and splinters, followed by a flash of white...

. . .

The hell WAS that?

It didn't take long for those beady green eyes to open again, rapidly darting around to take in their surroundings as water began to fill her helmet. It was dark, hazy even, but the strange patterns of light dancing across the water's surface quickly brought the reality of her situation to mind.

Luckily, being born of a species that dwelled in caves, her eyes were quick in adjusting to the dark below, informing the young Twi'lek that she wasn't too deep. And more importantly, now she knew where Dima was... at least, assuming those strange feet a short distance away were Dima's anyway. And with her cybernetics, perhaps she could last longer down here than her seeming hunter would expect.

She took one last breath of fresh air shortly before her helm filled completely with fetid swamp water, a miniscule crutch to lean on before her cybernetic lungs began siphoning from the emergency oxygen stocks implanted within. There was just enough water above to mask her movement as she turned over on her belly, quietly dragging herself along the murky bottom until she was close enough to strike...

Tae'l grit her teeth as the broken wrist blade slid from it's sheath, only one blade still operable and the other lost entirely. Nethertheless, she pulled back- and thrust the remaining blade right at the center of the Alien's clawed foot- then immediately reaching for their leg to pull her under with the
experimental crushgaunt!
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Daughter of The Destroyer

Tag: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla


Five eyes watched as the water stirred from the branch falling into its depths, mainly searching for the panic and such that commonly came with dropping prey into water but oddly enough not finding any flailing limbs splashing about in the water. Tilting her head awkwardly, having expected whatever she had thrown her axe into would have came gasping to the surface for air.

That could only mean ONE THING.

Dima had killed whatever was stalking her! This notion bringing a satisfying chitter of her teeth as she smiled confidently giggled inwardly, barely even registering that her axe she had chucked into the air was currently cleaved into the side of a tree up above.

"Well that was EASY. See X9? Dima is just too clever you see, nothing ever gets the drop on-"

There was suddenly a tightening grip on Dimas leg, squeezing and YANKING the xeno down towards the water as Dimas gloating had gotten the best of her, causing Dima to gasp abruptly as she was suddenly dragged down into the water faster than she could react.

"GWWUHH!" She panicked, immediately splashing into the water and sinking neck deep then having her helmet dunked under the murky, swampy waters which caused all four of the young aliens arms to flail wildly and then LATCH onto the roots of a tree and prying herself back above water. "AHHH NO! DIMA WAS WRONG X9! DIMA WAS VERY WRON-GAH!" She wheezed, suddenly being yanked back into the water and instinctively freaking out as her tail began to whirl through the water in attempts to slap whatever was attacking her away

Her four arms reached out to grip the roots of trees again so she could slowly drag herself back to the surface as her tail went on the defensive, stabbing slashing and wildly swinging about in attempts to keep whatever was attacking her at bay.

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ
Domina Prime Domina Prime

Tae'l was satisfied with the struggle, pulling the other Mandalorian under a second time while she searched for another gap to sink her blades in- which seemed to be on the legs and hands still- before going in for another strike.

But before she could land another blow, The alien "predator" lashed out with a strong tail that caught her off guard, leaving a long gash through the brown paint on her breastplate and throwing her a few paces back in the river, leaving her floating there for a moment while she watched the hostile Vizsla drag herself out in a panic.

So she can't swim? She thought, tilting her head at the display.

With this new information in mind, she finally stood up, water cascading down her visor and arms as she cast her smart-rope out, trying to latch on and drag her back under the water!

Perhaps her training on Kamino would be of more benefit than she thought.



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