Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hunt Begins (Part 2)

Kes En'jusek

Cold Blooded Assassin.
The trip to the Alactaar System would be a relatively short one taking around a couple of hours. Kes had been walking around the hangar bay of HK-42's ship where her own Sajnen Starfighter R starfighter had been parked. It ended up being a boring and uneventful few hours, as the ship, or at least the area she had wondered around in had nothing of interest for her.

Kes made her way back to the cockpit not long after the exit out of hyperspace. Several of its moons could visibility be seen as the fifth moon, their destination loomed largely directly ahead of them.

"Scan the surface for life forms before initiating entry to the moon's surface. I believe there is an old Imperial factory at the following coordinates on the surface. I believe it to be abandoned, however do your scan first just in case." Kes would advise somewhat confident of her knowledge of the area, as she handed the droid a datapad with the desired coordinates.

Of course Kes suspected that some of the abandoned factory's defence turrets may still have been active. Set to automatically fire on any unknown newcomer such as them. She knew that going in alone in her small starfighter might get herself shot down on approach. However with HK-42's bigger and stronger ship, she figured that if they were to get fired upon, that they would still be able to sustain some hits, and still land safely. The whole point of going to this moon with the newly acquainted with droid was for this purpose alone, otherwise she would have gone in alone, and without the possible need of any violence should someone else want the HK droid in question in which she sought.


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