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The Hammer and Honey [Workshop]



  • Image Source: Source.
  • Canon Link: N/a
  • Primary Source: N/a


  • Workshop Name: Hammer and Honey
  • Location: Workshops physical location exists in Baron's Hed, Sulon. However, critical components of crafting are provided from the Katarn Homestead and the Katarn Apiary.
  • Specialty: Lightside alchemy and blacksmith crafting.
  • Tier: III


The Hammer and Honey is an amalgamation of several different passions, all formed from idle tasks that garnered some form of foundation upon Sulon. In some fashion, the Hammer and Honey is an abandoned industrial warehouse that Gabe re-purposed for creation of smith related items. In another fashion, this is a life's labor that formed from the basement of a house and within the forests of the back lot. Marrying the many different techniques that could be considered lightside alchemy (Jal Shey Imbuement, Gesaril Carving, Upari-cutting, etc.), Gabe has pushed to entrench himself in the process of imbuement adhering. This has made him quite the practitioner, not only gaining ability with typical products (such as lightsabers and armor), but also with consumables such as mead and honey.

Because his time his split between acting Marshal of the Galactic Alliance and acting Sheriff of Sulon, Gabe's time is limited. Having full access to Ankarres wood and the tertiary products, he has the resources necessary to craft unique jewels, weapons, armor, and consumable products. But it's simply a matter of time. He's more often motivated by unique concepts or by customers who have a unique story or particularly selfless focus. And as is custom on Sulon, he is far more likely to craft an item if bartering was used in haggling for the price.


Because of his expertise in militant work, the government of Baron's Hed first provided him the Katarn Homestead for services in law enforcement. Quickly turning his eye towards the betterment of the land, Gabe took to stewardship. This only became more pronounced as the homestead was gifted a bundle of living ankarres trees. Through his adventuring to Annaj and beyond, Gabe began to expand his knowledge on the various practices of lightside imbuement. Through idle practice and desire to distract his mind, Gabe took to the local economy and beyond to supply his own growing craft. After a good deal of time serving Baron's Hed, he purchased a lot through foreclosure auction. After converting the small facility into a smithing locale, he opened a small business front that produced wares for show on every other weekend.

While he works this facility for the enjoyment of passing time, his passion lies in his apiary and the ankarres woods. It is there that he crafts his honey and mead, which are just as capable of being imbued with Jal Shey as the wooden counterpart.

PARENT CORPORATION: While not a subsidiary, this workshop directly supplies the Great Leap Forward, Inc. through it's various locations via Marrow and Illskins. The primary facility which can sell these products, outside of Sulon, is the Annaj - Ikkermill Swamp Store, for which Gabe is a partial owner.

Modification made: Advance from Tier II to Tier III

Rationale: Just making honey and stuff

4 Unique or Semi-Unique Products:

4 Personal Commission Threads:

New Submission: The original is fine.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.

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