Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Government | How it Works


Elector Primo [Closed Rank- Held by FO]

The absolute top when it comes to legislative and executive power within the Corporate Protectorate. The Elector is responsible for the final decisions on proposals from lower ranked officials, military and other entities within the faction. They speak for the entirety of the government and military. The Elector's Power may seem very inticing however the Creation of this rank from Consul made the Magistrate (If they ever agree on anything) more autonomous making it easier for them to conspire to go against the Elector's Will.

Princeps [Closed Rank- Held by Faction Admin]

The Princeps is the literal extension of the Rank of Elector. By law there can only be two, no more, no less. Usually a Princeps is assigned to head up a certain sector of the government (Those being State and Military) during times of crisis and change they are required to attend to all matters of the Corporate Protectorate.

2. Legate: [Admin Approval]

The Legates are the first step down from the Princeps in terms of executive power. A single Legate handles the bureaucracy and political governing of multiple systems. [minimal 3 hexes, max 5 hexes] They oversee the Hex Prefects and in concordance with the Prefects, they can decide on everything within their territory; going from the production of goods, making contracts with companies and the overall military presence. They can be overruled by a majority vote of the prefects or by a Princeps or if nesscary the Elector

3. Prefect [0 so far]

Prefects are the governmental position which grants rule over a single hex/system within the greater Corporate Protectorate. Just like the Legate, they can run their territory with absolute impunity as long as they have the majority support of the lower ranked officials and are not being veto'd by their higher ranking superiors. A prefect can be Veto'd by a majority vote of their representing Magistrates or their superior.

4. Magistrate [2 so far]

The Magistrates are the lowest "high" officials within the government. They are the ones closest to the actual people of the Corporate Protectorate and are tasked with both the census of people, statistics within the faction, etc.

- Aedile: The Aedile's are planetary Magisters, those who govern a planet and are responsible for all of said planet's aspects. They can be veto'd by their anyone above their rank.

-Quaestor: The Quaestors are the Magisters that do not serve as planetary rulers, but as advisors to practically every rank within the government. These could be merchants that have loyalty contracts with the Protectorate or who have holdings within the protectorate. They can be secretaries, accountants, even former military personnel. Their job is to keep the wheels turning and to make sure that every proposal or contract which has been formed is made knowledgeable throughout the government to ensure transparency.

The Process of Doctrine



[member="Savri Sal II"]- Elector Primo
Admin- Princeps
Admin- Princeps


[member="Nexus Krae"] - V'ranti Vo No of V'ranti (Defacto Adiele Magistrate)
[member="Chris Walker"] - Representative of Nothmir (Does not hold any Political Stance thus not breaking The Pick One Policy)

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