Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Fox and The Hound


Location: Coruscant
Tag: The Vulptex The Vulptex

The bounty hunter never really liked the galactic capital. A sentiment generally shared with most planets covered in urban sprawl. They also had a bad vibe to them, with sad and destitute inhabitants. But there was always opportunity as well. Some of the best bounty hunting work came from such planets. Would never even need to go off-world either.

Currently however Cyran wasn’t hunting bounties, he was being commissioned by the guild to work security for a corporate crook in the higher levels. They were on leave as well, so he was little more than a glorified house sitter. Then again it was hard to complain, getting to hang out in a luxury penthouse for a week and get paid was pretty easy.

The zeltron bounty hunter didn’t even have all his gear with him either, just his blaster pistol. Leaving the other stuff stashed away in the apartment. In the meantime he figured he’s spend some time reviewing his client’s expensive liquor cabinet for anything that would be of interest for a zeltron like himself.

The Vulptex

Thief of Thieves. Ninja Master.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon of the endless city, the lazy hours of the night seemed to take over the afternoon brightness. This was when the Vulptex struck. The balcony of the high rise didn't seem to bother a thief such as herself. Scaling 20 stories? Pssssh. The fun part was avoiding detection as she did. Lucky for her, roof running was practically a hobby of hers. She just had to make her way to an adjacent roof, and jump. Her grapple gun did the rest of the work, hooking onto the roof above the balcony.

As she zipped her way up, she took a moment to hook onto the ledge before vaulting over. Always check your entrance. Her mask flipped to infrared, scanning through the metal that she hung onto silent. One person inside, wielding some form of blaster pistol, and...a jetpack? Oh dear. This would take some doing...

Lifting herself just over the balcony, she pulled out her blaster, flipping it to it's ionize setting. Firing it at the unsuspecting Mando would at least knock out his gear for a bit. Then she threw a smoke bomb over, and into the room.
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Location: Coruscant
Tag: The Vulptex The Vulptex

Cyran was too enveloped by looking over the expensive liquors to notice the Ninja sneaking around. Reading the labels and the proof percentage on them. Sure these words are hard drinks, for a human. But that second liver in his gut would need a lot more for him to feel intoxicated at all.

He didn’t even have his helmet on at the moment, but the rest of his attire sparked up and seemed to malfunction as an ionizing round rippled across him. This caused him to finally look up and see what was happening. Even dropping the glass bottle on the floor. Broken glass shattered across it’s impact.

However, all that Cyran was met with was a sudden cloud of smoke. Which he knew wasn’t good. Already he knew that this wasn’t some ordinary breakin. In a quick flash of movement he drew his blaster pistol from his side, not realizing yet that it too was out of commission. But still he kept it on the stun setting and trained its barrel towards the cloud of smoke.


Location: Coruscant
Tag: The Vulptex The Vulptex

The moment the bounty hunter saw the masked individual he narrowed his eyes and squeezed the trigger of his blaster pistol. Nothing. He knew now that even his weapon had been deactivated now. But he couldn’t let that distract and throw him off now. His expression widened as he noticed the round projectile being thrown at him.

At first he thought it was some kind of grenade. Reflexively he reached his hand out to intercept it with impressive speed. But once more he was subverted as it crumbled on impact in his hand. From it came some sort of substance. Since he had blocked Cyran was spared the full effect of the weapon. But still his eyes, nose and lips began to sting as it got into the air around him.

That’s what he gets for not wearing his helmet…

“Ack! W-What the hell?” The pink man managed to cough out and instinctively began to recoil from what was happening.


Location: Coruscant
Tag: The Vulptex The Vulptex

With his senses dulled with a stinging pain it was going to make things way harder. He was wise enough though to know not to rub his eyes with his hand as it took most of the egg. He could still hear however, and his limited telepathic abilities aided a little in narrowing down where his assailant was.

Suddenly he heard what sounded like a chain. With his eyes shut he still couldn’t see where from. Cyran heard what sounded like a long flail rushing towards him. Narrowly he dodged what was going to be a nasty blow to the face before reaching out and grabbing the chain.

“Gotcha…” He said before intuitively feeling the path of the chain to where his assailant was. Letting go of it Cyran didn’t hesitate and rushed toward where his opponent was before jumping up and turning his body. Bending his legs before shooting them out into a committed dropkick towards his opponent.


Location: Coruscant
Tag: The Vulptex The Vulptex

That was… not what he had expected. Naturally Cyran got the impression that his opponent had just sidestepped him, not the fact that they were so short he over shot them. He let out an audible “Oof” noise as he harshly hit the ground without anything or anyone to break his fall.

Now Cyran was just annoyed, determined that once he got his hands on his assailant they were going to be in a world of hurt. But he couldn’t waste time, being blind and prone was a terrible combination so he quickly attempted to roll back up onto his feet. As he did he would manually disconnect the jetpack from his back. It was disabled and just a needless added weight for him now. Afterwhich the bounty hunter assumed a rather odd fighting position.

Standing like a ”old timey” boxer with his fists out at chest height, and leaving his head somewhat open. It was a stance he’d become accustomed too since he normally wore a helmet when he fought and didn’t need to worry as much about actively protecting it.

The Vulptex

Thief of Thieves. Ninja Master.
The chain once again chimed through the air, this time going to wrap around his leg. If he could be tripped, he could be exploited.

Of course, if that didn't work...

A toaster floated silently behind him. Having a backup plan was never a bad idea.


Location: Coruscant
Tag: The Vulptex The Vulptex

Cyran tried as best he could to center himself. But it was hard given the chaotic situation he was in and the constant stinging permeating around his face. Hearing the jingle of their chain once more the bounty hunter readied himself. However unlike before the chain weapon went for his ankle instead.

Once more fell back to the ground, at least this time it wasn’t his own fault. His backside hitting the hard floor and causing the pink man to groan some in both pain and frustration at his current predicament.

The Vulptex

Thief of Thieves. Ninja Master.
The toaster stayed in the air. Best keep it there if he got back up.

This was getting in her way. Silently stepping, the ninja grabbed what they had come for. A golden candleholder on the glass living room table. That's all that mattered. Alright, bailing time. The sound of muted footsteps rang across the floor as they made their way to the balcony, the Vulptex leaping off and into the night sky. Not a great haul, but a haul none the less.


Location: Coruscant
Tag: The Vulptex The Vulptex

The Bounty Hunter braced himself for an incoming attack… but nothing. He didn’t hear anything either. Scrambling back up onto his feet his limited telepathic abilities let him know the mystery assailant was now gone. Which at first seemed like a good thing. Before realizing that he likely wasn’t the target of this individual. He figured they came here for something, possibly they got what they wanted or not but he couldn’t just let them just walk away from this.

Clumsily Cyran got to the kitchen sink and finally gave his face a harsh rinse and wipe down. His face still hurt, but he could see and that was most important. Still though every second mattered and he was running out of time. Finally grabbing his helmet and slotting it over his head. He tried to deduce if he could even catch up to them. He didn’t hear a speeder or jetpack leave the area. So he figured they might be on foot.

Stepping out onto the penthouse landing pad he slotted a new powerpack into his blaster pistol to get it functional again and closed in on his small repulsor craft vehicle. It was little more than an oversized hoverboard. But it helped get the job done as a nimble mode of transportation. Stepping onto it he activated the repulsor craft and took flight with it, and used his helmet's sensor systems to try his best to track down his opponent. He wouldn’t let them get off that easily.

The Vulptex

Thief of Thieves. Ninja Master.
The scanners seemed to catch something moving quick through the air, down towards the street below. It swung from building to building, like an ape in the jungle. Whoever this was, they were using the endless city as their playground.

Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas


Location: Coruscant
Tag: The Vulptex The Vulptex

Eventually through some thorough scanning from an advantageous birdseye view Cyran looked down and saw someone fleeing in a rather unconventional manner. It had to be who he was looking for. “Gottcha!”

On his ultralight repulsor craft Cyran aggressively flew down. Wind rushed past him before quickly deaccelerating and activating his Ski Striker’s small built in tractor beam projector. Using it to invisibly catch his target and try to knock them into the side of a building.

The Vulptex

Thief of Thieves. Ninja Master.

To say the figure was unready for the attack was uncertain. They seemed to take it as an opportunity to fall downwards, going limp as they plummeted down into the dark of the underbelly of the city, red hair slipping under a speeder before disappearing.

Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas

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