Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The first test

Danger came in many guises – and flavours. Arriving on a space platform, using your real name and looking to plant an incendiary device before being discovered was, to say the least, risky. But to Kriel it was the thrill that allowed him to perform to his best ability. It was dangerous for sure, but he didn’t hesitate to even contemplate the consequences.

This conversation, however, had him on edge. If he failed in his mission, what was the worst outcome? He died. His pragmatic brain accepted that as a possibility and deduced he’d be too dead to care. Or he could be incarcerated and possibly sprung – either by the First Order through force, or his father through credits. Not a terrible outcome. Most other outcomes were good. To fail and return to the Knights of Ren would be the only really negative option. But he didn’t have to go back, did he?

But Kaile? By contrast there was too much at stake, too many negative variables that he frankly didn’t want to dwell on. There was the outright slap across the face. Never good and entirely disheartening. Or a gentle brush off. Hardly any better. And the positives were fraught with danger too. What if she liked him? How long could he live a double life? Could he ever tell her the truth? Hi Kaile, just so you know I’m a trained killer. Can I meet your parents?

So the smart money said cut and run. Leave before he got in any deeper and could walk away under his terms. But since when did he do the intelligent thing? The easy thing? Plus, despite all stories to the contrary, being a criminal didn’t mean you didn’t have a heart – you were just selective in whom you opened it to. And right now, he’d laid out the welcome mat and wedged the door open.

He nodded as she spoke, as much for the fact he could hear her speak as the actual advice. “No, not a starfighter. And live-in would be good. No telling how long I might want to lock myself away from people I don’t want to meet. But I can’t imagine anyone letting you be saddled with cleaning duties.” Was he really talking about such banal matters? And was he actually volunteering to clean the bathroom and do the dishes? "But yes, a freighter. Maybe a light one. And new, I like new things – unless it’s a unique ship, then I might be willing to slide on that requirement.”

“And it sounds like you have something in mind?”

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
Watching him was a fascinating endeavor. With both hands cradling her drink, the Lorrdian peered at [member="Kriel Firin"] over the rim of her glass. Every now and then as he elaborated on his needs and wishlist, she took a sip of her mixed drink. The syrup coated her tongue, a tingling pleasure that followed through with a wash of warmth down to her gullet.

There was something more there. She caught it in the subtle nuances of his chiseled visage; my he really did have such beautiful eyes! An internal sigh would bemoan the fact that men had all the luck when it came to good looks. Setting her drink down, she let her chin slide into the shell of her palm, leaning against the bartop as her fingers gave a gentle rap over her cheek.

He was concerned about something. Kaile couldn't quite put her finger on it. There was conflict there too, bunched in the tension of his shoulders, the way his torso inclined towards her -- as much as interest. That was flattering to say the least.

"Hah, I don't mind. It can be fun." she said earnestly. For a social butterfly, there weren't many bonding situations as much as cooking with another or doing a joint silly cleaning session. Mundane things can be fun, it was all how one approached things. And if you already pick up after yourself, that makes it all the more easier.

"I do have some ideas actually," Kaile told him, "One from Vanir Technologies and another from Kuat Drive Yards..." not too pricey, but suitable. "Sec," she held up a finger, reaching over for her datapad.

Placing it on the bar, her finger went sweeping over it as she brought up the models.

"One is the VT-Nephilim Class Hunter Corvette.. the other is Sicarius-Class Stealth Yacht." she would bring up the Nephilim first and then the Sicarius for him to see.
Choices. As in life, he was present with options and he rarely liked to choose between two alternatives when he liked both. Invariably he looked to get his own way – but the two ships on offer each had strengths and given he couldn’t fly both at the same time, he would have to select one or the other.

“You know your ships and given how difficult a choice this will be, you seem to have already understood my mind on the matter.” And here was another choice – focus on making the best decision or continue to invest time in the conversation. Given the ship was something of a red herring, he could have simply abandoned the pursuit of a new vessel easily – but by the same token, he knew she’d invested in the decision-making and so the two were intertwined. Plus, he figured that this subject was close to her heart and that was something he wanted to pursue. Could you be a Knight of Ren and a romantic? He was about to find out it seemed.

He was intoxicated by her. The alcohol certainly helped and he was careful to only sip – he could ill afford to get drunk – and as he was becoming accustomed to the fiery taste, he would have to be on his guard. Maybe she was like the drink? There was sweetness for sure but there was also a fire there – not necessarily in conflict, but complementary. She was, in his mind, adorable – yet he knew he couldn’t and shouldn’t cross her. He suspected he’d see a different side to the one he was currently engrossed with.

He tore his attention away from her hands and her eyes and back to the ships. “The Sicarius is more comfortable, more luxurious and potentially less obvious as a stealth craft. The Nephilim is more like a predator. Both can do the job I seek, your choice is exemplary. Tell me, before I decide, which would you recommend – or rather, which would you choose?”

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
If there was ever a way to get on a girl's good side, it was to compliment her on her input and then ask for her judgement. Well, [member="Kriel Firin"] was the man of the hour, and Kaile's smile only grew wider then. Her brown eyes ignited in soft pleasure and the apples of her cheeks grew a shade of pink.

"Well... I recon the Sicarius is more your style." she'd say honestly. "Fast and agile, you'll be able to go in and out places quick. Plus a little bit more roomier. You also don't have to worry about the reactor -- " the young woman would give a blink, "Unless you've the skill to handle your own repairs and such?"

That could change the game. Both were not made to take a large amount of hits however. That was the tradeoff. Speed and stealth meant to get in and get out; not to be in a sustained fight.

"Kuat Drive Yards has a vendor here through Arceneau Trade. I could take you there if you are keen on the Sicarius." she beamed.
Kriel smiled, a genuine warmth in his eyes. One that he had previously shared rarely. Typically his humour was vindictive, sarcastic or malicious. Today it was in so many ways out of character. But genuine none the less.

“My gut feel was for the Nephilim. Which is also why I have dismissed it. It is a predator’s ship all right and shouts as much. I’m no mechanic and that’s another factor – but the fact it telegraphs nefarious intent is a black mark against it.” He would consider buying one at a later date – when his powers were stronger – but not now. Not any time soon.

“The Sicarius feels more balanced. Less aggressive, more luxurious. More…me I guess.” He flashed that smile again, thoughts of his mission some way away right now. “And if you’d take me to sort out a deal then that would be wonderful – but not until we’ve finished our drinks and you’ve told me more about you. If that’s OK?”

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
"Well, it is great for nabbing other ships. If you were a bounty hunter, it would be the ship for you." Kaileann would agree, a smile tickling her eyes as she gave a nod. Another new song began to play in the distance, a dandy little jig that was one of the more popular melodies among the spacers. It was one of Kaile's favorites to be exact. So when the first strains began to play, her eyes went wide in pleasure.

"Oh I love this song!" she'd confess, her fingers beginning to tap along to the beat. However, it wasn't to say that she was distracted from the conversation. Just that everything seemed to happen right at that time.

Beep, boop!

Her datapad gave an abrupt alert. Both brows drew up, and she shot [member="Kriel Firin"] a sheepish expression of apology. "One sec, let me just take this." Since her datapad had a built in comm, it allowed her to read incoming messages. If it wasn't her old pal. Amusement lit her gaze, and she shook her head in knowing.

"Ahh I knew it. He couldn't make it." Kaile told herself, bringing her datapad closer as her thumbs flew across the display to send a message. "Guess I'm free for the rest of the day," brown eyes shot up to meet the bronzed sculpted visage of her newest acquaintance. "So yeah... haha, I reckon we can hang about and tell each other our dirty little secrets." the last was said with notable light-hearted humor.

"So, Kriel, what do you do to pay the bills?"
He listened to her words. She had a way with them. Was it flirting – and if it was – was it a conscious effort. His experience of women was relatively simple. He saw what he wanted and he took it. There was no interplay like this. For all his experience he was in uncharted territory. Which perhaps was an endearing feature – but not for a future Knight of Ren. Not that he gave that much thought right now. He was a killer – even before he joined the Knights he’d taken lives. So it was an element of who he was – but perhaps not a part of who he would become.

And that dance? It was natural and all the more alluring for it. Strictly it wasn’t a dance – she was probably moving to the music involuntarily – a drum of the fingers here, a shift of the hips there. He’d visited enough establishments to know the usual moves. Designed to part a fool with his credits. They were largely effective – even if you knew their intent. But this? This was way more subtle. She was enjoying the music for herself and that was what was so darned sexy – as all the right parts moved oh so subtly in all the right places. She was dancing and yet hardly moving as the music seemed to occupy her very soul.

He felt annoyed by the interruption from her datapad and no doubt his brows gave the game away before he rearranged his face. But then the outcome was good and so he relaxed once more – albeit the reference to ‘he’ was less than satisfactory to his ears.

“Not a bounty hunter, that’s for sure,” he started, by way of an answer – aware she’d avoided talking about herself. For now at least. “And are you really sure you want to hear all of my secrets? Especially the dirty ones?” His voice had dropped half an octave. It was a sure tell she’d had an effect.

“I am independently wealthy. My father is ludicrously rich. I have an obscene allowance and work for his corporation.” There was no boasting in his voice. He was not looking to impress her in the way he would typically look to attract a woman. Instead he was being plain factual – and leading to a point. “Which means I have a lot of free time. An awful lot. And my biggest secret? Too much time leads to idle hands and you know what they say about that? I think I need something to occupy my time. Something more…tangible to do with these.” He held his hands up. They were perfectly manicured. And then he turned them, over, palms facing upwards. There was a hint of calluses forming – predominantly from his saber training. “Tell me, what should I do with them?”

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
That amused her. Kaile wasn't sure how serious to take him, but he was making an attempt at a joke. Something that he didn't seem to be used to. There was a bit of coyness there, but it wasn't too bad. A very interesting fellow indeed. Pursing her lips and chuckling anew, she gave a slight tap of on the side of her glass.

"Well reckon that depends..." the Lorrdian began, her eyes drifting upward as if considering. Returning to [member="Kriel Firin"] she flashed him a grin. "Maybe learn how to fix a hyperdrive just in case?" reaching out, she would give a slight flick of her finger against his own.

"Out in the black, one never knows just what might happen." another thought, then her pixie grin shone over to the dusky skinned man. "Or you know, how to deal a mean hand of sabaac." her laughter bubbled over them anew. All of it was friendly banter.

"Unless you already have someone to fix your hyperdrive in case something might happen?"
To Kriel, this was a little like his first days as a Disciple. He knew he was out of his depth but he was prepared to work at it to gain in competence. And just as before, the more honest he could be, the better he knew the outcome would be. Not that there were many other similarities between being trained by a Knight of Ren and speaking to a beautiful woman in a bar.

“Fix a hyperdrive?” He arched an eyebrow. “Would you believe me if I told you the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. I have spent most of my life on Bespin. And then when I did leave the planet, I was a passenger. I was brought up never to get my hands dirty like that. But I see the error in that approach now. If I’m to travel by myself from time to time, I need to be able to fix things. I see that now. So I need a ship and an instructor – assuming I have the aptitude.” He stared at his hands. “But I’ve always been able to be successful if I put my mind to it.”

“And games of chance? Not so much my style. I know there is skill at the highest level but I’m not sure I have the time to pursue such an interest and make the difference between what fate deals me and what I can manipulate.”

He stared into her eyes, her laughter making them even more of a magnet. “Does that make me less or more of a romantic? Does allowing fate to intervene make me an idealist or someone unwilling to fight for what he wants?” It wasn’t a question he was testing her with – he was genuinely unsure what the answer was himself. But he was becoming more and more drawn to her response to each and every question he had.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Kriel Firin"]

Kaile flashed Kriel a grin.

“Nah,” the bubbly girl shot over towards the dark eyed rake with a wide friendly smile. “It just means that you are a little bit older when you finally get your hands dirty.” she ‘d tease, but she meant it. Just because one wasn’t raised to fix things didn’t make them any less competent. If one had the desire and the drive to learn, anyone could pick up the common fix it solutions or knowledge to at least ensure that one didn’t float dead in the black.

“Just need a good trainer that’s all,” she’d tell him, flashing him an encouraging wink as she took another sip from her Nova. The sweet nectar would coat her tongue, numbing the burst of alcohol that would kick anyone on their arse if they drank the entire thing too quickly.

“Findin’ one of those is easy. I’m sure there are plenty that would jump up at the chance, and wouldn’t cost much ‘tall.” A mull would follow.

“Or I reckon you can scour the holonet. They do holo training videos -- ain’t as good as doin’ it hands on, but it is somethin’”
Kriel returned her grin. Getting your hands dirty was a relative term. He was no mechanic, that was sure. But he certainly had blood on his hands. His first kill was when he was seven and his life was littered with corpses ever since – either at his hand or through his orders. And that didn’t even include collateral damage. But if she thought him some spoiled playboy, he wasn’t rushing to dissuade her from that opinion.

He gazed a fraction too long into her eyes, wondering if she’d look away. Then he pursued the line of questioning, seeing how far he could press the matter.

“The Holonet sounds too impersonal and so doesn’t get my vote. It’s one-way traffic and I like to ask questions and see the person’s reaction to them. Which leaves a personal trainer. And I’m sure money could buy anyone to teach me, but I’ve found that the most knowledgeable doesn’t always make the best trainer and so I’d need someone that knew what they were doing but that I also had a rapport with. I suspect repairing ships is a close and dirty kind of activity.” He raised an eyebrow. “Is there anyone you’d recommend, I trust your judgement.”

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Kriel Firin"]

Kaile did not look away.

There was no reason to, and in her copper eyes he'll see nothing but genuine interest and a young woman happy to help. She was enjoying herself, there was no doubt about it. She was also curious about him, but she kept it relatively in the friendly and slightly flirty section that was her normal jovial demeanor.

"Hmm, I've a few ideas." she gave a slight incline of her torso to him, her fingers gently cradling her drink. "Depends on how quick you are lookin' to hire." the corner of her mouth drew up in an impish grin.

"But I reckon gettin' a ship first might come in handy." she teased.
She kept eye contact longer than she needed to and didn’t shy away – which were two good signs, and he realised he was looking for them. Hoping for them in fact. Hi only worry is that he was looking too hard. Like the incline towards him. Interest or just someone moving to a position that was more comfortable. He was strangely out of his depth when it came to mutual flirting. He was used to seeing what he wanted and taking it, with ‘no’ not an option. This was altogether more challenging and, if he was honest, a little scary. There was a down-side to getting it wrong that he would not usually have to consider. Because offending her would be a definite negative and not pressing enough to show he was interested would be as bad.

He chuckled at her response. It was an odd sound to his own ears. Smiles and grins were common-place, but laughter? Not since he was a child. “You have me there. I guess that the choice of ship might dictate the teacher. And as for a timescale? Well I would like the right person, so I’m prepared to wait. For as long as it takes.”

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Kriel Firin"]

A wag of her brows would relay her good cheer and acknowledgement at that.

"Well, then that's good to hear." she grinned out, bringing her glass back up to her lips to take another sip. A small flush was starting to settle upon her cheeks, the first tell that her drink was starting to sink in. In fact, she was sitting a nice comfortable buzz right now.

"Mmm, once you walk through a ship, you'll be able to tell right off which one's for you," she said, making a small gesture with her hand as if it was a ship through the air.

A thought came to her.

"So how you managed to get here?" that made her wonder, "Come through public transport?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kriel was feeling the effects of the alcohol already. He wasn't precisely a big drinker and the strength of the drink they were knocking back was way more than he was used to. Normally he'd have a few beers or at most a few glasses of something fizzy. But cocktails were new territory to him, and compared to her, he felt a lightweight. Without any warning, he suddenly felt the effects and wondered how much worse he would feel before he started to feel better. But at least he was enjoying the benefits that came with alcohol consumption. Like a lowering of the filter that otherwise would have stopped him saying what was on his mind. Who said evil automatically meant confident in social situations?

"I think you're right. It's sometime easy to tell when something is perfect for you. You can tell at fist glance, right? But should you show your hand or play it cool? That's the question. Oh, and I came by a ship, but it's nothing special, just a run of the mill thing. I want to trade up and I invariably get what I want. At least, I always used to."
[member="Kriel Firin"]

He was well used to getting his way.

Kaile didn't have to read him to discover that herself. Every little moment spent talking and she was able to discern a little bot more. "Life is rather short," she'd say in answer, a warm afterglow making her feel rather nice.

"One should go with their gut instincts." she chuckled, in suggestion. For Kaile, it was about doing what felt best. Just having a good time. Her time with the Rebellion, Omega Pyre, even in the Alliance now, regardless of the sort of missions she was in, it was spent doing exactly that. She enjoyed meeting people, and this was no different.

"So tell me more about where you are from." she asked, curious for more.
The effects of the alcohol were having an effect that was both pleasant and awkward in equal measures. He was speaking freely and that was entirely positive but it was also impairing his judgement and a small niggle of doubt was forming that he had read more into her responses than there truly was.

“Too short for regrets,” he responded to her words, aware he was becoming altogether too mushy for his own liking – yet he couldn’t stop himself. Despite his background, perhaps even because of it, he was embracing this new side to his personality. It was not going to dissuade him from his chosen path – he would become a Knight of Ren – but that didn’t mean he had to remain cold and aloof with everyone. Surely?

“Me? My story is kind of boring. Rich father, doting mother. Brought up in Cloud City. Spoiled and bored in equal measures. Went off the rails. Got involved in petty crime. Then more serious crime before growing up and pulling myself together.” Which was all true – depending on your perspective. “In truth, a tale told a million times a day somewhere in this galaxy of ours. What about you, what’s your story?”

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Kriel Firin"]

"Me?' a finger would point to her chest, and her nose gave a silly little crinkle in amusement. Her shoulder gave a small shrug, and that smile would grow wide.

"I'm a drifter colony bum," it was clear that she didn't take that to be an offensive term. She had made her way in and around the 'verse and she enjoyed it. It allowed her to meet all sorts of new folk.

"Longest place I ever spent was Dantooine." she told him, taking another sip of her drink. Ohh, that warm feel good buzz was just right, and sipping more of her drink now and then kept it at a nice even level.

"Worked a few jobs as a mech. When I felt more like staying put, did some work as a waitress at the local Yum Bunnies." which was your spacer joint that was a little bit tacky, but friendly. The girls would wear tiny black shorts and an even smaller white shirt. The fake Lepi ears completed the look, but it was a delightfully fun little gig.

"So now your'e just wanderin' around?'
Apologies for the delay — travelling and only intermittent internet access — but I’ll do my best to post as often as I can :)

Kriel had spent years surrounded by people that invariably exaggerated about most things but in particular their exploits and achievements. Someone who played them down was not only attractive but alluring. And oddly it made them her more successful — not less. Self-depreciation was clearly a positive attribute in his eyes.

He raised an eyebrow at the mention of Yum Bunnies. His galactic experience was limited and he didn’t remember there being one on Cloud City. But the job title and the establishment’s title conjured up an image that made him blush. It was all he could do to avoid asking if she wore a uniform — and if she had any holos to share!

Fortunately she asked a question and his focus shifted to hide his embarrassment. “I think drifting is a good term,” he said smiling. “I’m finding my way in the galaxy from outside of my father’s shadow and who knows where it will take me? But it brought me here and for that I’m grateful.” He smiled and took large sip of the drink, shuddering slightly at the strength. “And perhaps I should try a Yum Bunny before too long,” he blushed one more and hastily added, “I mean the bar, not…well…you know…” He wanted to stare at the floor but instead held her gaze, keen to see if he’d offended her.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]

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