Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The first steps

The temple in front of her was breathtaking. Stella wasn't entirely sure were she was, all she could say for sure was that she was in Republic territory. As she could breath in space she preferred to hide on the outside of ships to travel. While it was simple and didn't cost her any credits, she never could say for sure were the ship would take her. She had enjoyed the feel of freedom and independence this way of travelling gave her, but as she saw the monumental building she knew that something was inside that was meant for.

She slowly walked towards the entrance, unsure what kind of temple it was as her memories were to convoluted to figure out why she knew that entering would bring her no harm. Before entering she looked around, confused and in hope that someone woulf explain to her were she was and what to do now.


She could feel it, the temple as the small jedi knight remained where she was working with the others. The training room they had been working on to upgrade and increase how much of it they could make. The ultimate goal being one holosuite for every ship designed so padawans and masters could practice better while on long trips or so well you dind't go stir crazy being on a ship all of the time. The rainbow haired woman was standing there with the engineers while they were working in the temple to get them all of the informatrion and her senses flared. More people coming around the academy meant there was always a need to meet new people with with the force some of them were servants of the light or neutrals who sought training... or maybe secret darksiders. She had met padawans who all seemed to believe a jedi who used the darkside was stronger then using the light so each one she looked at with a grain of salt while she walked out. There wasn't much else to see though, between all of the things they were doing she was unsure who was new and who was... just young or looked like the others. The pale skin, multicolored hair and twi-colored eyes gave her away befor you saw the pointed ears and small stature. She looked like a padawan or initiate to most when she was walking to welcome in the new people.
The multi coloured hair was like a fire in a see of darkness, catching Stellas eyes the moment she saw it. The girl it belonged to looked young. Not that she could tell, she looked like an adult woman, but had came into being only a few weeks ago. The distorted memories inside her mind tried to tell her something, but she still couldn't say what exactly. She needed to find out what place this was, maybe it would help her to clear her mind.

Unsure how to approach her, she walked to the girl she just saw. She had no fear that a child would mean any harm, or at least less than any of the other people around. With small, silent steps she slowly moved towards her until her walk came to an abrupt stop directly in front of her.

"So.. sorry to disturb you. I fear that I am lost ... what is this ... place?"


Her head perked up a little at the sound fo someone approaching as the small jedi knight stood there looking over the other ones. She had often worked with them to ge a better idea of what they were wanting to learn or what they wanted to do. "This is the jedi temple." She said it with a look at her while she stayed there with a small grin on her face though offering a welcoming smile when her short stature looking up at her with tri-colored eyes before she spoke some more. "Most of the ones who come here are looking are seeking to learn from the jedi about the force and all of its mysteries." She stayed there while some of the padawans moved away and went towards their classes.
"The jedi temple..."

Stella repeated the words with a mix of excitement and confusion. She still had no idea what a "jedi" actually was, but in the back of her mind a voice was telling her that she was on the right path.

"The force ..."

Another word she knew she knew what it meant, while unable to remember. No, she had to remember. Suddenly she could feel as the fog inside her mind started to fade, allowing her, at least for the moment, to think clearly. The jedi were the guardians of the know universe, and their power came from a mysterious energy called the force. Could she use the force? All the strange things she could do without an explanation, slowly started to make sense.

"Can ... Is there a way to become a jedi?"


She was looking at the girl and it was a strange feeling she got from her, she seemed simple and well the word would be wide eyed but the girls eyes weren't wide if that made any sense while she was going over a couple of the things in her head. "Yes a person can become a jedi should they wish to try." She was more then willing to work on it and see or help this girl. It was someone long ago who had taken the time to help her... granted she had been shirt and stopped growing so he thought she was just a child but he had still been willing to help her learn the ways of the jedi long ago while she walked. "If that is what you want then you will have come to the right place. My name is Quenladose Nic Essus."
"Hel ... hello, I am Stella."

She looked at the woman in front of her, feeling her memories fade into obscurity once more. Was becoming a jedi what she wanted, was it the reason she even traveled here? She opened and closed her mouth without any sound, unsure what she could say. How in the galaxy could she explain her state to someone when she couldn't explain it to herself.

"I ... I want to become a jedi, at least I guess this what I want. Why else should I be here right?"

A nervous laugh left her lungs, and she tried to avoid eye contact with the woman, scared that the confusion in her eyes would reveal her mental condition.


The girl seemed strange and confused as the jedi knight was standing there with a look before she was motioning for her to follow with her towards the temple. "One would hope but we shall see you can come with me." She offered a look on her face though while she was walking and well small legs made her movement a little faster to cover the distance towards the temple courtyard while she was walking. "So what brings you out here young one?" Fair and well she loved calling people young one to see how they reacted, it was just like when she finally got to be around someone shorter then she was and could finally ask them how the weather was down there or call them shrimp.
Stella walked right behind the woman, still unsure what she was doing. Maybe the jedi could help here? Was that what jedi do, help people like here? She was so focused on her thoughts that she almost didn't heard the words of the woman.

"Young one? I am young?"

The volume of her voice dropped with every word, until it was a almost inaudible mumble. She knew she didn't looked that young, but maybe her mind was. She wasn't even sure if something like age was even applicable for someone like her.


She turned back and looked at her with raised eyebrows before she was looking over a few of the things. "Are you older then nine hundred?" She was looking at her with a small look on her face before she was moving into the temple. The other jedi were walking around them as she had a small look on her face with some of the things offering a small smile when she went through towards one of the gardens. She was looking over all of it when she stopped and looked around. "Welcome to the temple, there is some places you can work and learn from depending on how you want to proceed within the jedi order itself. A few masters might want to meet you but the old man is a good man and trusts his people."
"Nine ... nine hundred years? How ..."

The fact that the small being in front of her could be so old confused her at first, but thinking about her own age made her realize that it wasn't that weird at least not to her. As she walked trough the garden Stella felt a her heart beating fast, amazed and scared by the place. She never really liked being on the ground, some part inside her always reminded her that space was her home ... but this place was different. Even without the possibility to bring order into her chaos she could have lost herself between the plants and trees around her. It was so different from the hangars and citys she had seen on her short expedition of the galaxy.

"What ... are my options to proceed?"

She still had little idea what it was that the jedi do and while the place seemed great she had only meet one member of the order.


"Well now that is up to you, most jedi when they join the order have these grand ideals of learning the force and how it will help them avenge some wrong done in their lives. Several I have worked with all seemed to believe the jedi were a place where you come to get your past erased and then you can just go about doing what you want and come back to the order whenever you are getting chased. It is none of those things, it is an order made for you to give everything of yourself to help others and to spend your life seeking to improve theirs at somtimes the cost of your own body and soul." She shrugged and it was easy to say that when you had seen a whole lot of it while she was waiting to hear from the girl. "So the real question is what is it that brings you here."
Stella looked at the woman, listening to every word. When she finished her last question, she had to hold back tears, unable to find an answer. Her words began as a shout in her mind but ended as a desperate whisper.

"I ... I don't know why I am here. My mind ... it doesn't works like its supposed to do. I can't remember who or what I am. I just followed you because I have nowhere else to go ..."

Now she couldn't hold back the tears, the frustration and confusion of her being finally being released. What she told her wasn't what she hoped to hear. She needed a sanctuary to let her mind rest, not a obligation to become a guardian.

"Can ... can the jedi help me?"


Looking at the girl as she wasn't quite certain what was happening or what she was meaning with what she said. The girl seemed strange when she approached her speaking softly. "Yes the jedi can help you but twenty questions makes it hard. Tell me what you can rmemeber or know. We'll better be able to understand and figure it out." She stood there motioning over with her hand so the girl could sit down and relax. "Just get comfortable and think about what you can and I'll try and answer or do what i can for you. I make no promises to be a miracle worker but I do have some talent when it comes to experiences and some wisdom that can help people.
Stella slowly dropped down, still s few tears in her face as she tried to calm herself down. She began breathing in and out in a slow regular pattern, than cleaning the teard from her face.

"I don't know what I am. Or I know but I don't understand. My memories of the past are convoluted, as they are not mine but those of the two beings that became me. I was born in space, a strange being formed by energy around it, filled with animalistic anger. But I was also born on a planets surface, and lived a successful live as part of a smuggler crew that transported an old relic. As both beings came into contact with the relic they merged, forming me ... my memories are not my own, and sometimes even my mind feels like it is someone else. I just want to know who I am."


She was listening to her speak and it was a strange one, being as old as she was she wasn't unfamiliar with some memory lapses or time being jumbled at times. There was a small look of concern though while she was going over the things herself with the girl and providing a few other ideas. "We can help maybe, what you are talking about is rather strange and different so I am not certain if there is exactly a case of it before but I have some holocrons I can check if you would want to come along. There are a couple of ancient jedi masters who have encountered strange things in the galaxy." She said it while offering her hand for the girl. "Plus, I am really old I know how it can be to have a thousand memories in your head and not remember everything exactly right."

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