Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Final Exam

Ruye Etarn


Cabal Haru stood once more, just outside the Entrance to a Fire Temple. It had been some time, but the old Cabal was here for a special occasion. It had been some time since he had seen him, as he had gone off to visit the greater Galaxy. But since his return, Haru had decided that Morna, had grown much from his first time returning. He unfortunately was still an outsider, and was treated still as garbage, but he knew that this was good in fueling his determination as a fire shaper. He only hoped that he had not done anything rash that would further his distance with the culture of Kro Var. But today, he was scheduled once more to train this old friend of his. The Earth Shaper lay in wait for a Student who had been away for far too long.
OOC: ill try to keep the short this time.

IC: Morna had traveled across the galaxy to further his training on his own. He was taught to be a better fighter with the Sword and had become somewhat versed in the 'invisible' force. Though he didn't like to use it. It felt weird for him to use the force rather than to use his own shaper powers, but none the less he had been training hard. He was still considered an outsider among his own people. He had not seen his old home because he thought it was still to soon to dig up old memories.

He flew into the docking bay with his R-41 Starchaser liberty. His bird Thron was with him on his shoulder as he left the ship. The bird squeaked with returning home for the first time in a while. He patted the bird on the head and said to it "Go and find something to eat." The bird seemed to nod its head and left his shoulder to go and find some small animal or bug to eat.

Morna wore his normal attire of a trench coat over a ripped up muscle shirt and smuggler pants. he donned his sword on his back and bracers with boots that were black and slightly covered in dried mud. His clothes had a slight smoke sent to them and had burn marks all over them from his last battle with a 'Demon'.

Morna was to meet Cabal Haru in front of the Fire Temple not far from where he was currently at. he left his lightsaber in the cabin of his ship under some clothing in his bag. the walk to the temple was pretty long and so he thought about who exactly was Cabal Haru. He was named after the Emperor that had saved the Tribes long ago. He thought about his parents and when he would see his old house. Maybe they would still have something there for him. He didnt know But what he did know was that the old man that was standing infront of him was waiting for him to say something.

"Hello Cabal Haru."

Ruye Etarn

OCC: No problem really, I can keep up. I just have a very large hate for stating threads, lol. That's why my first post is so short.


Haru watched as a fairly unfamiliar person walked up to him in strange attire. It took a very long time for his old eyes to recognize that this man was indeed Morna. How long had it been since his first day in this temple? It would look as if it had been years since he last saw the easily irritated boy trying to prove himself. Before him was truly a man of his own making, as there was hardly a hint about him that marked him as the subtly outsider.

His eyebrows furrowed as they scaled the amount of his body. He would note that he had become more muscular, which was good, but his attire was just plain strange in his eyes. He didn't even try and figure out what in the world he was wearing now. However, one item in particular however caught the Cabal's eye that proved to him, who this person was. His sword still strapped to his back. He greeted the old Cabal.

"Huh, hello... Morna. It has been some time. Your attire is most... interesting. But you are still attached to that sword I see? I hope you got some training in for that, as it would be a shame if you never properly learned how to use it. Not of course... my choice of weapon, but a good one all the same." The earth shaper looked over him quizzically. He closed his eyes and shook his head quickly before returning to his more serious of faces. With a sigh, he cut the small talk.

"Are you ready for your final day of training as a mere initiate?" The Cabal almost contemplated on granting him a smile.
Morna did infact like the sword that was attached to his back. It was a part of him. Every time he held the blade in his hand it felt as though it were an extension of himself. He didn't know why that was. it just happened that way. He knew that he looked out of place in the area. He wore clothing that was not robe like. and it just goes to show that he is different from everyone else.

"Yes, I have had some training with the sword, Cabal." As them man leaned his head back he could see that he was becoming very old and his time would come soon. he just didn't hope that. Although he wouldn't say it out loud, Haru was about the closest thing he had to a father. everyone else abandoned him because he ran away. that was his fault yes, but he came back. He wanted to be a Shaper again. not just some bartender freak.

"Yes I am ready" He could feel his hands tighten into fists as he came home to advance in the ranks of a Shaper. He wanted to feel like someone cared about him and he thought that if he was higher up that people would respect him more.

OOC: I meant I wasnt going to put 1500+ word posts. Unless you want me to? ;)

Ruye Etarn

Haru finally managed a smile at the eagerness he felt from his pupil. It reminded him of the boy he had trained not so long ago. Despite his strangeness, he was still his student. It may seem unorthodox to some Cabal's to train one so late in the game, and one as strange as Morna, but he was one of the best there was. If he could train Morna, there was little he thought he couldn't do. Of course, that wasn't the reason why he was training, as he was actually training him because (though he would never admit it) enjoyed his company. He wasn't at the age of the slowly dying Emperor, of whom he was named after, but he was becoming a venerable old man by Kro Var standards. There wasn't many who would indulge his presence any more, with their incompetent arrogance. These days it was rare for him to find a pupil to teach above the age of 15.

The other students respected him of course, but it simply wasn't the same. Morna though was different, as for whatever reason he had established a connection with the old man, and Haru was perfectly fine with this. He nodded.

"Then let us begin." He turned and opened the doors to the hot room once more. But today, he would not review this chamber. Instead, there was something else that Morna would do. He continued down the corridors of the Temple, until finally they reached a circular room, about in the center of the Temple. Right now, it was empty, but in a moment, the Cabal would summon peers to observe this final test.
Morna nodded his head at the old man and followed after him to a circular room. it was empty except for the two of them. He didnt know what he was to do so he prepared for the worse. Morna felt nervous because this was his final test. If he were to fail he would have to try again next year, but with shame on his shoulders. He was older than most students at his rank level. Not many would talk to him and if they did it was in short words that meant nothing to him.

Morna flexed his hands and bounced on his feet. He stopped when he though about having to look professional. wait why did he worry about that? He didnt know but he was nervous about the whole thing. Out of instinct Morna took deep breaths and calmed himself where he was almost in a mediation state.

He opened his eyes to see that other people had come into the room. all he could thing about was two words 'Oh crap'. He was not only going to be judged by the Cabal but other Shapers of ranks higher than him. he felt hot all of a sudden. he just hoped that he didnt burst into flame.

Ruye Etarn

The Cabal smiled as he watched the nervousness of his old pupil. Bouncing on his toes, clenching his hands, even breathing meditation. The antsiness of competition was obvious in Morna. He watched the small light inside Morna light up as the Cabal had summoned a ring of students around the two of them.

"Remove your attire Morna." He told him. While he did so, it was now Haru's turn to shed his own attire. At first, he moved slow, as he gripped at his garments, and then suddenly ripped them off. Beneath these robes there stood, an enigma, that no doubt Morna (nor his peers) expected. For a 50 year old man, Haru was quite muscular in appearance, his robes hid well the incredibly fit frame of the old Earth Shaper. There was a very slight collective gasp around the room, as he ripped from his body his robes, to reveal the enigma. As the robes flew through the air, quickly Haru stomped his foot in a wide stance, and struck his arm out. A spiked column of earth erupted from the stone floor to catch, and hang his robes comfortably. Then he stepped forward with his back foot, to kick in the air with his front, sending the pillar back towards a wall, were it rested until he was ready for it. To square the circular room, he repeated the process, until there were four pillars in a square. Once finished, he turned once more to Morna.

"Are you certain you are prepared for your test now Morna? There is no shame in believing yourself unworthy of this test now." Asked him. Haru stretched out his body, flexing muscles on will. He clenched, and unclenched his hands, each time a bout of flames was produced. He was not intending to be threatening, as he actually was getting himself warmed up. There was no malcontent in his voice either, everything only appeared more intense than it actually was.
Morna began to take his clothes off. He let his jacket fall to the floor like a feather falling from the sky. each article of clothing was placed at his feet. Without the clothes on his back it exposed his various tattoos that some would consider 'blasphamy'. His body was lean but had well defined muscles. there were new scars on his arms and chest from various fights he had with the Sith and others. He oly wore his pants that were rolled up to resist the chance of litting on fire.

The Cabal then undressed himself. He was saprised that he had such a muscular body for being so old. The earth pillars were stationed around the room in a square. He knew that he may have to dodge them later on. The Cabal spoke to him about backing down. He was not. Morna had come too far to back out now. He also knew that if he did he would never be accepted in the Kro Var world again. He shook his head once and said with vigor. "Its too late for me to back down now, and you know that. I will press forward with this."

Ruye Etarn

"Very well then." Haru told him, before explaining the rule of the game they were about to plan. "Since you are a fire shaper, and you are testing for your ability to manipulate and control your fire, it would only be fair if I stooped down to your level. As a master of the elements, it would be unfair of me, to expect you to handle all arts at once. Thus through your evaluation, I shall fight you with fire, and fire only. Additionally, I shall only indulge in ability's, that I believe you should be able to produce." He relayed to him. As a final exercise, the Cabal stepped into horse stance, brought his head back and shot his hands out with a burst of flame. Not an attack, but a show that he was ready to test Morna. The plume extended almost to where his student was waiting for him, and gave off a wave of heat for him to experience. Once the plume extinguished itself, Haru brought his arms back in to his sides.

"Your Final Exam, begins... now." From his stance, Haru spun upon a single heel, and brought one leg up to his chest in a round house, before slamming it into the ground with a thin wheel of fire rolling towards Morna. Followed by a haymaker punch built upon the momentum of the kick, sending a second wheel of fire towards Morna.
Morna listened to the man's details on the rules followed by a stream of fire that came very close to Morna. He was not phased by the flames.

The sudden launch of the kick and punch was expected. People would start a fight right after they said something to catch them off guard. He had been to many fights that started that way.

Morna leaned far back to avoid the kick with flames. next came the punch. That is when Morna took action. His hands were lit as they came up to block the flame wheel. The heat was rising fast. Morna outstreached both hands at once to send a nice stream at the Cabal. Morna ran forward with the fire and jumped over the man where he came down with a punch himself. The momentum would increase the power of the punch significantly.

Morna's hands seemed as though they were torches. a bright red came from his hands, and if someone were to look into his eyes they would see that it was a fiery orange.

Ruye Etarn

The old Cabal watched in movement, already in motion for a second kick, as Morna blocked his two wheels of fire. Quickly adding a larger third, intent to move upward towards Morna's higher position, producing a stream towards him. The wheel dissipated some of its effects, while he turned to face where Morna would land. The blast came down. Haru stepped back and brought them towards him, and with a lurch forward sent a weak wall towards the back of Morna.

"Intensify your speed Morna, you aren't nearly brought up to speed!" Haru called over to him, to make sure his point was made, as the wall lurched forward towards Morna, Haru dropped down and swept with one leg, followed by another, and rising from these two waves of fire upon the floor he sent a blast of fire from his outstretched hands.
Morna knew that the attacks were comming faster now. He smiled as the fire wall came his way. He used the powers he had to change the wall into a blast sent at the on coming one to dissapate both of the attacks. Morna jumpped over the first one rolling to get back on his feet and jump againg over the fire hugging the ground.

but this time when he jumped he gathered a fire ball in his hands and threw it mid air. He landed on the ground with a umph and sent two more blasts his way to give Morna time to get up close and persional.

Ruye Etarn

Haru finished his blast of fire, while Morna dissipated his counterattack, and dodged his sweeps. Then his refute came, charging a shot in mid air, before launching it down at his Master. He leaned to one side, and altered its course with a short burst, sending into the crowd of peers. They cared little of it, moving just out of the way, as they continued to watch. Quickly more blasts came, and Haru layed in wait for his student, watching as he decided to play his game close and personal. Haru smiled, as he ripped the trajectory from the first blast of fire, followed by caughting the second blast with shaping, and smothered it away with his hand. Knowing where he dedicated student was headed towards, he might as well shout him out a warning.

"Fighting fire with fire, is nothing like trying to break stone with fire, you shall find that you will need so much more heat than this Morna, if you intend to melt me!" He called to him. From his hands, serpants of fire slithered their way around the two figures, engulfing them in a ring. With a raise of his hands, the fires intensified, and burned brightly. From his raised hands, Haru burst fire into the air, before bringing it down like rain. With dropping hands, Haru stomped one foot into the ground before charging with a raising fist for a downward punch.
Morna got in closer to Haru when he spoke to him. Apparently Haru wanted the heat, and thats what hed give him. Morna absorbed the heat from the rain and the firey stomp quickly before Haru got anycloser. He outstreached his hands to the walls around them and added more power to the fires. Morna yelled over the roar of the flames "HEAT IS WHAT YOU WANT THEN TAKE IT!" He pulled his hands together to shrink the space around them. Sweat fell from his face only to sizzle on the ground.

Morna was using alot of strength to pull the walls together on Haru. If he was going to beat him he might as well do it with flare.

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