Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Count in the Void

The shuttle had cut through the empty surrounds of space as it approached Void Station. A message had been sent prior to their arrival stating the arrival of the Supreme Commander and his envoy into area surrounding the Station.
He had been invited here by one of the nobility that claimed the lands of the Techno Union, such dealings were not unusual for the hierarchy of the First Order, [member="Tmoxin Temi"] had seen to it that the ties between the Techno Union and the First Order had been well established and enough to the point that several deals would hopefully be capable through their alliance.

Landing jets ignited as the shuttle was slowly lowered into one of the prominent landing bays, the First Order pilots doing their jobs as fully intended and assuring that not a single jolt or bump could be felt by the man inside.
“We have landed Commander.” The Captain of the shuttle stated towards the rear compartment as the hiss of the landing platform filled the air. “I believe Count Morcus is already awaiting you in the dock.”

Aram Kalast was a proud man and stood like one, his structure was impressive and his firm walk was to be admired as he exited the shuttle without so much as a pause, flanked by a pair of stormtroopers and several officers with a variety of different rank insignias upon them.
The Supreme Commander approached the Count and gave him a respectful bow of the head.
“Supreme Commander Aram Kalast, at your service.” He stated with a strong tone. “I thank you for your invitation Count.”

[member="Count Morcus"]

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated

As Aram's shuttle arrived at the space surrounding the massive asteroid facility known as Void Station, it would be met by a trio of three TIE/LN starfighter escorts, based on more....archaic designs compared to the TIE's used by the First Order. It seems the Count's claims that he had access to designs of the Empire of old were truthful after all. Around two thousand Stormtroopers from the Count's personal auxiliary corps were amassed in formation within the hangar that the Supreme Commander's shuttle had landed in, both a fitting welcome and a show of strength to their important guest. They too were garbed in equipment based on those designs that had brought Kalast so far away from First Order space.

The Count smiled as Aram stepped forth from his shuttle, the ruler of Void Station flanked by a pair of ceremonial guardsmen garbed in the infamous robes and armor once associated with the Royal Guard of Emperor Palpatine himself. ''It is an honor to meet you at last, Supreme Commander. I've been looking forward to this meeting for a good while now....'', he said, extending his hand to shake that of his guest politely.

[member="Aram Kalast"]

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