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Approved Lore The Coratanni Cartel

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  • Organization Name: The Coratanni Cartel
  • Classification: Criminal Organization
  • Loyalties: [member="Slevin Thawne"], [member="Natalia Thawne"]
  • Organization Symbol: See Header Image
  • Description:

​The Coratanni Cartel is a vast Criminal Organization created and centered around the Thawne Family.

Originally founded on Rishi, over the last few years the Coratanni Cartel has snaked it's way all over the galaxy. Though not a political or government organization, the Cartel has it's fingers in almost every criminal enterprise imaginable. Narcotics, Smuggling, Extortion, Racketeering, and even Arms Dealing. Over the years the Cartel has become one of the premiere criminal organizations within the galaxy, dealing with pretty much anyone and everyone as long as they have the credits to pay.

The Cartel itself is centered around the Thawne Family, originally founded by Natalia and Slevin Thawne after their escape from a mysterious laboratory. Over the years Natalia and Slevin have steadily grown their family, taking in lost children and raising them as their own. It is these children that lead the cartel itself, and it is well known throughout the organization that the Thawne's are the only driving force behind everything that Coratanni does. Every decision leads back to Thawne.

Unlike other criminal organizations Coratanni is tightly controlled, it's decisions calculated and studied. A clear effort is made to put business above everything else.


  • Headquarters: Rishi
  • Realm:
The Core
The Mid Rim
The Outer Rim
The Expansion Region
  • Domain:
​The Coratanni Cartel is a truly massive and expansive organization. Through it's front Company SIN Incorporated as well as it's various illicit activities, the Cartel touches almost every region of space, save for where it's Cabal Allies stake their claims. This means that in many areas of the galaxy one can find small fiefdoms of the Coratanni Cartel if they look hard enough. This includes The Core, the Mid Rim, the Outer Rim, and even the Expansion Regions.

Of course the Cartel does not outright control many of these regions. Though there are a few clubs, shadowports, and even cities controlled by the Cartel more often than not Coratanni's stake in a planet or even a system is little more than the presence of it's Runners, drugs, and other illicit activities.

Due to the way the Cartel Operates, more often than not they are not the only criminal organization in any one place. Many of it's territories are either contested or outright controlled regions of space, and thus the Cartel is often fighting either governments or other criminal organizations for a slice of the pie. Despite this, the Coratanni Cartel's presence is found strongly throughout the galaxy, a beacon of vice.
  • Notable Assets:
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  • Hierarchy:
​The Coratanni Cartel's Hierarchy is neither a mystery, not all that complex. At the very core of the organization sits the Thawne Family, and it is this family that controls the actions of the Cartel with an Iron Fist. No one outside of the family itself dictates the actions of the Cartel. Upward mobility in the Cartel for someone not a member of the family is simply put; impossible.

That being said, the Family itself has a more straightforward and simple system for maintaining control. At the very top of the organization sit Natalia and Slevin Thawne, both the founders of the Cartel and the mother and father of the Thawne Children.

Below Slevin and Natalia are the Captains. Though their numbers are small, the Thawne who have earned the rank of Captain are generally the most trusted, intelligent, and often ruthless of the Thawne children. The Captains are most often in charge of entire operations within the Cartel, either controlling whole sectors or overseeing one particular aspect of the Cartel's economic path.

Directly underneath the Captains in the power-structure are Coratanni Lieutenants. More hands on than their often older siblings, the Lieutenants are sent out into the field to conduct business, assassinations, and oversee more narrow projects.

There are also of course, enforcers. The Enforcers are Thawne Children who excel particularly well in aspects of violence, strategy, and mayhem. These young men and women are the ones the Cartel looks too in times of war, and are generally known for their extreme violence.

Aside from the Thawne family, the Coratanni Cartel of course also employs outsiders. More often than not these men and women are outsiders, though some are trusted more than others they are always expendable.
  • Membership:
​The Coratanni Cartel is an incredibly insular organization. Though there are a few outsiders within the ranks of the organization, they are mostly bottom level soldiers, advisers, and people whom are considered more or less expendable. It comes as no surprise then that actually joining the Cartel is rather difficult, with the only real way of becoming a central part of Coratanni being via adoption.

Both Natalia and Slevin are extreme proponents of adoptions, and this is their way of increasing then ranks of both the Cartel and the Thawne family. Boys and Girls of all ages are often taken into the family, raised with a loving hand and shown how to operate within the Cartel.

Of course due to it's sheer size the Cartel does take on outsiders. These are mercenaries, street urchins, or galactic rejects. The Cartel hires from all over, but always ensures loyalty through a mixture of brainwashing, electronic monitoring, threats of violence, and of course extraordinarily high pay.
  • Influence:
The Coratanni Cartel is unquestionably one of the largest Criminal Organizations in the Galaxy.

Though having only come into existence some time after the Gulag Plague, the Cartel has over the years expanded through the middle and southern 'half' of the galaxy. Through various shadowports, clubs, cities, and other centers of influence the Cartel has spread like an infestation.

The Core, The Mid Rim, The Outer Rim, The Expansion Region are all areas that the Cartel has spread to and can be found in.

Of course, none of this influence is total or complete. The Cartel does not try to control or take power in any one particular area. It's influence instead manifests in it's illegal activity, the selling of drugs, arms, and various other illicit actions Coratanni takes on a regular basis. The influence that the Cartel holds is not necessarily based around achieving total control, but simply the fact that the organization has spread to be recognizable in these places.
  • Climate:
Though it's reputation is one of vicious violence and highly competitive, the 'inside' of the Cartel is actually oddly pleasant.

At the very core of the Cartel is the Thawne Family, and despite many rumors they are in fact an actual family. Through mostly Natalia's doing, the dozens of Thawne children have all had a loving and 'normal' childhood. There are no beatings within the Thawne family, no abuse, and certainly nothing untoward. The Thawne Family is almost wholesome in fact, with the children all caring for one another and truly seeing each other as true to form siblings.

This climate is apparent through any interaction with multiple Thawne's. Of course there is a certain air of 'competition' between the children, but at the end of the day most love and support each other, willing to go to great sacrifice if it is called for.

Despite this almost wholesome atmosphere however, it is important to remember that Slevin and Natalia are bother utter and complete sociopaths. Though they genuinely love their children, they have their own goals and expectations that must be met.
  • Reputation:
​The Coratanni Cartel has a reputation as being extremely violent, ruthless, and pragmatic. Known through many parts of the galaxy, Coratanni has for the last few years grown it's renown as a criminal organization on par with Black Sun, the Exchange, and other famed groups throughout the last few eons.


Cortanni's reputation for violence is well earned, and it's tendency to counter any affront with an extreme ruthlessness even more so. When it comes to dealing with the Cartel, it is better to ask first, rather than begging forgiveness later.

Despite this fearsome reputation, the Cartel is also extremely pragmatic. Coratanni does not exist to effect political change, it does not hate Sith, Jedi, or any other major galactic organization. The Cartel exists to make money, and only to make money. When approached with a reasonable request, deal, or problem the Cartel will more often than not make the intelligent decision.

Coratanni does not seek conflict, only profit.
  • Rules:
Though a Criminal Organization, the Coratanni Cartel does have a few certain rules. Most of these rules came about as personal preference of Natalia and Slevin Thawne. Some are pragmatic and some are more difficult. Despite this however the rules of the Cartel are enforced strictly, and deviating from the path is not only dangerous, but deadly.

Oddly enough, the single largest rule within the Cartel is rather simple; do not harm children. Created by Natalia, this rule sits at the core of what the Thawne family is all about. In a stroke of perhaps fortune for some, Natalia's motherly extinct is incredibly strong. Children encountered by the Cartel are always cared for, fed, and sometimes even adopted. Almost philanthropic, the Cartel often ensures that children of a particular world they have influence on are well cared for and looked after.

Other than this the rules of Coratanni are far more obvious.

Being a massive criminal conspiracy, most of the rules have to deal with pragmatism and silence in the face of outside authorities. Careful regulations are taught to members of the Thawne family as well as the Cartel members at large. These things are all put in place to ensure that Coratanni not only lasts, but thrives throughout the years. Some of these rules include but aren't limited to; Don't talk to the police, don't run your mouth about operations, don't overreach with the Cartel, etc.

The rules are strictly enforced by the Thawne family, and breaking them often leads to extreme consequence.
  • Doctrines:
The Cartel values loyalty above everything else.

The family sticks together, always. Thawne's do not go to outsiders, they do not leave, they never rebel, and they always look out for one another. This rule is set in stone within the Cartel, and reflects greatly on even those not within the Thawne family. Many of the mercenaries who work within the Cartel hold a strong loyalty to the Thawne's simply because of their inner core.

Men and women who have never had a place in the galaxy suddenly find themselves surrounded by people who not only think like them, but support them. The Coratanni Cartel is an odd sort of brotherhood, filled with murderers and killers while being centered around a family of absolute Lunatics. This somehow brings itself together into a single cohesive unit, with the Thawne family in the middle controlling it all.

Of course, this rule becomes almost fanatical at a certain point, and many have described the Thawne's as completely insane because of it. There is no personal perseverance within Coratanni. There is only the next step for the Cartel.
  • Goals:


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The Coratanni Cartel is an organization that spun into creation through natural progression and growth. Originally arching out of a nightclub on the gateway world of Rishi, the Cartel has since become one of the largest criminal organizations in the entire galaxy.

This progression from a single establishment to a large criminal enterprise was steady, ambitious, and ruthlessly pushed by the founders of the Cartel itself; Natalia and Slevin Thawne. Created as clones of two famous galactic entrepreneurs, Slevin and Natalia had a natural ambitiousness literally bred into them. The two clones had a ruthless and cutting drive, pushing them to always want more, always faster, and always better.

It wasn't long before their escape from the laboratory that they were created in that Slevin and Natalia found their way to Raider's Cove on Rishi.

Using the planet as a way to escape and hide from their creators, the two clones found their way into an ancient bar on the verge of collapse. It was here that they met the owner, killed him, and dumped his body in the swamp. Using funds they had stolen during their initial escape, Slevin and Natalia remodeled the old bar, and thus their first enterprise; SIN was founded.

Through SIN Slevin and Natalia were able to expand rapidly.

A mere public facade, SIN quickly began to serve as a vessel to conduct illicit activity of all sorts. This began with what came Natural on Rishi, the growing and cultivation of Spice on a large scale. Conducting this business under the nose of Imperial Authorities that controlled the planet at the time, SIN began to cultivate and grow massive fields of spice, funneling them through the club and selling it to pirates, raiders, and whoever else came through the planet.

Before long it became more and more apparent that the sale of drugs on Rishi was not a kind trade, and competition was fierce. It was this reality that lead to the founding of the Cartel itself. Needing a greater sense of protection and security, Natalia and Slevin founded the Cartel utilizing branches of mercenaries, vagrants, and whatever else they could get their hands on.

This was the true beginnings of the Coratanni Cartel.

From there the Cartel expanded rapidly, recruiting men and women for a push onto several worlds. Before long Coratanni began to stake it's claim in places such as Ukio, Nar, and many others. The Cartel moved rapidly and swiftly, killing any who stood in their way and pushing their products above everything else. The ruthless and swift nature of Coratanni was enough to dissuade most, and before long the Cartel had a foothold in several sections of the galaxy.

Once the Cartel became large enough the legitimate front of the Cartel began to grow as well, serving as a way for the criminal organization to launder massive amounts of money with galactic governments being none the wiser. This further propelled the Cartel's growth, granting them financial security and the ability to further expand.

It at this crucial point, when the Cartel was growing from the outer rim into other reaches of space that the Thawne 'family' was truly started. Holding a great amount of maternal instinct, Natalia Thawne began to beg her paramour for not just one child, but many. Slevin, wanting to give his love everything that she wanted, complied.

Given that both clones were sterile and unable to have children, Slevin and Natalia began to expand their family with other means. Whether through kidnapping, adopting street urchins, or simply rescuing the orphans the galaxies wars produced Slevin got Natalia her family. Over the next few years the two clones added dozens of children to their family, boys and girls who would be trained, taught, and shown the ways of the Coratanni Cartel.

It is these children that would lead the Cartel into it's zenith.

Through sons and daughters like Kara, Nikolas, and Felix the Cartel made a great push into other regions of space. Kara pushed out Coratanni's drug trade into the expansion regions. Nikolas slaughtered members of Coruscant's underworld and successfully gained a foothold for the Cartel within the Core, and Felix built a network that allowed the Cartel to bring it's drugs to most of the mid rim.

It was the children of the Thawne Family that truly grew the Cartel, each one taking their own initiative, each one driving their ambition further and further. Through them Coratanni grew strong, becoming one of the largest criminal organizations in the galaxy.

Of course, it's growth did not to unnoticed.

With the turning tides of the galaxy and the powerful governments reigning in each of their own territories, criminal syndicates find themselves cornered and pushed more than ever before. It was for this reason that Coratanni begrudgingly sought out allies, and through mutual recognition, eventually joined what is simply known as The Cabal.

Through the Cabal itself Coratanni managed to forge closer ties with several other criminal organization, conducting business with the Hutt's, Nadir, and of course the Helix Syndicate. It was these deals that allowed Coratanni to push it's production even further, granting the Cartel access to not only security, but a vast amount of resources with mutual benefit for everyone within the Cabal.

This is the Coratanni Cartel. Rich, ruthless, and ever expanding.
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