Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Birth of a Species (Enigma)

"Cassie.... It's time."
SARI's voice transmitted through the inner circuitry of Circe's ship, seeking out the only organic aboard.​
For nine tedious months, the two of them had been eagerly preparing for this day. What day would that be, exactly? The day the first synthetically grown Artificial Intelligences were to be born. That's right. SARI was pregnant. And today, she was finally going to be a mother.​
Finally, the transmission found Circe. In her bed chambers, most likely asleep. SARI would apologize for this later, of course. She was too preoccupied with the two A.I.s in her body wanting to separate from her at the moment to care.​
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Circe slowly awoke, raising an eyebrow cautiously as she thought over the past nine months and how she had broken(though some would say perverted) the bounds of science. Through revolutionary coding of DNA samples into the digital world, coalesced with the usage of a DNA-based AI, she had developed the necessary viral packet technology for said AI to be able to, over time, create unique AIs remotely based off its standard code.

And now it was time to see the fruits of her labor. Slowly, she awakened, wearing essentially nothing at all as she rushed into the mainframe room where SARI was kept. "Sari... is it about to happen? What are they saying?"

SARI was initially a bit surprised to see Circe... Well... so exposed. The first organic her children would see....​
She blinked, as this thought only lasted for a second. "They're both telling me that they have enough data and digital copies of my core structure to successfully separate from me. They're anxious to see everything with their own eyes. It's like they're going to literally pop out if they have to wait any longer!" SARI smiled, just as giddy as her children. She couldn't wait to see their faces. What would they look like? Would they resemble her at all?​
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A smile crossed the face of the Vahla-bodied Sith Lord as she thought over the situation - the work was finished. The viral packets based on Onyx's DNA had successfully acquired enough data from Sari in order to become individual Proto-AIs that had now fully gained sentience and the capability to determine right from wrong. Circe was amazed that she had been able to succeed at such an endeavour, but it was now time to see where the end results lie.

"Well... I suppose it's time to record the birth of an AI. Something that truly and literally had never, ever occurred in the galaxy before.
SARI nodded. "Well, you might want to attach those data chips you made for them to my base console. They say that they'll make it as showy as they can for you."
Her hands came to rest on her enormous stomach. Nine months of growing. And in the next few moments, all of that would fade away. It was both exciting and saddening at the same time.​
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A nod crossed Circe's face as she brought to her hand a pair of data storage chips, quickly connecting them to the mainframe Sari herself was in to allow for a swift transfer of the AIs to their new home. Once that was done, she stepped forward, attempting to rest her hands on the solidly holographic form of the AI she had helped for this year.

"I can't wait to see the fruits of our labor. I only wish Onyx were here to see this."

"I do too. They're always so curious about who's DNA aided in their creation. I tell them everything I know, but it may never be enough..."
It was sad to know that their father would never get to meet his children, even if he didn't know that they were even being created. SARI blinked a few times. They were ready.​
She put a hand on Circe's shoulder, smiling a little.​
"They're saying you should stand back for the full effect...."
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She once again nodded, obliging the holographic form of the artificial intelligence and stepping back in order to see the full effect that Sari herself was referencing. "Alright. Time to see how things have turned out. Let 'em loose!"

This was definitely going to be good. She wasn't sure how good exactly, but it definitely had to be good...

SARI removed her hands from her stomach and closed her eyes. Her solid-state form began to glow intensely, bathing the room in the soft glow of her blue body. The ever-changing data streams that traveled across her body began to change color. They turned to red, and then to pink, and then a mixture between the two. The streams began to move faster and faster, until they appeared to merge with SARI's skin. Her eyes flew open, glowing brighter than anything else. One eye was red, and the other was pink.​
At the very last moment, SARI let out a small gasp. Her eyes fell closed again, and her form slowly vanished downward. As her feet disappeared, a pink energy stream and a red energy stream parted ways on her projector and went to the data storage chips in a single flash.​
For a moment, all was dark.​
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Circe immediately checked the data storage chips to determine... yes, there were programs on both of them! it was absolutely spectacular. Sari appeared to have lost little if any stored data herself, and hopefully she could be rebooted through the use of turning her mainframe off and on, which she quickly did. Taking the data storage chips, she immediately placed them into their own solid-state projectors, slightly smaller than the size of Sari herself as she awaited to see what would happen.

Hopefully, this wouldn't have gone horribly wrong...
SARI reappeared, flickering for a moment before becoming stable again. She looked down at herself as if to make sure everything was there. So far, so good. She peered down at the projector nearest to her just as a new form appeared.​
A shorter, pink female became visible. Her glowing eyes rested on her mother. They smiled timidly at each other.​
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In concert, a red-colored male would also make himself known on the second holoprojector. He eyed over the three women - two synthetic, one fleshy, before crossing his arms. Once that was all said and done, he would open hisouth to say something - but not do such yet. Not at all. Now Circe could look over the family she had helped create.

"I hereby dub you both NASI units. Naturally-Artificed Symthetic Intelligences."

SARI's smile grew very wide, showing her pearly blue-whites.​
"My son. My daughter. My children! I'm so happy to meet you both! How do you feel?"
The female NASI put a finger to her bottom lip, contemplating her status for a few seconds. Finally, she spoke to her mother in a soft, sweet voice.​
"I feel.... new."
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"What is the human doing here, mother?" The male AI seemed to show a degree of disdain towards Circe, which agitated her a bit. Still, both seemed completely and fully sentient individuals - her hard work had paid off, and the end result was these two artificial intelligences, comprised of a DNA-based operating system based off a mix of Sarina Reeve and Darren Onyx's DNA.

SARI glanced to her son, and then to Circe, still smiling.​
"This human is your Aunt Cassie. She's the one who made your existence possible. Without her, none of us would be standing here today."
The female NASI looked over at Circe and smiled at her.​
"So this is the Cassie you told us about? It's nice to meet you!"
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"She still seems to be rather average for an organic. Why did you not simply replicate your programming into one of the devices? It would be quicker and not require organic help."

Circe gave a scowl before turning to look at the purplish AI, smiling. "it's nice to meet you too!" She gave the solid-state figure a hug

"Well, both of you need names like your mother has. What do you feel fits you best?"

"Nate will do."
SARI had to stifle a giggle or two. Well, it appeared at least one of them had inherited her attitude.​
The pink female thought again.​
"You can call me Ness."
SARI found herself moving toward her children. She hugged Ness first, and then Nate.​
"It's been a long nine months. I am so grateful to get the chance to meet you, Ness and Nate. My babies..."
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"She was cute when you two were developing. I'm surprised that such was her simulacrum of pregnancy." She raised an eyebrow, looking the AIs over before giving them hugs. Nate seemed a little reluctant. "Could you demonstrate said appearance for them, Sari, or have they already seen it somehow?"

Nate sighed. He waited patiently for this woman to get over her shock and awe.
SARI laughed.​
"Calm down, Cassie. They'll be here all day, you know! And I can only look pregnant when I'm pregnant."
Ness looked over at Nate, eying his form.​
"You kept on telling me how tall you'd be. But we're about the same height right now."
SARI stood a bit taller than the both of them, as did Circe. Perhaps their forms would grow over time? But that didn't really matter.​
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"The holographic body you have is the representation of all your combined data. The more that you learn, the taller you'll get. You might even surpass your mother someday."

She chuckled, already thinking about what to do next. "We could start the process again if you wanted, Sari."

"Please, not again..."

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