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Approved Species The Arisen

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

  • Name: The Arisen
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Twilight Sepulcher
  • Average Lifespan: 200
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
  • Description: Tall, blonde haired and beautiful... the strand-casted clones are grown in vats and trained by the Disciples of the Ta-Ree within the silver jedi. THeir bodies considerably fit physically taking after a mixture of Hanna Vondiranach and Romi Jade as two influences in the jedi grandmasters views of Hapans. WHen using the force their eyes noticeable glow with blue white light and they are as clone mono-gendered as they grow more of themselves and function as caretakers of the jedi temples. Per Hanna's request there is a rare variant of Atrisian with black hair and eyes who are modeled on Matsu. Pale skinned and smaller but the more rare of the models to appease the wife.
  • Breathes: Type I, Type II
  • Average Height of Adults:
    • 2 meters (standard model)
    • 1.66 meters (rare model)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pale
  • Hair color:
    • Blond with darker roots
    • Rare model black hair
  • Distinctions:
    • Midi-chloroxian: A synthetic blood connection to the force able to function and be grown with the force sensitive biots.
    • Hive-Mind Bond: Grown together and mentally connected. THey can share thoughts, experiences and finish each other sentences.
    • Mono-Gendered: Grown in a lab with generational Recombinant DNA for diversity of genetics. THey are similar to the Gutretee being able to absorb information from each other.
    • Master Chefs: Trained like Hanna herself in the art of culinary perfection... always having treats for the younglings and guests.
    • Rare Atrisian styled models for Hanna
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Bond: THeir force bond is powerful, they are able to meld their presence in the force as a powerful mental block over jedi temples to heavily resist mental influences as well as be able to alert each other to visitors.
  • Hive Mind: Learning from studies of the Drengir their minds are not simply a hive mind. THey share close to a root mind with all being able to be connected in a bond through the force that allows sharing thoughts, experiences and to face one is to face them all. It makes mentally trying to trick them exponentially harder but not impossible.
  • Force Nullification: Being grown as strand-cast they are force clones without the danger of madness as they in theory have diversity as small as it is in their genetics. Nullification of the force is like poison to them as their bodies rely on it and they can seem like fish out of water struggling to breathe.
  • Bond: THeir bond has as many benefits as detriments and dangers. Their shared experiences and thoughts can mean anger transfers, pain transfers and deadly incidents such as one or more being killed can be highly dangerous and traumatic to the others.
  • Darkside: THey are created as lightspawn... force beings crafted and grown with influences of the lightside of the force in their bodies. It makes them strong and beacons of the force but like most things made with one side they are highly vulnerable to the other... darkside powers physically are more dangerous to them.

  • Diet: Omnivore: THey are grown and able to eat anything they can find.
  • Communication: Verbal, Body Language, Telepathy
  • Technology level: Grown with flash knowledge of Sasori's advanced technologies and highly educated in history and sciences.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Born on from the lightside of the force and experiments of the silver jedi grandmaster and tied to the developing works of the order. They are the caretakers of the areas on the temples.. they meet and greet the jedi and force sensitives who come and are brought there. THey are taught to show compassion and aid anyone who requires it with a strict belief in the power of the lightside of the force. THey are heavily religious to it and support the jedi or any force user who comes to them so long as they support the light. THey don't view Matsu as a god but she is their progenitor and Hanna Vondiranach along with the Ike family line are important to them with the ones who serve within the light able to be protected and ask for their aid. THe temples and by extension the areas of importance to the jedi are viewed by them as sacred ground and they treat it with a high level of respect.
  • General behavior: Calm and sedate as they preform their duties, with a cooler demeanor as they share their emotional stability. Allowing one to draw on hundreds in situations... often giving them a serene face that doesn't falter. The more people around them the more they are comfortable and helpful. Being fairly new to the galaxy they reside and stay with the temples of the silver jedi and rarely leave the massive network of temple that have been getting built and rebuilt. With darksiders they first seek to redeem and turn them away from the darkside but then seek to deny... they might not fight to kill but they will fight to protect if it is needed and denial of entrance to the temples.
Created only recently by Matsu, the strand-casted clones are based on two people a friend whom she would trust with much and her wife. Romi Jade and Hanna Vondiranach two Hapans of beauty, grace and intense skill... so of course if one was going to make clones to surround their temple and where they would keep their holocron go with the most beautiful and talented. SHe set them up on Catia in the Twilight Sepulcher with a development facility that would grow them to be able to populate the temple in areas along with the biots and droids. Strong in their designs and made to take care of the temples of the silver jedi. They can work with temple security but are caretakers and referential to the jedi grandmaster who made them as a form of lightspawn.
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