Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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That might be the droid I'm looking for.

It had been a while since Loske had touched paper. Everything in her world, that she had ever known, had been paperless. Purely digital. The light substance felt foreign to her touch, and she studied the characters on the page as much as she observed [member="Kaili Talith"]’s shakiness. That incident had been truly disturbing, it seemed.

Mrs. Bebo - the Bebo family. A wan simper spread across the girl’s pouted lips and she nodded toward the droidmaker at the dismissal of the story. Though she was disappointed. Loske adored stories - some innate desire to know about people.

“No worries,” she shrugged, folding the torn piece of paper with the contact and sliding it into her jacket’s inner pocket. The benefits of the star fighter she piloted meant she could land in close proximity of … basically anything without a dedicated landing strip.

“Okay, so, address - check. Name - check. Droid…” she looked toward the metallic figure with apprehension.


She didn’t really want to lift that.

“Think you could use your Force magic and trot that thing outside…”
“Yeah, yeah of course.” Kaili nodded and extended her hand towards the droid. Her eyes closed, not becuase it was a difficult to do, but because she quite simply did not want to lay eyes on the thing that had violated her so. “Just, outside?”

Wire caught her foot and with Kaili keeping her eyes closed she had little in the way of a warning before the inevitable. Her face planted itself against the cold floor and the droid fell down in a spazm. Kaili wasted little time for profanity, in fact she let out a whispered chain of them before getting up from the floor and quickly raised the droid from the floor again. Her eyes remained open this time. Open, but set on the floor.

The door opened, fresh air poured into the shop.

… A sex droid floated outside of the shop and settled in the small patch of grass outside.

“That good enough?” The girl asked Loske before letting go. “Please don’t make me march it to the spaceport.”

[member="Loske Matson"]
It was more than blatantly apparent that the extent of [member="Kaili Talith"]’s assistance with the gross-bot had reached its limits. Containing her grumpiness with this matter, Loske’s top lip tucked against her teeth and she nodded. She did have to try and understand, really. The droidmaster had just been violated by no wish of her own.

See now, this would be a great time to have an astromech. Loop a rope around the dome and have it drag the other droid - done like dinner!

“It’s okay, I got it.” She held up a palm and dropped it as a partial dismissal to any more offers of assistance slash a departing wave. “I’ll letcha know how the story goes in a few weeks, eh? Thanks again!”

She realized then, that she’d never really said goodbye before. Not..properly. No. That couldn’t be right. She was a teenager, there had to be several times in her growing up that she encountered departure. As much as she racked her brain while moving away - she couldn’t connect to one.

That was weird.

“Uh, yeah. Okay! Until later then. Oh- here’s my comm - just in case it’s later or earlier, or you need anything.” She extended a chip with her information on it toward the Talith girl before scooting out to where the limp, metallic frame waited to be leveraged.

“Ick.” She murmured, before wrapping her fingers around its phalanges, before second guessing and going for the wrists and dragging it with her left arm only. Kaili didn’t seem too concerned about its well being, so dragging would be the only option. She doubted it’d been cleaned in a while. So, somewhat bent, Loske marched toward her starfighter to figure out how to best cram the full-sized frame into her ship.

Nearly at her ship, her feet gave way to a drag then a pause. Possessed by something not of her own intention, the girl’s grip on the wrist involuntarily tightened and the rest of her stiffened. Flashes nearly blinded her, ricocheting from one corner of her eye to the other before they started to fill in the light spectrum with hues and discernible shapes. And voices.

“I don’t think … oh Jo’lin! It can go there! Do come here, look at this.”
This wasn’t a monologue though, and Loske could hear a gasp somewhere in the back of her mind. Or someone else’s mind? At this point, she didn’t know, it was like she was in a cinema. “Oh no, no Ven this is far too much. You can’t, I can’t..hey! Be careful!”
Loske could then see the subject in matter was the droid she was latched on to with the death grip. The visions became clearer - a couple in a decorated, rose hued room.
“Oh, I think it broke..”
The man had a trickle of blood down his leg.
“Good - I think this would be a good time to just..let’s just dump it.”
“What’re you saying Jo’lin?”
“I don’t want this anymore, let’s just get rid of it! You’re the only one that uses it anyway.” The wife’s words seemed to quiver. Out of anger or other upsets, Loske couldn’t determine.

She retracted, pulling her hands away and slapping them together like dusting a clump of dirt from her palms. “What the what!”
“I shouldn’t have sent her off alone like that.” Kaili realised as the blood slowly drained from her face. “Selfish! Stupid! … I can still help her.”

Kaili grabbed her keys and hurried her way towards the door. She stepped outside, turned around and ensured that her shop would remain at least somewhat secure until she returned. She let one hand swipe at the controls to open the door and as soon as she heard to bleeps of denial she took to a brisk pace looking to catch up with her new sorta-kinda-maybe friend. That sorta-kinda-maybe friend that she had forced into a walk of shame across town with a pleasure unit.

The spaceport came into view, was invaded and then quickly passed through. In the distance she saw a stationary Loske looking as pale as a ghost in the middle of the Borleian sun. Something was wrong, had she touched it too? The oblong equipment that tormented Kaili still?

“Loske!” She exclaimed, worriedly. “Are you okay? You’re… Really pale.”

“Like, really, really pale.”

“Did it hit you too? Something bad happen?”

[member="Loske Matson"]
Fluttered eyelashes made the vision and reality intermingle for a little while. It was like a mixture of dye, purple meets red and swirling together in a liquid, tangled mess until the addition of another sense was engaged - this being the calling of [member="Kaili Talith"] back to reality.

“I wh— yeah..” her mouth was slightly agape even before she began to respond; mostly from her confused verbal outburst milliseconds earlier.

Did it hit her? Something hit her alright…but not as physically as Kaili had suffered. The perplexed feeling wasn’t masked, and displayed on her colour-drained face “-Did it hit me? I .. don’t know.” She looked at the palm of her hands, fingertips quivering while the azure hue of her irises started to return “Something happened I .. this .. this thing doesn’t have to go back to the couple.” She was scrambling to fit a sentence together, and it seemed best to redirect the conversation away from her well-being and back to someone else “They don’t want it. They gave it to you so they could get rid of it.

I guess they kinda knew you wouldn’t do it.”

How did she know all this? Not sure. Really, really not sure. Her shoulders slumped and typically straight posture bent slightly - a violated feeling circling her blood. This must have been how Kaili felt.

“I think this droid is demonized.”

There wasn’t much other explanation for the random appendage attack and vision presentation.
Kaili’s jaw ran crooked as her mouth opened wide in confusion and her brows perked to the point where they nearly burrowed themselves within the shades of her hair-locks. A hand rubbed against her neck and she tried to find the words.

“I’m sorry, what?” Good enough. “Demonized? Doesn’t have to go back to its owners?” Kaili blinked. “What?”

Kaili took a quick glance around them. The sun had been shining all day, it always did, but maybe that was it? The thought to reach out and check Loske’s forehead was there, but Kaili held it back. As much as she worried Kaili still felt like maybe the whole ‘personal space issue’ was a thing even during heat strokes. Not that Loske seemed any worse for wear compared to what she did before. Which was to say not at all, she was just maybe a little paler, that’d about sum it up.

“Did something happen? I don’t understand, Loske.”

[member="Loske Matson"]
She didn’t really blame [member="Kaili Talith"] for being confused. The pilot did sound insane, and although the droid maker was looking for some sort of explanation for Loske’s ridiculous sounding statement, there wasn’t really one other than the fact this droid was demonized. This had never happened to her before.

“I touched the droid, dragging it back to my ship, and I saw the couple arguing. They said they didn’t want the robot anymore. To get rid of it. So they left it with you.” Her speech was punctuated. It’s not that she was irritated at Kaili’s lack of understanding, and having to seemingly repeat herself, but mores her own confusion about what was going on within herself. How could her hands bring images to life?
“You touched the droid and saw the owners arguing?” Kaili sounded confused, yet something about it struck her as not too unlikely of an event. The only problem was that she had no real idea why or what was causing it. All things considered Kaili was pretty much just a master of the one area of the force, to think she kept track of all possible uses for it was foolish. Like asking a carpenter if he could carve an intricate pattern in a log. Woodwork was there, but mastering both was hard.

“So just,” Kaili exhaled in disbelief and tried once again to get a grip on the situation. “You touched it, saw the owners and their intentions to just drop the droid on my porch and leave?”

The kid scratched the back of her neck again and looked back at Loske.

“Then, just, how about we turn it back to them? With a nice little note?” Kaili said as she withdrew a notepad and decided to put faith in what her friend was saying. “Dear Owner,” The kid grinned as she wrote a furious note. “How about no?” She added and snickered, tore the page from the block and placed the note in the droid’s hands.

“Think that will send the message?”

[member="Loske Matson"]

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