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Thalia Dolores Gorsceux


here for your dad



Current Name:
Thalia Dolores Gorsceux
Faction: The Moross Crusade
Species: Anzat
Age: 227
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 8”
Weight: 125
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Skin: Caucasian, Greyish Hue
Force Sensitive: No


[+] Anzat – The benefits of being Anzati are almost ridiculous. Ranging from regenerative abilities and very long life span to their natural telepathy and mind control talents. Good thing everybody and their mother is immune to mind control.

[+] Beautiful – If you've got it, flaunt it and Thalia has certainly flaunted it, throughout her life so far she has utilised her aesthetically pleasing features to get ahead in life. Being easy on the eyes has definate advantages, especially if you've listened women on your own weaknesses.

[+] Rich – Money makes the world go around. Thalia wants for nothing.​
[-] Non-combatant – Thalia does not fight, and does not have any formal training to do so. Her only personal form of defence is her natural Anzati abilities. Aside from that she must rely on her own cunning, beauty or others to protect her.

[-] Addicted to...Soup? - As par for the course of one of her species, Thalia very often indulges in brain soup of other sentient beings. It is a fair assessment to say that she is addicted and goes through a frightening quantity of prey each day. If caught in a situation where soup is not readily available, all dignity, judgement and sanity will go out the window and she will rampage until she feeds.

[-] Bored White Girl – To get her giddy kicks and alleviate her privileged boredom Thalia has built a hobby on the basis of cruelty. As time has gone on these practices get more and more extreme and in tandem with her addiction to brain soup, this will one day lead to her endangering her own existence.


Going so far to call it a strength, Thalia is without a doubt a very beautiful woman, well as long as those proboscises are hidden.

She has the combination of the fair and dark haired looked and ironically enough carries an air of innocence and vulnerability in her face. If you've been reading up to this point then you know that this is not the case, if you have just started reading in the middle of this sentence then I must comment that this is a really peculiar place to start reading and that you should probably go to the top.

She is of average height for a female of her species, and of average weight. With all the right curves in all the right places, Thalia was truly blessed by the dice roll of genetics to be the perfect predator via seduction. In summary, she's hotness. I hear you, rolling your eyes at a hot female character. Well you know what? I write an obese rat, I can do what I want.​
Born upon Anzat, Thalia's long-lived childhood was one of the preparation for a lifetime of hunting ahead. Given the pleasing nature of her appearance the young girl was taught how to use her appearance to ensnare and capture her prey. You know, the standard learning affair for today's discerning young woman. Galactic Basic, mathematics, geography, seduction. Of course, as standard in Anzati culture when she hit the youthful age of one hundred she was sent off into the galaxy alone, for the cultural hunt of soup.

There were decades of hunting, not worth chronicling just yet.

Rather what was noteworthy was a desire for a greater comfort in living. So she used what nature gave her, becoming an unapologetic gold-digger with the appeal of an ageless beauty for those rich old men that craved something nice to hang off of their arms. She would wait, until age claimed the old codgers, after all she had time upon her side.

After each victim died, and their fortune hers, Thalia would then move to a new planet and assume a fresh identity. A new name, change of hair colour, change of eye colour, change of style and begin the process anew. At first this used to amuse her, she saw it as a game of attrition but eventually she grew bored of this and on a few occasions had her marks killed prematurely.

Eventually her wealth reached a point where she no longer needed to continue her gold-digging game and so she settled down upon Terminus in the Outer Rim. She acquired personal accountants and bankers to ensure that the droll financial game was one that she no longer needed to play and instead took on darker pursuits.

She would seek out people, desperate people in need of credits and have them snatched from their homes in the dead of night. From there she would engage them in her own little game, testing the limits and desperations of her victims she would offer them absurd amount of credits to do increasingly awful things. At first it was small things, like demanding a former alcoholic now teetotal to have a drink for 10,000 credits, to flat out monstrosities, ordering her contestants to hurt and even kill each other for sums of money that they couldn't even dream of.

And they would.

However, none of her victims would ever make it out of her games, with Thalia devouring the soup of those who did manage to survive.

Of course, to avoid pitchforks at dawn all of this was done within the privacy of her own mansion. Her public persona was also a far cry from the real woman that lurked beneath. Quiet, dignified follower of Ithari. Benefactor to the Moross Crusade. Known philanthropist. Fabulously stylish. No suspicions could be traced to her for the disappearances of people in such a densely popular world. After all, the people who went missing were often in dire situations, regarding debt, or poverty.

What was more likely? That they ran away from their problems? Committed suicide? Or that they were captured by very wealthy woman for her own elaborate and personal Hunger Games?


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