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Tejori Lotor

Tejori Lotor

Only the bright future lays ahead...
NAME: Tejori Lotor


RANK: None


SPECIES: Human — planet of origin unknown

AGE: 14

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 1.48m

WEIGHT: 48kg

EYES: Grey

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Pale-skinned — heavily freckled

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (but unknown)

SIBLINGS: None known of

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum)

She was a cocky young girl. But then, being brought up in a primarily male environment where any sign of weakness was punished? You learned to act brash and bold — even when it felt unnatural.

Her wit was at best dry. Sarcasm was a constant companion and sometimes she was even rude. But that was all part of her upbringing. She was a smart cookie and a fast-talker, with a brain to match — often improvising great plans on the spot and always finding a way in or out of complex situations — which is part of the reason she was valuable to the gang she spent her formative years with.

An apprenticeship that meant she was mechanically competent and a decent pilot too. She was always tinkering with machines to repair or even improve them.

She's invariably curious and loves to explore...even if that means getting herself into a predicament. But she's a good climber and has an uncanny knack of being able to descend headfirst.

Strengths: Witty, fast-talker, fast-thinker

Weaknesses: Brash, Insecure, rude, sarcastic



She was a slender girl, looking older than her years.

Once she got lost in the ruins of a crashed destroyer for three days. When she was found, she had copious amounts of oil on her face — and one of her rescuers said she looked like a racoon. The nick-name stuck and so did her fondness for smearing oil across her face to replicate the look. Racoons were natural scavengers after al — as was she.


Most fourteen-year olds have a short biography and Tejori is no different.

There were many rumours about her early life — who her parents were and which planet she came from. All Maggot (the leader of the gang she grew up in) would say was that he found her.

She never saw Maggot as a father figure. Sure he clothed and fed her, but she paid her way. First as a beggar for him, something she was asked to do when coin was low. Then she was trained in many underhand enterprises and her small frame allowed her to climb into places others couldn’t (and to be fair, places she shouldn’t go).

She was part-time cook, pickpocket, ran small-time scams and was even the gang’s best swoop racer. She wondered if Maggot knew of her family. He always hinted he did — but lately she wondered if he pretended, just to keep her under control.

And then one day, somewhere around her fourteenth birthday, she walked. OK, it was a little more complicated than that, but she left the gang and went out on her own. She didn’t know what she would do, but the life she’d led was not the one she wanted to continue for the rest of her life.

All she knew is that she’d raise enough money to buy a ship and leave this planet. How difficult could that be?




v0.1 23 Dec 2015

Tejori Lotor

Only the bright future lays ahead...
Her far

Externally it was just another cantina. But the Paradise Cantina had two distinct uses. Given travelling trade was sparse, and the owner greedy, half of it had been gutted and refitted to serve as a storage area and retail establishment for items that their true owners didn’t always know had gone missing.

The owner of the Paradise — Maggot — was always obeyed; he was not a man to cross without a good reason and a fully charged blaster. He ruled the gang as a less-than-benevolent despot. A slender man of medium height, he was handsome in a hard-edged way. Streaks of silver-white above his temples accentuated his black hair and ice-blue eyes. His mouth was thin-lipped; he seldom smiled — and never with good humor. He’d spent his early years as a professional bounty hunter.

When he was gambling and winning, he was subject to bouts of manic gaiety, especially if he was also drunk.

As he was at the moment. Sitting around a table in front of house cantina, he was playing sabacc and drinking tankards of potent ale.

A hulking Elomin suddenly entered from the rear entrance — that connected the two halves of the building. "Something funny about the lockout sensor on the weapons cache."

Maggot glanced up a little blearily, rubbed his eyes, then straightened up and dropped his card-chips onto the tabletop.

“It's reading normal now, but something flickered, as though the lock shorted out for a second. Probably just a momentary power flux."

"Not a power flux," Maggot stated. "Something else."

He pulled out a datapad and activated the biosensors. “Human,” he announced after a moment. "Female. Young. Height, 1.48 meters. Dark hair and grey eyes. Slender build. The bioscanner says it recognises her. She’s headed this way."

Maggot's expression hardened until his eyes were as cold and blue as the glaciers on Hoth. "The Lotor kid," he said. "She's the only one cocky or stupid enough to try something like this." He flexed his fingers, then hardened them into a fist. “She’ll wish I'd never 'found' her fourteen years ago and brought her snivelling, pants-wetting little behind here. Everyone knows I'm a patient, tolerant man . . ." he sighed theatrically, "But as the galaxy knows, even I have my limits."

The others remembered the kid's last punishment session a year ago. The youth hadn't been able to walk for two days.

Tejori gripped the stolen blaster as she tiptoed along the narrow metal corridor towards the cantina. When she'd wired into the sim and jimmied the lock into the weapons cache, she'd only had a moment to reach in and grab the first weapon that came to hand. There'd been no time to pick and choose.

Nervously, she pushed strands of long black hair back from her forehead, realising she was sweating. The blaster felt heavy and awkward in her hand as he examined it. She had seldom held one before, and he only knew how to check the charge from the reading she'd done.

She'd never actually fired a weapon. Squinting in the dim light, the girl flipped open a small panel in the thickest part of the barrel and peered down at the readouts. Good. Fully charged.

Maggot may be a bully and a fool, but he runs a tight company.

Not even to herself would the youth admit how much she feared and hated him. She'd learned long ago that showing fear of any sort was a swift guarantee of a beating.

The only thing bullies and fools respected was courage — or, at least, bravado. So she had learned never to allow fear to surface in her mind or heart.

There were times when he was dimly aware that it was there, deep down, buried under layers of street toughness, but anytime she recognised it for what it was, Tejori resolutely buried it even deeper.

Experimentally, she swung the blaster up to eye level and awkwardly closed one grey eye as she sighted along the barrel. The muzzle of the weapon wavered slightly, and she cursed softly under her breath as she realised her hand was trembling. Come on, she told herself, show some backbone, Getting away is worth a little risk.

She crept up to the door of the cantina entrance and hesitated outside, her ears and nose busy. Sounds . . . yes, only the ones she'd been expecting to hear. Talking, mugs being put down roughly on tables.

She opened the door and expected to see a lot of people sitting. Instead see saw Maggot standing, facing her. “I’ve come to say goodbye."

She kept going, realising that any pause and she’d falter. “Yes, tonight's the night. I'm going and I'm never coming back.” She was acutely conscious of the stolen blaster shoved into her belt.

For a moment she considered going for it, but she abandoned that idea. Maggot was fast on the draw.

She licked dry lips. “Listen…” she began.

“Listen?" Maggot drew himself up, his eyes narrowing. “Listen to what, you cowardly little traitor? Stealing from your family? Betraying those who trusted you? Stabbing your benefactor in the back, you snivelling little thief?"


"I've had it with you, Lotor. I've been lenient with you, because you're a half-decent swoop pilot and all that prize money came in handy, but my patience has ended." He ceremoniously pushed up the sleeves of his shirt and balled his hands into fists.

Tejori knew the one thing he could never lose in front of his men was face. She’d underestimated the situation. If she left on her terms — if she was seen as leaving on her terms — then others might try it.

"Let's see what a few broken bones does to you. I'm doing this for your own good, you know. Someday you'll thank me."

Tejori gulped with terror. She’d lashed out once before, two years ago, when she'd been feeling cocky after winning a big race — and had been instantly sorry. The speed and strength of his retaliatory blow had snapped her head back and split both lips so thoroughly that she’d been restricted to liquids through a straw for three weeks.

So she slowly removed the blaster from her belt between finger and thumb and dropped it on the floor. She then slowly put up her hands up in a gesture of surrender.

Maggot smiled, pure malevolent hatred was etched upon his features, and then he grinned, pale blue eyes glittering with ruthless joy. "For insubordination," he announced, "I sentence you to death.”

Which was the point that she ran and jumped out of the patterned coloured window that filled most of the wall to her left. She heard the blaster shots behind her and was amazed that none connected.

She landed in a forward roll and immediately sprang to her feet and ran for her life, dodging speeders, hand-carts and passers-by. She didn’t stop running until she’d left the town and put a few clicks behind her.

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