Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Teh Dok'tah

NAME: Teh Dok-tah
FACTION: Neutral
SPECIES: Half Human, half Firrerreo.
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 120 lb
EYES: Light brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Is a fairly good mechanic, being known to be able to fix almost all problems.
  • ​Is strong with force sensory where he can know if something is wrong.
  • ​Is a pacifist in the sense that he will never attempt to kill any sentient being.
  • Is rather weak, and only has the minimum amount of strength required to do his work.
  • ​Is untrained in any form of fighting, but if it comes down to it he can use a wrench like the best of them!
  • Is an excellent pilot known to be able to fly huge ships by himself through an asteroid belt.
  • ​Has a photographic memory, and can read at inhuman speeds.
  • ​Multilingual: Dosh , Bocce, Ewokese, Hapan, High Galactic, Pak Pak, Binary, Dug, Terroxic, Standard Galactic.
  • Has a ​Sonic Servodriver, spar parts for engines, thrusters, breaks, and landing gears, a large wrench for turning bolts upon a ship.
  • ​The ability to heal minor wounds, and can live 1000's of years.
Despite his height and chosen job profession Dok'tah is rather scrawny, having no notable muscle mass what so ever, and choosing to wear a rather fancy tight fitting navy suit, with some lighter colored blue stripes going along it vertically, to give off his slender look. For his lower body he wears a pair of pants matching his suit. Under his suit he wears a white long sleeved buttoned up shirt, and a black tie. His shoes are brown and made of leather, making his whole attire look like that of a business man.

His hair is rather spikey, sticking up in the front so that his whole face is on view for anyone to see, although if he pushes the front of his hair down it could go to his eye brows in length, with the sides and back being cut short.

Teh Dok'tah has lived a rather adventurous live every since he was a child, he was trained in the jedi academy from ages 3 to 7, learning all of the basics of the force, how to use it and where it comes from. Although when it came to learning and practicing with light sabers he would always turn down the training, viewing that they are only weapons meant to hurt and kill someone or something, which made him fail most of his classes. There was one thing that he was rather good at however, using the force to sense and feel out everything around him, he scored the highest on every test which made up for his lack of interest in fighting.

Everything was going good with his training and studies from that time, until he got word that his family was in deep financial trouble, and that the family business was failing, not wanting his family to do without while he learned about the force, Dok'tah left the academy to work with his parents who owned their own traveling mechanic ship, where they would venture from planet to planet, fixing all kinds of damaged ships for people in need. Dok'tah spent the following years learning everything about the different ships, engine parts, and ect, until he could fully take a part a space ship and put it back together with his eyes closed, even without the help of the force. While he did spend most of his time either fixing ships, or learning about all the new parts being made, he was able to practice his force powers so he wouldn't get rust, lifting up small objects with his mind, and turning all of the light off in his room, only using the force to glide him. This getting him in trouble a few times, when his parents tried to enter they would often trip on one of the obstacle he placed to test himself. Another thing that he liked to do is to create different objects to aid him in fixing things, one of them being called the "Sonic Screwdriver" which appears to be a silly device with no use, being that it looks nothing like a screwdriver, but in his hands he can use sonic waves to effect different machines, turning them on or off, controlling the locks on doors, and even starting engines with it.

After working with his family for about 10 years, building up money and making their business better then ever Teh Dok'tah thought he might continue his jedi training, but alas he feels as if he is too old to simply start ever again, so in stead he crafted his own small ship, and deiced that he would go see the world, helping anyone he sees along the way if he can, while working toward his goal to learn every language, and seeing all the wonders life has in store. During his journeys however he has ran into lots of different bounty hunters, and killers of all kinds, who would recognize him from his family business, and would often try to force him into fixing their ships, or to make them weapons. Not wanting either of them to kill, he would disable any weapons that they had on board, and would sneak away by distracting them with "cursed doors" that open and close by themselves. After tricking them for years, and avoiding any confrontations that he could handle, he stop at a planet he has never been to before

A small blue one seater star crafted, with no weapons, and only enough storage space to hold his tools, and some parts he might need. Due to its size and being built by Teh Dok'tah it is incredible fast and agile. The ship also has special enhancements where it can cloak itself, making it appear to be invisible, and to shoot out sonic waves to temperately shut off engines. (Will be registering this, as well as the Sonic Screwdriver)




Teh Dok'tah
@[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"] O.O Thank you so much I was about to try and make one of them! lol And yeah I thought rping as the Doctor would be pretty fun, that and I have been watching a lot of Doctor who lately XDD

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
@[member="Teh Dok'Tah"] - I'm not normally one for straight ripoffs, but there's something very R2-D2 about the Doctor's emphasis on solving problems without violence that doesn't get played with much in most Star Wars RP. I like it.

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