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Tales: a Vet and his Stalwart Companion!

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

The Mandalorians not being in the habit of leaving beskar-laden freighters lying around, this one flew escorted. The Skira-class battleship Like Hell flew behind the freighter. The Krayt-class light cruiser Cannot Be Serious flew ahead of the freighter. The Azalus-class flak frigates Get The and Feth Out flanked the freighter. And drifting along beneath it was the Tegaanalir-class patrol craft Nope.

Also, since the Mandalorians had pioneered the modern cloaking device, they knew enough to keep shields up. Shields were up. Boarding would be a good way to die.

On the bridge of the Skira-class vessel Like Hell, Captain Bob Rekali chomped his cigar and thought about witches. Witches were lovely creatures. He'd been a love slave on Dathomir once, and hadn't found it too terrible. Good times were had by all, even if carrying firewood and water buckets had gotten old.
The fancy Skira-class was much nicer than the Wyyrloks the One Sith had sold Draco. Vulkan didn't know why Clan Rekali got all the nice things, but here he here, no longer Taozin Amulet around his neck, still aboard their ships. One thing about Vulkan that was potent, was his Force Sense and the aura he could produce in the Force. Dread, fear, and sheer terror could flow from him like a storm, a hurricane of rage and pain. Much like Kyp Durron, his fall had made his displays of Force power much more, potent. He may not have been any stronger in the Force, Vulkan was simply more prominent in it. But old Ember wasn't aboard anymore, or he would probably be having very strong words and a fight afterwards.

The large Mandalorian Sith sat down in a command chair with a grunt. "What's on the scanners." They had a longer range than his Force Senses did accurately, but he could feel them, the flotilla of Rekali ships flying around the freighter, and the Black Armored warriors of Clan Vereen remained around the bridge.

"Nothing on standard range Active Scan, Aliit'buir Vereen." Of course not, the Sith Lord would have felt something that close.

"Keep the formation then, until the shipment get out of the gravity well." Why else would Clan Rekali be escorting Clan Vereen's Beskar. They were going to use if for something.

Fleet Assets (Established By Ember)

[member="Ember Rekali"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
OOC/ Admins, we'd like to continue playing, thanks.


[member="Darth Vulkan"]

"Aliit'buir Vereen, this is Captain Bob Rekali, commanding the Like Hell. I've just received word that there are traitorous Mandalorians aboard the vessel you're on. We were in the middle of a heist and didn't even know it. Must have used cloaks, or possibly temporal editing technology. Either way, we're going to full defense alert. We recommend you prosecute with extreme prejudice. We'll feed you sensor data as it becomes available."

The Tegaanalir's powerful sensors began a series of focused scans, blanketing surrounding space and the freighter itself. The battleship's huge Vulcan flak cannons were already warmed up, but now their crews began searching in earnest. The cruiser engaged interdiction, surrounding the flotilla in a gravity well. While it would keep them from jumping to hyperspace, it would also force anyone incoming to revert from hyperspace at range rather than close in. That would silhouette potential attackers for the Skira's guns. And if any of the traitors tried to escape, that interdiction would prevent it.
Traitors aboard the Sith Lord's ship? The aura of fear became present almost immediately. The Sith Lord wasn't feeling the sensation of Fear, he was the fear. A very interesting concept but, relevant none the less. The Black Armored Clan Vereen warriors standing around him as Vulkan slouched in the command chair all shuffled. "Defectors you say? And here I was travelling with new recruits." His eyes behind the visor were flicking rapidly through the HUD before him, going through commands to the complex armor the Sith Lord wore. He wasn't caught with his pants down, but he wasn't exactly highly prepared for such a statement.

The only warrior aboard he could trust was Ner'val, hidden in the shadows behind him like every proper wraith does. The new recruits who were beginning to sweat, their fear growing, their thoughts traitorous? The Sith Lord found the controls he wanted and he flickered out of sight, the camouflage in his armor activating as he surged up and out of the chair, tossing EMP grenades in every direction. The cry went up, comm-links live.

"FOR DEATH WATCH!" But the Sith Lord they sought to assassinate was now Predator mode.

[member="Ember Rekali"]
Likely due to confusion, a small Primeval task force had ventured out in the vicinity of the travelling fleet.

"One of ours?"

"No way," the sensory officer retorted. "Scans show Beskar within the hull of that freighter, but it's not heading anywhere near or from Echoy'la. Not to mention I've never seen escorts like those before." She continued to prove the first officer wrong. Of course, even if there was a mistake in who owned the vessels, they'd know for sure whose Beskar it was.

How? Simple, the Primeval labeled their beskar ingots by stamping them in large letters "PRIMEVAL," like chocolate bars.

"Alright, continue on course," and so without any relevance to the situation the small fleet continued its route with no interference.

[member="Ember Rekali"] | [member="Darth Vulkan"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
OOC/ Being the OP doesn't give you the right to knock out other people's RP once they've joined a public thread, bro. We'll be continuing here.


[member="Darth Vulkan"] [member="Jost Nasscal"]

Captain Bob was shaken out of his reverie as Draco Vereen, Aliit'buir of Clan Vereen -- with whom the Rekalis would be splitting this cargo -- engaged the enemy. Due to the asinine strictures with which forging beskar-thread definitions were often enforced by the relevant Mandalorian regulatory functionaries, the beskar was actually being smelted and forged aboard the ship at this very moment. The benefits included the ability to vent superheated, noxious fumes into deep space, something that Vereen could turn to his advantage.

Captain Bob's eyes went wide as a Primeval task force dropped out of hyperspace at the edge of the interdiction bubble.

"Battle stations! Main guns, open fire!"

The Skira-class battleship's immense Vulcan mass drivers began deploying a storm of hypervelocity flak at the nearest Primeval ship. The Primeval had toasted worlds. Today they would feel what it was like to become toasted.
"Damn!" The first officer exclaimed. Just as the Primeval's fleet was about to jump to hyperspace they managed to get caught in an interdiction field.

Of course, someone was probably going to get executed for the tactical failures. It sure wasn't Jost -- who had been asleep whilst all this went down -- awaking by the sound of explosions, the rushing of marines, and the blaring of the intercom; he rushed to his feet and ran straight for the bridge. "What's going on?" The commander spoke softly, heading over to his command chair.

"We're under attack. It seems we stumbled upon a small Mandalorian escort fleet." The First officer's voice was shaking.

It seemed a bit odd that an escort fleet would go out of the way of its duties just to attack the Primeval, but the again, Mandalorians weren't too polite when it came to dealing with those who murdered their own en masse. The Boar-class assault cruiser turned to face the enemy battleship with its main guns, already one of the Bastion-class gunboats had succumbed to the hypervelocity guns, the poor screen ship had no hope and stood no chance.

Watching the small brief flash of light before his very eyes, Jost slammed his fist down on the armrest of his chair. "All ships, return fire!" The long-range, heavy guns of the Boar lashed out in retaliation. Mass-driver projectiles, and ion cannon blasts soared through space at their targets. Meanwhile the Gulandi-class escort frigates unleashed their load of fighters and bombers. The modest attack craft began their assault in formation.

[member="Ember Rekali"]
EMP grenades popping on the bridge of the Bulk Freighter, called the Forge of the Rock due to its unique nature as a Forge Ship, Sent the immediate area into utter darkness. Slug fire opened up almost immediately as they worked just fine without electronics, terrifying what members of the crew might not have been Death Watch. Assassins were tricky and menacing, always trying to get the jump on their opposition. Always trying to shoot a man in the back. The Sith Lord however was no longer facing away from them. In the wake of the EMP grenades he had taken cover against one of the walls, his active camo keeping the Death Watch forces at bay.

So much for sitting on the Fence. As an undeclared, and as one of the richest more prestigious warrior clans, Clan Vereen could turn the tide either way. Obviously the Death Watch sought to ensure it went their way. "For Death Wa-" the warrior gurgled as the Wraith, Ner'val slashed his throat with a beskar vibroblade. Vulkan slide to the side, the lights beginning to flicker, more Death Watch on their way. It was time to make himself scarce, very scarce. "Ner'val, out of sight." The Sith Lord hissed through open channel. Warriors shuffled in the dark, spraying every shadow with slug fire as they searched for the fence sitter.

Ner'val went up, straight up. Powerful legs surging him to the ceiling, to a ventilation shaft opening, which he preceded to tear open and crawl through. Vulkan followed suit seconds later. Once in the shaft, Vulkan used a knife of sign out <Forge. Vents. Cut. Kill. Lights.> and the pair were off, crawling through vents.

[member="Ember Rekali"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Jost Nasscal"] [member="Darth Vulkan"]

The Skira's shields quailed under the assault. Long-range heavy guns were no joke. But that horde of fighters and bombers was about to meet the fully armed and operational power of multiple Vulcan cannons -- the best swarmkiller this side of the Malevolence's flank cannon. As the Skira's lethal main guns focused on the small craft, the Mandalorian small craft began to launch in response. The flotilla began to take up a formation, a wall of battle between the freighter and the Primeval: battleship to the rear, cruiser at the front, flak frigates top and bottom. A diamond. Not ideal for the flak frigates' survivability, but it maximized their firing lanes. Their hundreds of flak cannons joined the Skira's Vulcans in concentrating a stupid amount of AOE fire on the fighters and bombers.

Meanwhile, aboard the freighter, smelting and forging and casting continued, according to ancient Mandalorian arts. The beskar was hammered by hydraulic hammers and annealed and really do you care about the technical terminology? Ore rocks were being crushed and melted and purified and turned into metal, which was being turned into ingots.

Captain Bob chewed his cigar. "Witches!"

"Yes, Captain?"

"Do your thing."

Over comm channels, a chant began...
The assault squadrons broke off, already suffering dreadful amounts of losses. Nearly a third of their total force had been wiped out in a mere matter of minutes as they pulled back to the main group. The screen vessels pulled in, forming up so that they'd be able to soak up blows if need be, but more importantly unleash hell on the Mandalorians' own forces. Of course the small retreat did make them vulnerable--briefly. It also meant that perhaps the Mandalorians wouldn't catch that the main ship of the fleet had begun powering up its forward guns...

Firing its own turbolasers upon a fleet tender that couldn't seem to get out of its way, the Aj'Rou-class Dreadnought sluggishly maneuvered into attack range.

"Fire..." A silent symphony of bright flashes began, the forward heavy, long-range quad turbolasers -- and their fewer in number -- heavy, long-range quad ion cannons aimed to damage in spread fire. No particular target was chosen for these weapons. It was, however, the ship's main hypervelocity gun that lusted for the battleship's hull.

The Primeval's formation began to envelope, the Bastion and Gulandi vessels forming the bulk, and screening for the Boar and Aj'Rou.

[member="Ember Rekali"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Jost Nasscal"]

Excellent. The small craft had been pushed into a retreat. But now a spread of potent fire began to pepper the Mandalorian flotilla. The Like Hell shivered as the hypervelocity gun began pounding it. At twice the size of the Like Hell, the Aj'Rou-class outgunned the Mandalorian forces by itself. The Azalus flak frigates were lethal against small craft but had no capital weapons, the light cruiser was good at its job but put too much power into interdiction to take down a ship that size-

This wasn't a battle that could be won. Probably.

"All ships, calculate an emergency jump. We'll drop interdiction at the right moment and leap away. But first...witches, are you ready?"

The chant rose to a fever pitch. Dathomiri Mindspeech, a ritualized telepathic assault, began to assault the dreadnought's gun crews and bridge staff. Mostly it was just white noise, wailing in Paecean, maybe some mild hallucinations. The mental assault intensified with rage as one of the Azalus flak frigates took a few too many long-range bolts and exploded.

Meanwhile, the forging continued. Hammers hammered metal, stampers stamped metal, forges forged metal, ingotters ingotted metal. Beskar ore was turned into beskar for beskary purposes. Perhaps it would become weapons, or armor, or even ships. What mattered was that, by gosh, it was being forged, come hell or high water.
Jost hadn't felt this trippy since his twenty-third birthday celebration on Dubrillion.

Despite having been in the presence of witches before -- as it's kind of a thing in the Primeval -- he had never been attacked by such means. At first he was afraid the ship itself was being consumed whole by magicks, but slowly realizing that it was mostly noise, he sighed with relief.

"I don't know what the hell's going on, but -" He was cut off, having turned to look his first officer in the eye, only to slowly watch as the man's eyes began floating upward and off his face.

His first officer, on the other hand, seemed to be doing far better than Jost. "Sir, are you alright? You look as if you're about to vomit." He stated with a worried look on his face.

Before Jost could even speak, he slowly fell over in his chair and awkwardly maneuvered himself so that his legs hung off the side, turning the seat into more of a cradle. So with their commander out of commission, there was no way the Primeval's fleet would be able to do much of anything to stop the Mandalorians should they attempt to flee. Of course, the assault squadrons took the liberty of engaging the enemy fleet once again. With their spirits high, they went for their second assault.

[member="Ember Rekali"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Jost Nasscal"] [member="Darth Vulkan"]

In came the squadrons again, and there went the massed fire from the Skira's Vulcans and the remaining Azalus. A couple of hundred flak cannons said hello to the remaining fighters and bombers. But they pressed on regardless, into the teeth of Mandalorian fire. The dreadnought's guns weren't firing like they used to. With the right ships, it should be possible to get around and strike it from behind.



As if to reinforce his decision, the Tegaanalir broke apart; Bob grimaced. Two ships lost, no matter how heavy the losses he'd inflicted on the enemy small craft in recompense. No bueno. "All ships, sound off."

The remaining ships -- the Like Hell, the Cannot Be Serious, and the Get The, as well as the fighters and the freighter itself -- checked in. At Bob's signal, the Cannot Be Serious stopped interdicting and the Mandalorian flotilla jumped to hyperspace.

Meanwhile, aboard the freighter, the hammerers continued hammering, the ingotters continued ingotting, the forgers continued forging -- wait, that last one wasn't right. Bottom line, orey rocks were being turned into metal, and metal was being turned into stuff. Vereen, of course, would still be facing the traitors.

It was possible, even probable, that this was no coincidence. It seemed that the traitors had been in league with the Primeval. Clearly an act of war.

Bob chomped his cigar and thought about witches.

What remained of their assault craft had dwindled into a small collective of fighters, bombers, and interceptors; and not enough to make a full squadron of any.

As the Mandalorians jumped to hyperspace, Jost began to feel the strange sensation retreat from his mind. Slowly he rose up against, having not realized that the enemy had left. "Alright, I want to close that envelope on them, have the boar's broadside deliver the main blow , and --" He would be interrupted by his first officer.

"Sir, the enemy has withdrawn."


[member="Ember Rekali"]

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