Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Taking a Bight out of Canto

Location: Canto Bight
Objective: Meet with Lord
Tags: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Wearing: this but with a hat

Annika felt sexy tonight, the dress she had picked out was lovely and much more adult than her usual attire. She had been advised to dress this way, firstly to ensure that she fits in amongst the other casino patrons, but also as a sign of respect for the anointed lord that she was to be working with. Their mission was to disrupt them credits going through here. The casino was too useful to the Sith Enclave around Korriban to simply destroy, but millions of credits were passing through here to help fund the Ashlan Remnant.

She sat at the card table having been dealt in. A small stack of credit chips piled up in front of her, she was a few thousand credits up, but that wasn't why she was here. She was testing herself, testing her abilities and also testing her fine control, and her subtlety. She hoped Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast might be impressed with her work so far.

"See your two hundred raise you another two." she said calmly. She could feel the a anxiety in the man in front of her, and he was stroking his emotions to reduce his control over them. Not so much that he would cause a scene or break down, but enough that he might give away all the most obvious tells. He was nervous as he was in deep and perhaps the cards weren't on his side.

Another card was dealt and Annika felt the man's mood change, elation, relief... greed? "See your two, raise you a thousand"

The Zeltron grinned, "Too rich for me, gonna fold here." she smiled back and his annoyance was obvious. "What's wrong with you dude, you don't usually let pretty girls fluster you."

"Aww thanks" Annika said sweetly to the other man with a little blush. "And thank you for the game, I think I'm going to spend your money on some new shoes." she said with a friendly tone to her opponent as she stood. It was only a few thousand credits, any more and she would draw attention to herself, right now she was just a pretty girl on a lucky streak.

She left the table and sauntered off towards the real person she was meant to be interacting with her, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr was meeting her at the bar in approximately three minutes, and she didn't want tobe late.

A raven of all things, flew down, landing with its obsidian grace upon the bar table. A casino, and especially a casino of this reputation, did not lend itself to normality, but to have a bird of all things, fly in from... Bogan knew where. But taking its first tentative steps upon the bar, gazing down to make certain it would not slip, the entire stand covered by dried-out alcohol and what else, cleaned as it might be, as its eyes were quick to quirk in the direction of the Zeltron that had just arrived.

More certain of its surroundings, and seemingly inquisitive of the woman, it took closer, and closer steps, until it was right in front of her, tilting its head, seemingly uncertain of what it was looking at.

"You know, I never understood how establishments like this survive with Zeltrons on the prowl," A voice likely familiar to the young acolyte sounded out from the raven if that was not disconcerting enough, it echoed from near, yet near, there was no one else.

"You would imagine they would place some ban or something of that sort, but seemingly not," The raven continued, moving forward, and gently nipping her arm, the distant echo still present, still near.

Until the cloak and stealth fell, revealing a smirking face, raven locks draping down to crimson red eyes, a noble aquiline face, wearing a suit, looking every part a patron of this establishment, as he raised a glass of whiskey in greeting, some seats away.

"Apologies for the subterfuge, I simply thought this would be more fun for us both," He stilled for a moment, "What do you think of the the raven?" His voice came out from both his form and the dark bird, "I heard you have a certain affinity for them."

He had not thought it would truly work, she was not exactly... orthodox, but if this was something that might interest her.

It was a way to build inroads.

And for the chaotic days ahead, such were sorely needed.

"Oh," He seemed to remember something, "Regarding the Zeltron comments," His smirk perhaps grew wider, as he took a sip of the whiskey, allowing it to burn down his throat, "I have no problem with you using your... natural advantages... but as I have noticed you have been doing... best be careful, most will not be happy at you fleecing their patrons," He hid the smirk behind another sip, seemingly deeply bemused by her antics, "...Well much more than they fleece their patrons."

Annika Starfire Annika Starfire
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