Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ta’ena Zollo

Ta'ena Zollo


Image by : Mercy commissioned by me for original swtor character

NAME: Ta’ena Zollo


RANK: Member

SPECIES: Twi’lek

AGE: 24

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5’5”

WEIGHT: 109 lbs

EYES: Green

HAIR: No hair, lekku…purple

SKIN: Purple


  • Swoop Savante - Ta’ena by fascination and practice can fix almost any component of a swoop (and by extension other repulsor vehicles). However she doesn’t know where to start with more advanced starship technology
  • Underestimated

  • Bites off more than she can chew - Ta’ena is not large or exceptionally strong. She gets by on will and guile. But she will take on a gundark with her bare hands before she backs down.
  • Quick temper

Ta'ena Zollo is a female young Twi'lek. To most she is a typical Twi'lek dancer type or what have you. Her skin would be a pale pastel purple. Her eyes are yellow.

Ta’ena Zollo is a third generation free Twi’lek born on Exocron in the Kathol Outback. She grew up with very few restrictions, her grandparents being former slaves treated, her parents were raised with a good deal of restrictions and didn’t want the same for their daughter. She was left to her own devices most of her developing years. Sure she was expected to attend classes, but her accomplishments were not as important as her happiness.

At a very young age she became fascinated with swoops and speederbikes. She was not even in her teens when Ta’ena started to hang around a repulsor garage. No one appreciated the little Twi’lek girl being around. They were made for looking pretty and dancing about in most of the mechanics’ estimations. But Ta’ena took old discarded parts and worked on them on her own and it ended up that she was pretty good at making things work through intuition, will and duct tape.

As Ta’ena grew into adolescence the boys who were interested in swoops were happy to have her hang around. She was becoming a beautiful young lady, but they weren’t as happy that she knew her way around an engine as well as them and could ride a swoop as well as them. Eventually one of her boyfriends became a member of the Death Riders Swoop Club, she was accepted as only an associate at first. She quickly however proved to be a better fit for the club than her beau and he was quickly tossed aside and Ta’ena threw herself into her own club presence without having to be arm candy for a fellow member.




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