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Private Synergia

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Amani Serys Amani Serys

The Jedi Crèche Station was massive and served several purposes. Being a station abel to move and travel around the galaxy was a benefit. It wasn't full of weapons, it wasn't packed with fighters... it was full of jedi and personnel who were there to ensure they were taught early on before being given to a jedi as a padawan. Younglings, initiates and babies who were cared for. Jedi couples were on the station given a chance of respite from the galaxy and while some still believed in the old things it wasn't seen as bad it was the emotions that came with it that could be dangerous and needed to be controlled. Practicing no emotional control was just as dangerous as not training to use a lightsaber or the force properly you could hurt yourself or others. The silver jedi's grandmaster had developed the station for many purposes such as colonization to further galaxies if they could manage it.

The seeder and mapping vessels had been sent out and making a path to the companion galaxies that were safer then randomly making jumps. The station serving more as the jedi grandmaster stood in one of the towers. She was working on some of the reports that they had out. Shuttles with new recruits who were entering training... ones taking padawans out to meet their new masters and budgets that the economic circle were handling for the schooling centers that they had. She looked over the laatest protest from Zak Dymo Zak Dymo about what was really being done on this station. She chuckled... he was always a good kid for working with them. He also made his music as a form of force meditation or at least that is what the budget at the rest called the upkeep on his instruments.... Yes meditation.

The displays also showed that they were welcoming additional people to the station to tour it. There were many more jedi in the galaxy aside from Silver jedi, the alliance, the je'daii, the green jedi, the children of the jedi... impressive groups. Plus the station was set to fly past Pakoon to let the people see one of the largest projects that they were working on. Her Ta-Ree Disciples were standing in the rooms he was in with their gleaming armor as she started to walk so that they would be able to go through the halls. More jedi were training around and teaching some of the younglings the basics. THere were nurseries set up for various force sensitive children. Others were in different padawan clans and having competitions when she stopped and watched a pair of twins in king of the hill.
Amani had never visited this Creche station before, but recently she had taken it upon herself to become more familiar with the works of other Jedi throughout the galaxy. In some ways, this station reminded her of her own enclave on board the Vonnuvi, being a mobile city-station and Jedi temple in one. But whereas the enclave was just one facet of the Vonnuvi herdship, this place was wholly dedicated to Jedi operations. It was impressive in its scope.

As the mirialan explored the station's many offerings, she inevitably caught sight of a figure she recognized. They had never had the opportunity to meet before, but she would be remiss to not be aware of the Silver Jedi's Grandmaster. Just the sort of person she wanted to see here today. Amani brushed passed a few other passersby, and cleared her throat, "…Excuse me? Master Ike, yes?" She dipped her head in a slight bow, "My name is Amani Serys. I'm a Jedi from the Galactic Alliance. I was hoping I would run into you."

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Amani Serys Amani Serys

Operations were going well enough and she observed the twins a little more. THey waved from the top of the hill and then went back to work with their force skills. She clapped but she was staying there when she heard someone speaking to her and nodded and held up one finger speaking. "Jade, Momoya play fair." There was a look on their face and it distracted them enough for one to force push the one off and onto the lower platform as it was a soft landing and made to keep them from getting hurt as more of them laughed. The jedi grandmaster turned to look at the woman and bowed her head in greeting. "Jedi Serys."

She said it and was looking at her but kept the grin on her face while she moved now towards a semi enclosed area that was off to the side. "It is great to see a new visitor to the station." She was curious and if she had come to find a padawan or inquire about some things well there was plenty for it. They had developed it to be sustainable in some ways. "I was just checking on a few of the younglings who are learning endurance and force body." She pointed towards the window looking on the game but there was more around, some were strength training and others were doing katas to focus their energies and self.
Amani glanced over at the duo of padawans, then chuckled, "I see that. And having fun while they do so." A simple but effective way to enhance training— Turn it into something the student will enjoy. She turned back to Matsu, "This is my first time aboard. It's an impressive station, truly." The mirialan had seen few like it in her time, but as a concept she found it quite engaging. Perhaps in part why she employed a similar strategy with her own enclave. "I was hoping to explore it further, and maybe bend your ear in the process; If you're not otherwise busy?"

Amani stepped towards the hall expectantly, "I have to admit I haven't kept up with the Silver Jedi in some time. But I was once one myself, during my years as an initiate and padawan. How have things been?"

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Amani Serys Amani Serys

She nodded and motioned so that they could walk along and observe more of it. "The Silver jedi are good, they have changed since we dissolved the Concord with much of the galaxy open again. The Galactic Alliance iss stronger then it was now which is beneficial and I see no need to have them pressing more and more on worlds. We have taken to the High Plane. Which straddles the hyperspace barrier to make passing through it easier for ships wanting to go to the companion galaxies." COntinuing the walk she moved onto a smaller walk way that came out over one fo the environmental areas of the temple and the landscape below able to shift from the plates and materia giving different locations. "And I am always opened to listening to others requests. We strive to provide for the jedi and people of the galaxy anything that we can."
"I hear more and more talk of the companion galaxies these days," Amani furrowed her brow, "It's good that someone is keeping an eye on things." Space was feeling a bit emptier these days. But it wasn't all for the worst. The Maw was defeated, the Empire destabilized. It was quiet, in a sense. As quiet as the galaxy could ever be, anyway. Which often precipitated a sudden upheaval on the horizon.

The mirialan shook her head of such thoughts. It wasn't why she was here. "What do we have here?" She muttered, following Matsu across the walkway overlooking a landscape. "I guess I was just wondering… How long did it take you to become a Jedi Master?" Perhaps an unexpected question from someone who was still relatively young in her career, but evidently there was something deeper on her mind as well.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Amani Serys Amani Serys

"Which time?" She said it and looked at her with a small grin. "Oh to answer that could be a discussion unto itself but if it is to give you an idea for yourself and the trials or if you are ready?" She continued to walk though. "But my first time becoming a master I was twenty two and.... well I was deemed a master after what happened. I fought someone who was close to me and was forced to kill her. The second time though I had started my journey around the galaxy and learning from different force orders and sects of jedi. I even studied the sith and their various orders to see and compare but it was after I met with the priestesses and 'Fought'" She gave the quotes with her fingers. "He played and toyed the entire time.. it wasn't even an even field but it humored him enough to restore my connection to the force and I became a master."
Amani looked at Matsu curiously, "You became a master… twice?" She shook her head, "I don't think I'm ready yet. I guess I'm just not sure when to know that I am." The mirialan deflated at the thought, "I've had a hard time finding a padawan. Each time I've given it a go, it never really works out. And it feels like I can't help them grow, or myself grow, as a Jedi."

Amani mulled on Master Ike's stories. She became a master quite young the first time around, which didn't exactly make the healer feel much better about her own progress. But deep down she knew that was a rarity among Jedi, "I always wanted to be able to teach students. But it feels like I'm being denied the opportunities. Am I… not cut out for it?" She shook her head, and chuckled awkwardly as if to dismiss her feelings, "I don't know. I'm just whining out loud, I guess."

"Did you feel like you were ready? When the time came to become a master?"

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Amani Serys Amani Serys

"Yes, first with that youthful pride that comes from being a jedi... and we do have pride. IT is something we all learn and experience how to deal with.... I jumped at being offered it, I thought I was great... and I made mistakes which cost me a lot... but I like to think I got better. What also helps is few to none from that time of the jedi or republic are still around to constantly try and bring it up." That was a benefit in some cases as they would look for things from years past to bring back up. "But training a padawan is not always the path for some jedi.. I love teaching and there are a handful who have become knights or masters. Most seem to just sink back into the order and that is the way it has become." She shrugged, padawans in this age came and went and some jumped between orders or groups often being in so many it was questionable who they would side with. "But sometimes you need to whine a little in some cases it lets it all out." She offered a smile finishing and going into one of the rooms and an office with displays showing information from the entire station. "But should you want a padawan who can travel with you and learn from you we do have a few eager here."
Not every Jedi, especially these days, achieved masterhood solely through an apprenticeship. It was true. But Amani's frustration ultimately lied in a desire for it, but being unable to see it through because of outside factors. Just whining, as she called it, those Master Ike validated her feelings, "Yeah. I guess so." The mirialan followed her into the office, and glanced over the displays. She gave Matsu a small smile, "I appreciate the offer but… I guess I don't want to force it, you know?" It didn't make finding a student easier for her, but at the end of the day it wasn't about what was easiest for her, "I think a stronger bond will come from something natural. I just hope to find it one day." She nodded, and clasped her hands behind her back.

"Have you had any apprentices, Master Ike?"

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Amani Serys Amani Serys

"Oh I have had many padawans and students... more then one should admit but some were for a day, some for months and some for years... all have done something usually from changing the narrative of everything in the order so they are the main hero in all situations to becoming grandmaster and being driven from the order." She was a little bitter about what was done to Sorel but now she was here and the ones who had tried to punish her were long gone. "I like teaching all of them and the facilities that we have developed to encourage and build up their skills. It is why we have been working to make more specialized temples for different classes and types of jedi." She said it and walking around brought a screen up to show various temples that had been put into a network. "We have been developing other things as well, a lightspawn uneti tree, semi-intelligent and able to share images, memories among themselves in the temple. It will allow knowledge to be shared and more to be trained... even more preserved should another purge happen to the jedi."
Amani was surprised to hear just how many apprentices Master Ike had in the past. And even a little assuaged by the tenure of some of them. Perhaps some of these missteps were just that, and she too would eventually find the right students after all.

Matsu brought up a register of temples and enclaves, "Our Order has expanded quite a lot in recent years." Though they didn't all follow the same affiliations and structure, they were all bound by a shared religion. The specialization was good as well, as it helped cater to the specific needs and aspirations of Jedi all over the galaxy.

"Really?" Amani piqued an eyebrow, "That's fascinating. What do you mean by lightspawn? That's not a subject I'm too familiar with." Though it sounded similar to other things she had studied before.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Amani Serys Amani Serys

"It is the best way to describe flora and some fauna that has begun to change and alter when influenced by the lightside of the force. We have not altered and made mutations like the sith... merely stoked natural evolution albiet a little enhanced. Some other creatures we have found were on Rhen Var. Lion like creatures that are able to sniff out solari crystals." She offered a smile though and changed the screen to show a few creatures. "The feugomiri we discovered on Ahch-To are much the same... though more adorable. They don't nullify the force they make it more wild and fiery in some cases. Dangerous without control but they are one of several creatures on the world we have been able to find since establishing the temple there on the planet." The proposed temple on Gallos was meant for the beastmasters of the jedi though. "WOrlds like Dxun we have worked with the ones who were there... mandalorians who have aided the jedi and trained mandalorians knights. The creatures there we have been able to observe to see natural vs the corrupted changes that could happen.... and we are working on establishing a temple on Gallos a largely ignored sithspawn spawning world to monitor and see if there is a way to reverse the corruption."
Amani listened with scientific curiosity. She'd never quite been privy to such a process before, but it was quite interesting if just for the merits of knowledge. What made her perk up was mention of their more infamous counterparts: sithspawn. "I've been apart of studies intended to reverse dark side corruption. And in fact we've had measures of success."

The mirialan took out her datapad, showing a nonconfidential report on their findings from the last study, "Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble proposed the idea. We found that through a combination of methods, we could expunge the alchemical alterations brought about by the dark side. Light runes, and a purification method akin to that of cleansing a kyber crystal, brought the creature back to its natural state." She gave Master Ike a moment to read through the basics, before continuing, "Uniquely alchemical creatures we've yet to find a solution for. If there is any. It's not like there's a 'natural state' for them to go back to. But creatures who are simply altered by alchemical process, there we have real potential."

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Amani Serys Amani Serys

She looked at the datapad and it was helpful and good that there were others with ideas for it. A chance to reverse changes done to some creatures and locations went a long way.. things that were made well harder but there was usually some form of base creature.... it was just at times harder to find after all. "This is beneficial and aiding this research would serve a long way. We are building on Gallos a sith spawning world the Vivarian Temple a temple dedicated to study and seeking the means to reverse such things with larger facilities." THey were trying to get the most of it and going to the heart could prove more beneficial as well as allowing them to possibly prevent such things from being taken to be unleashed upon the galaxy.

She returned the datapad while looking voer some of the information they could do. "We will have to see about some improvements to our methods. Currently we have been able to return a few and at the best neutralize darkside influences. It is what we have been doing with building temples on darkside locations that use force enriched stones. The lightside able to resist and repel the darkness. we hope in time the chance for it tp purify darkside corruption.... of course that is years it would likely be closer to terraforming and not in a single lifetime able to happen." She smiled bringing up a number of the other temples they had been working on.

"We have rebuilt the Voss Temple and on Zygerria we have something that might interest you. The Boolon Murr Center for Doctors and Healers a massive temple and medical facility designed to teach and train doctors, medics, healers... all of them to better use the force to help people."
Amani took the datapad back, and nodded, "Well it's good to know we've all been making some progress on the issue," For years, curing the nature of a Sithspawn seemed almost impossible. But now, there were breakthroughs.

She listened to Master Ike's work, including Sithspawn purification and the rebuilding of temples. The mirialan perked up, "Boolon Murr… that's an Ithorian name, isn't it?" She seemed to have some familiarity with their people, "I'm always happy to see more medical facilities up and running. The galaxy always seems to need more of them," Such was the nature of life in an ever chaotic world. "Perhaps I'll have to pay it a visit sometime. I've needed to explore more Jedi works outside of the Alliance anyway."

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Amani Serys Amani Serys

"It is, he was one of the better healers when the Republic was still around and died fighting the one sith... well protecting against them he didn't fight he just defended." She said it and didn't judge it... she understood saw it one way or the other and some in between. "We have many more that we want to work on, the hospital is meant to be a beacon in the outer rim worlds same aas many of the other temples. There are ones for Jedi Shadows to monitor the Caldera and react when ordered, some that function to work on funding and even one dedicated to refuges. The city on Ruusan has been beneficial and the solari caves on Rhen Var for the Silver Watch have been beneficial."

THe watch didn't need to mine a lot but they had mined into the caves so jedi could go there like a gathering of sorts. The Watches citadel grand and rebuilt up to see many things but it was sleek and silvery white stone on the highest mountains. THen there was the aquatic tempel they had developed in the depths of Manaan. "You and all jedi would be welcome always... we have more then enough room." She offered the warm welcome. "Plus chances to show off what else we are doing as some fo the temples are dedicated to other paths... such as beast training, technical aspects or even learning better how to handle political scenarios."
"I've done much work with the Ithorian people. Hearing he was a skilled healer doesn't surprise me," Their culture was built around ideals that reflecting many of those of the Jedi. The preservation of life, peace, and nature. Amani found it quite admirable, "I started an Enclave of my own aboard one of their herdships. With some help from the High Priest." It seemed fitting to bring up given the topic, and she was of course happy to share about it regardless, "Lots of focus on outreach. Service Corps programs. Ambassadorship."

Master Ike spoke of a number of other Jedi operations throughout the galaxy, "It's always nice to see the growth. Much of the galaxy has been at peace since the Maw fell. But there's always work to be done." She glanced around at the space around them, and gestured broadly, "What else can you tell me about this station? I've only see a part of it, I feel."

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Amani Serys Amani Serys

SHe had a wider grin while bringing up some fo the specs of the statgion for her. "Well it does have Deployable hospitals on the underside of it. As well as the ability to deploy Kalantas spires. Advanced terraforming and development spires with duplicators for supplies. IN terms of relief for massive scale disasters this much like our medical SSD's can be deployed to help." Then of course there was all of the other parts of it they had seen for the shifting environments and medical bays. THe massive station also had some of the finest engines for its size and its hyperdrive. "Oh well there is also the hyperdrive... designed to cross dimensional barriers to go to other pocket dimensions aside from otherspace and hyperspace. Traveling is much easier and smoother now."

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