Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Swords in chaos

[member="Quoron Mantis"]

Well, lightsabres have a few distinct advantages. The first advantage being that a lightsabre can cut in every direction at any time and doesn't have to worry about blade alignment. Additionally, they cut no matter how little force you put into them, on account of their ability to melt through stuff. They are also easier to carry as it's simply a cylinder on your belt.

Still, they aren't as cool as a full on, metal sword.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
swords on chaos are always fun, the EU in general had some of the more unique blades. Can always find something cool

Matsu's songsteel blade is always great to bring out or her off hand blade
*violent eye twitch*

Lightsabers... Have... A.... Weightless.... Blade... 3/4 the things we try to use them for on here would simply not work without snapping your wrist in half.

Once you stop a sword from being putty to a lightsaber, it's truly superior in direct dueling. Utility features too, if you alchemize or imbue it and depending on what you value therein.

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