Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suppliers Needed, The Founding of Mareth (Open Thread)

Hello All. With the submission of Gyn approved, im moving onto the third and final city to be constructed on Kesh, and boy is this one going to be interesting. So for all those that have played the game Knights of the Old Republic, and im sure there is quite a few, we all remember Manaan right? Well i want to make a sea based city like Manaan and this is a great opportunity for people to come about and create embassies, places for their businesses, or even just have their home be built in this city.​
Why im asking the community for the help on this thread is because its going to be the Cultural and Diplomatic hub of Kesh, unlike the Industrial body of Lys, the trade hub of Gyn, or the actual governmental hub, Tahv. As such it focuses far more on the outside world through the diplomatic part and the internal combination of Keshtah Minor and Alanciar by being a city built in the ocean between the two continents. So ya.​
Anyways, the City itself though is going to not look like a carbon copy of Manaan's city we are so familiar with. I was more so thinking that it be built on a small island (artificially created or already there) and more so resemble something like this.​
So, in the end, im curious who is interested and who wants to be a part of getting your name in the custom lore im trying to build for the planet and the Southern Outer Rim?​
[member="Solan Charr"]

While GOMM does not have a construction company, it does have experienced operators and some construction vehicles. We would be willing to purchase a plot of land for an Embassy, pay for additional construction expenses you may have for the city so you may have more money to pay contractors or search for more companies. However, having an Embassy from GOMM comes with... well, a benefit. If you agree. We would also like to purchase land for factories for GOMM Industrial.

As long as you don't have any affiliations with any Sith organizations (if you do, we can not commit to this opportunity), having a GOMM Embassy will become a requirement for GOMM to come in as aid for defense of this planet. If this planet becomes attacked, we will have soldiers on standby (with a small fort within the embassy) to help defend against ground assaults, and an alert will be sent to GOMM HQ, which will cause GOMM to send a fleet to help defend your planet.

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