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Ssloak-Goa's Inner Circle



  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Ssloak-Goa's Inner Circle of The Rune-Cult
  • Headquarters: Gehinnom
  • Locations: No Extra locations.. yet.
  • Operations: The Rune-Cult specializes in force imbued items, sithspawn, and the outcome of various forms of Magick
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: None
The Inner Circle is the small group of devout followers hand picked by Ssloak-Goa from the Greater Rune-Cult. These few are who Ssloak-Goa has chosen to give a modicum of his trust. To these followers he teaches dark magicks, secrets of the sith, invest in them his time and energy so that they may become tools of his will. To this end each apprentice has been taught very specific knowledge, Ssloak-Goa being very careful never to give too much to any one apprentice. These apprentices are then used to produce objects of power for Ssloak-Goa and those he feels are worthy of the outcome of his work. This is usually accomplished in an assembly line fashion where each apprentice contributes to the object only what they were specifically taught. One may shape the object, one my carve runes, one may imbue it with the force, one may carefully inlay powerful sith relics within the new creation to increase its power, and down the assembly line it goes. This allows The Rune-Cult to produce relics at a significant rate, never mass producing anything but certainly creating dozens of powerful relics where a single practitioner may take weeks to do the same work. This kind of assembly line production can fall folly to flaws or mistakes, especially when the apprentice doesn't know what they're making. Usually Ssloak-Goa will oversee the first few items to assure perfection, forgiving mistakes as the apprentices slowly acclimate to the item. However, after this, any mistake is punished horrifically and the apprentices know that should one of them go missing they will not be seen again.

Slow meticulous training and refining of apprentices over years independent of the Brotherhood of the Maw but now integrated into the Brotherhood.
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