Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Species Orgin Theories: Anzati

So, I have way too much time on my hands. As such, I stated thinking about some of the species in Star Wars came to be. So, here's my idea on the Anzati's orgin.

What is known:
-They are legends: The Anzati have been around for long enough that they are stories of a bygone era. This would imply that they were around for a long time, probably by the start of galactic civilization.
-They track in the Force: Anzati track their prey in the force, allowing them to hunt across the galaxy rather than a single planet or area.
-Little is known about them: Not even the home planet was known for a while, only that it existed and that they went back there to reproduce alone.
Other Facts:
-The Rakata's Infinite Empire disappeared around 25,200 BBY
-Galactic Society founded afterwards.
-Rakata have created species before (rumored to make the Twi'leks)
-Rakata were known for eating sentients
The Theory:
Around 25,300 BBY, the Infinite Empire was declining, and slave species were growing rebellious. The Rakata needed a way to keep them in line, and they were spread too thin to do it themselves. So, they made a slave species to act as enforcers and assassins. They were force-sensitive, like the Force Hounds, able to track targets through the galaxy, and consumed their victims. They were known only by their kills at first, and were given long lives to allow for fewer to be born/created to do the work. While the Anzati were effective in their design, a plague swept through the Infinite Empire, killing most of them and severing the rest from the Force. The slave species revolted, and the Rakata were overthrown.
Once the Empire collapsed, and Galactic Society began between the species that had been formally been enslaved by the Rakata, as well as others, rumors of the Anzati were widespread. They became legendary, shadowy figures, hunting down sentient prey and eating their brains, another remnant of their Rakata creators.

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