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Space Tow Truck - Undin Jaii Kryze


Well-Known Member
The TOWK cruiser was, at its base, simply a giant tow truck. Capable of hauling even large asteroids the TOWK was a hardy ship. And TItan needed those asteroids for a powerful design, a very powerful design. As such he had asked his fellow Clanmate, [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"], to help out with coordinating the ships, plus the ships had been Undin's idea. The example of the ship's capabilities would hopefully arouse some interest in the company as well. Titan was sitting in his chair, watching all the TOWK's arrive and fire out their tow cable's. Titan was onboard one of the TOWK's waiting for Undin to arrive.
Undin was comfortable in his V-Wing's co-pilot chair and by his side he had Thar Kmel his pilot. He was near the rendezvous that [member="Titan Kryze"] said to meet him. So he jumped out of hyperspace and saw some TOWK cruisers. This was the location alright , he then started a holocomms with the middle one. He knew Titan, he liked to be important so he knew he'd be in the middle one. As the call started he said "Hi! I'm going to board the same ship as yours ok?" and saw Titan on the other side.


Well-Known Member
"Fine." It would be nice to see the Juvinille adopted Clan member for the first time since [member="Daeron Kryze"] had formally returned to his duties as ALor of Clan Kryze. That particular event had lead Titan to a long brainstorming session, that was still going on in a secluded part of his brain, he needed a new name for his company. Titan sat in his chair and sipped his cofee, he had stayed up way too late the night before planning this job. "Fire the cable." Titan ordered, the general idea was to grab the uninhabited asteroids for the job, but there wee a few populated ones in the asteroid field, the one Titan's ship had released a few minuets previously had housed a particuarly nasty space slug, and the one before that a flock of Mynocks, would it really be a flock though not a gaggle or peck, or herd, or pack? The galaxy's greatest questions Titan thought shaking his head, "Once Undin arrives, send him up."

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
Undin's V-Wing conected with [member="Titan Kryze"] 's TOWK and then Undin boarded the ship. He got to the deck and saw Titan. It had been a long time and he saw his project come true. The TOWK Cruiser. "Hello Titan, how are you? So what is there to do now?" , he said as he turned and saw trough the class panel an asteroid being towed. Asteroid metal, something else wasn't it? Maybe not as good as phrik , but better than durasteel. "We are going to be able to manufacture quite a lot of ships with these aren't we?".


Well-Known Member
"Just a few if we use them for what I have in mind." Titan replied, "We're going to have to go into this asteroid and see if there 's any life, and whether or not they're hostile. If they're hostile, we shoot them. If not, we don't simple. Might want to gear up a bit." Titan was already fully equiped, he just had to put on his helmet and vaccum seal his armor. But for now he wanted more cofee. He and Undin would be acompanied bya few of the warriors of Clan Kryze and some of the Techs from, the soon to be renamed, Clan Kryze Shipyards down into the asteroid, it shouldn't be too comlicated.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
Undin put on a spare suit that was there , it was a almost perfect fit. He then, accompained by the members of Clan Kryze and [member="Titan Kryze"] left the ship and went into the asteroid. He said as he was above the major crater that lead into a cave "I'll go first incase there are any creatures.". He couldn't sense anything inside the asteroid, but his senses weren't that attuned. He ignited one of his lightsabers that he hang around a belt he had on his spacesuit. It served both for illumination and protection. Then he stepped into the cave.


Well-Known Member
"Don't listen to him. Let's move." Titan and his men jumped onto the asteroid from the small launch bay, it wasn't big enough to store starfighters, rather it was used for miners and inspectors to prepare to do what they were about to do. Activating their jetpacks, they landed smoothley on the asteroid and advanced down one of the holes. Adrenaline was pumping through Titan's veins, accompanied by the familiar feeling of anger, anger at Daeron, he had acted like Titan had done something wrong in preparing the Clan for the Crusade, anger at the Sith for killing his parents.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
The saber was providing good lighting for Undin and as he was stepping further down the cave a bat came flying out, which got him by surprise but he settled down.
As he proceeded further in they got into a dead end. That was good , it meant that the asteroid would be great for use in construction of starships ,since it wasn't hollow in the inside meant more materials. He then turned around and anounced at [member="Titan Kryze"] and the rest of the men that went with them "Dead end, we need to turn back and explore the other craters, this one is empty".


Well-Known Member
"Fine. Let's move." Titan and his men jump packed out of the crater and into the next one, finding it empty as well. They continued the process until the 10th Crater. "This one goes a little deeper." Titan said over the he dropped a flare down it. He jumped down, followed closely by his men. Anxiety filled Titan as he flicked on his flashlight. The Flare looked like it went down a long, long, way."Attach cables. We're going down pretty far." Titan and his attached pressure cables to push the harnesses down the rope to the bottom. "4 at a time." Titan ordered. He and three men would go first, followed by Undin and the other three. *SHOOM* Titan grunted as he hit the bottom, "All clear."

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
Undin didn't have time to go down a rope, he just jumped into the pit , but before hitting the bottom he did a powerfull Force Push that slowed him down letting him fall gracefully. At this point he lit his second lightsaber aswell and said towards [member="Titan Kryze"] "If you want I can let you borrow my lightsaber for illumination. It's also pretty great agaisnt Exogorths.".
He kept his eyes open as he examined the cave , it seemed like a cave it expanded to South and North "Which direction should we go? Or maybe we should split. Your men go towards the South and you and me go to the North entrace, sound good?".


Well-Known Member
Titan set down a robot covered in lights, and turned it on. Titan leaned down and tapped a button on it, sending out an X-ray. It revealed that this was a large ring. "You take the one on the left, I'll take the right. Three men apiece." Titan told Undin, "Keep an eye out for hostiles, we don't want to be suprised." Just then Titan was contacted by the rest of the TOWK's, they were ready to jump. "Once we're done here, we can all go home." Titan told [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"], and the six men acompaning them.
Undin looked at the three men that were to accompain him "Ok , let's do this , let me go in front and then make a Wedge formation on my , 2 to the left 1 on the right. Use stun." .
Undin followed by three men of clan Kryze entered the left side , as they entered they found some green quartz. He decided to cut it and store it in his bag. Quartz wasn't worth anything, atleast not in that quantity and it would only slow down the process to turn the meteriote into metalic ingots.

[member="Titan Kryze"].


Well-Known Member
"Remember,we want this to remain as natural as possible, don't destroy anything." Titan said over the comm, after all he wanted to use these in ships, or rather, as ships. He turned the corner and saw a large, *Cough*A thousand would be a safe assumption.*Cough* Mynocks. "Kark it." Titan muttered before continuing in a louder tone, "BLAST THEM!" Titan pulled out his Machine gun and let loose, why couldn't anything ever be easy, Once his rifle was out of ammo, Titan threw it into the ranks of the beasts before pulling out a grenade and throwing it into the Mynock's midsts.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
Undin had just finished cutting the quartz down when he heard Titan's orders "Frak" , he said over the comms. As they were walking the boy heard blaster shots coming from the other side of the cave , or as [member="Titan Kryze"] had said, ring. So he ordered the men to start running to check what had happened.
Undin was almost there when he heard a grenade explosion. He yelled to move up faster has he enhanced himself with the Force to be faster.
As he got there with both of his sabers out, he saw Mynocks being killed . That was wrong in Undin's eyes , he was behind the bat-type creatures as he told Titan "Tell your men to stop firing, you are killing them! Tell them to put their weapons to stun!".
He tried Force Pushing some of the Mynocks into the ceiling to knock them out, sadly only getting about 200 of these creatures.


Well-Known Member
Titan rolled his eyes, "Stun setting will kill them anyway, they're silicon based lifeforms. The energy will kill them." Titan told Undin, Titan would then summon the force and use his anger and annoyance to unleash a burst of Force Lightning that would jump from Mynock to Mynock. After the blasters and lightning stopped, only 20 remained. Not counting the ones Undin had knocked out. They flew up through the hole Titan's grenade and blasts had opened. Titan looked up into the hole seeing roughly 400 more of them flying away. "The rest of the asteroid is clear. Let's return home." Titan led his men back to the cable's and reversed the polarity, meaning that it would drive them up rather than down.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
Undin was dissapointed with [member="Titan Kryze"] not only he killed parts of the Force, he used Force Lighting... He knew his friend was doomed to fall into the Dark Side of the Force. He turned off his sabers before going up the cable. As he reached the top he asked Titan "What's next?". The boy proceeded to go to the TOWK he was in earlier.


Well-Known Member
"Now we go home." This was the last asteroid needed for the job, a few more funders had recentlyappeared for the company, so Titan could put his plan into action. The time had come for Kalevala Hypernautics to rise to the forefront of the galaxy. Titan could almost cackal maniacally about it. Almost. But Titan was sane, so no go about that. But Titan could still smile evilly. It was almost too good to be true. Once [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] left, Titan would head to Yavin IV to start the construction of his new ships.
The boy went near [member="Titan Kryze"] , he had to say goodbye "Have a nice trip home." , the boy then took off the spacesuit and took his sabers.
He proceeded to enter his V-Wing and saw Thar fallen asleep on the couch. Undin decided it was best not to bother him and go look for houses in Mandalore, so he jumped into hyperspace leaving Titan to his own duties.

/End of scene/

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