Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SOS (Open)

"To any ships in the area, this is a distress call, we are in great need of help. This is the senator of Bestine, we have wounded civilians and life support is going down fast. There was a siege on the capital and we had no choice but to evacuate."

The message would send to any ships near the Corellian trade line.

The ship had just left the atmosphere of Bestine and all support systems were failing. On top of that, civil war loomed over the planet and there was nothing that could be done from space. Ethan paced the cockpit with his hands behind his back, they had managed to salvage a pilot, luckily, there weren't many of those going around on Bestine.

"Don't fret about it, someone will come." said Erik, Ethan's guard and long time friend. Ethan was about to make a bratty remark back before he decided it was inappropriate given the current situation. He just hoped his friend was right, for once.

The problem was that anyone could answer their call, smugglers, pirates, bounty hunters... and they'd be forced to accept or face the consequences, Ethan couldn't decide which would be worse. He had never been so desperate in his life, but now it wasn't only his life on the line, it was also many loyal civilians, some who had even fought to their deaths, a debt he could never repay.
The Star Destroyer, Meshuga, had just came out of hyperspace when the communication officer caught the transmission being broadcasted on every channel imaginable. He quickly jumped to his feet, motioning for the deck officer to join him at his station. As the two men conversed over what had been discovered, Captain Morily the senior officer aboard the vessel caught wind of the discussion and he to join the duo. He listened to the transmission and ordered the communication officer to work in tandem with the nav officer; then moved to the front of the bridge.
"We have picked up a distress call in the sector, my Lady," Captain Morily began, taking caution not to overstep his boundaries when he added, "I've ordered the nav officer to assess the situation then plot a course to the source of the call. We should be cautious my Lady. Pirates have known to frequent this part of the galaxy and if we picked up that signal, it's a safe assumption they did too. Unless you wish I belay that order?"
Black and red flecked eyes followed a shooting star as it coursed toward nothingness to burn out and fizzle away. Then those eyes turned to stare into the darkness of space, a mind hard at work. Several minutes passed in silence, causing the poor Captain to shift his weight uncomfortably as he awaited for a response, any response. Then those eyes turned toward him, looking through him rather than at him. He rarely gave orders without first speaking with the true Captain of the ship, but lives where at stake and he made a judgment call. Hopefully his eagerness would not come with the burden of punishment.
"Very well, Captain Morily," the cold voice emerging from the hooded woman spoke. "Send a transmission to the endangered craft that we are enroute....then launch a small squadron of fighters to patrol the surrounding area with orders to protect that craft. Notify me of any changes."
The woman turned her focus back to the front viewport, her mind reaching out beyond the metal of the ship. If there was danger in the area, the Force would alert her first before any creation designed by the minds of simpletons could pick it up. She heard the shuffling of boots as Captain Morily turned to walk away.
"And Captain," she added stopping him in his tracks. "Never again give orders to my crew before speaking to me first. Are we clear?"
"Yes, Darth Venefica," the Captain replied and hurried away to carry out her orders.

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