Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Sorcha
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Apprentice
AGE: 30
SEX: Female
EYES: White
HAIR: None
SKIN: Grey


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Allergic to the lightside

Sorcha was born on Gallos like most Graug are, and like most, are trained to be warriors. She was born in a small village, both of her parents were strong warriors who trained him in the art of hunting as soon as he could walk and hold a weapon right. He would occasionally go on hunting trips with his father into the jungles nearby, or even to there neighboring planet Kashyyyk to hunt the predators that lived there. He was given a sword forged by the village's smith by his father, and with it, he slayed many creatures and threats to his village.

In his teens, he started to move further out of his village area, and deeper into other parts of the jungles, parts where there would be no fellow hunter brothers or sisters, claiming many other kills in the forests and jungles, from wild beasts to rival Tribes, claiming there heads for trophies. Some people thought he hunted too much, and that he could become dangerous, something that was useful...

Then one day, all that changed. When ships arrived on there planet and carried armed men who seemed to be there to wipe out there village. The warriors put up a good fight, taking many enemies down, but were not soldiers and were soon slain or captured. Sorcha was one of the captured as he and several others were brought off planet and to another planet he hasn’t been to. He and the others were being sold as slaves on the dry planet Tatooine, where they were bought by a human Scientist who seemed...a little out of his mind.

When he brought his new "Pets" home, he conducted sick experiments on them, from certain injections to mild open surgeries. The others unfortunately died, but were unable to care as the injections they received made them forget all about there previous life, previous family, and previous friends and warriors. Sorcha was the only one to survive, which seemingly amazed the madman. Thinking he might make something out of Sorcha, he designed a special armor and encased Sorcha into it, enhancing the already altered Graug Warrior.

To test his new project on the Galaxy, he sent Sorcha away from him, into a small fighter ship and into the galaxy. He ordered Sorcha to not return until he deemed so through the radio in his head. When Sorcha left, it wasn’t long until something went wrong with his ship and he crash landed on a planet he did not know of. And if that wasn’t the worst of it, his radio link to his master was damaged from his crash landing. When he emerged, he found himself wondering the new world without a goal...

Several Years went by, and Davin has used Sorcha as his henchman, killing those who posed a threat to Davin, those who he felt deserved to die, etc. And the whole time, Sorcha was forced to carry it out, his mind being controlled by the viruses and such injected into him. But somehow, he was slowly regaining what little of a Graug he had left.

If it wasn’t for Felvrak, Sorcha would still be a slave this day. Felvrak was a fellow Graug who escaped being captured, and followed Sorcha for the years he was a slave, plotting, and planning on freeing his brother. He followed Sorcha to where he was just finishing off a group of Law Enforcements on Taris, when Felvrak freed a shot at Sorcha with a stun rifle, capturing him and bringing him somewhere safe.

Felvrak was no scientist, but he knew of some for hire. He persuaded several to operate on Sorcha to free his mind and will from Davin. After weeks of operations, testing, and recovery, Sorcha was finally free and had regained his will. However, it would take time for his memories to return, but Felvrak informed Sorcha what had happened to him, and who was responsible. Suffice to say, drove Sorcha into a rage and swore to kill and eat Davin's Heart.

Suffice to say, Sorcha hunted and tracked Davin for several weeks, eventually finding him hiding out in an abandoned building on Coruscant. He didn’t stand a chance against the Graug as he was torn apart and his heart, and other parts of him were eaten. Sorcha, now realizing he was free, decided that he had to do something with himself, something that would make good use of his abilities. He examined and searched Davin's place, and he found his plans he had for Sorcha, as well as much info on the Jedi Order.

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.



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