Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Something Pretty

"A-A-A-Are you k-k-k-k-idding me?!" Natuka held her arms around herself as she walked through the snowy lands of Ilum towards a nearby cave. The Twi'Lek woman had never been one for the cold. She was from Ryloth, a normally hot and sunny world, and while her exploits as a Jedi took her all over the Galaxy, places like these were far from her favorite. Not only were they chilling to the bone, but wearing revealing outfits was something she took pride in that she couldn't do. Being a Twi'Lek she knew she got stared at a lot, and was at one time creeped out by it. However, as she grew both physically and mentally, she learned to adapt and use her appearance for her own benefit. Negotiations, ending violent disputes, and sometimes getting free drinks. But nope, today she was stuck in heavy winter clothing that covered her from head to toe. What made things worse was she was still freezing her ass off.

She finally managed to reach her destination, a deep cave full of kyber crystals. She sighed as the cave provided her with some warmth. Not a whole lot, but at least she was in the snow. "Oooh, you should land here! It's not THAT much of a walk!" She said, mocking her protocol droid which had given her landing suggestions. She couldn't park her ship too close to the cave, otherwise potential intruders would know she was in there. She began her walk through the cave, looking around at all of the crystals. She wanted to find one to put in her headdress, which was comprised of detachable materials she could use to construct a lightsaber if need be. The crystal would be there not only to look fashionable, but to be the final piece she needed. She continued her search, rather picky about what she wanted.
Riaane sprinted cautiously through the snow her quivering body not helping to keep herself a foot and off the cold frigid ground that laid below her. She checked her Holo tablet she had in her possession its screen littered with the brown dried up remains of blood. She activated it only to see the wave signatures it displayed becoming increasingly unstable. ZOOM! a red blaster bolt sped by the side of Riaane's head the hair on her body immediately standing on end and her eyes for a split second turned to glare behind her. FLASH! another red bolt of death blasted past her face causing her to tense up.

Her attention was warranted by the group of five behind her blasters at the ready and one of the pointing and shouting at her. The billow of smoke and fire from her crash landing was almost distant at this point coupled with the fact that according to her readings a violent snow storm was coming the possibility of seeing anything out here was low. Riaane turned away from the group and began sprinting the other shots flying past her as she ran, During the brief moment she decided to look it came to her mind she broke her mothers constant advice to her when she was a child.

"Riaane, No matter what happens no matter whos after you just keep running. And whatever you do...never turn around!" During those times she realized her mother was referring to her father who was shot while her and her clan were escaping their slave plantation, he looked for a split second like her but he was not as fortunate as to be missed by a fatal shot to the chest. Riaane kept running as the light fall of the snow began to take weight and rained down upon her and the group shrouding them in a blanket of white.

As Riaane stumbled and fell to the ground tripping on a rock she was utterly blind to she got back up only to be greeted with the buzzing feeling of a stun shot. She fell to the ground unable to move, Her eyes closed as her sight fell onto the faint image of a cave.
Natuka would exit the cave shortly after, her headdress now having a bright green crystal right in the center. She hated the cold, but didn't really mind due to her excitement. She noticed something on the cave wall, black marks that looked like blaster shots, the few shots that had missed the girl. She tilted her head a bit. She certainly hadn't seen them before, but maybe she had missed them when she entered in her efforts to stay warm. She placed her blue index finger against one of them, muttering to herself. "Still warm..." She turned around and saw the woman laying there, then at the approaching people. It didn't take a Jedi to know what had happened, but she wanted to see how much fun she could have. After all, her headdress design was in case she got captured, so she might as well test how efficient it was. She dismantled the saber currently on her belt, hiding them in a pocket on the inside of her coat. She cleared her throat before "limping" towards them. "Help me! I've been stranded here for days!" She spoke in a more common Twi'Lek accent to make them think she was an actual slave, though her acting in general could have used a bit of work.
Riaane laid limp on the ground her eyes were shut and she could easily be mistaken for dead by anyone. The group of pirates looked at the Twi'lek as she stumbled towards them holding her side and speaking in a tone that implied injury. One of the men in the group moved over to Riaane and picked her up off the ground in a fashion that had her body draped over his shoulder, He smacked her butt instantly bringing back all manner of memories, Painful memories at that.

The beatings, the orders, the incessant demands of drunk party goers that invaded her personality as a whole. It was not an option to go back to that it was a choice, And she refused to choose failure. Her fingers began to move still paralyzed out from the stun bolt slowly but surely she made her way towards his blaster holstered on his belt. The men approached the Twi'Lek not even trying to hide there obvious pleasure with the situation. "Well what do we have here? A Twi'Lek all the way out here? This is no place for someone as pretty as you! Come with us we will....get you some....accommodations."

As the man was talking the rest of the group surrounded to woman setting their blasters to stun and taking aim. Except for the one hold Riaane. She seized this opportunity to take hold of the blaster and shoot the man in the back. He dropped her and she fell to the ground bleeding but able to stand...barely.

Natuka Chikura
[member="Riaane T'ribol"]

Natuka held her mouth and gasped when the man fell, albeit a really fake and over dramatic one. "Oh my! How could she have done such a thing?" She said, still in her falsetto tone. She was, however, able to ease the situation. Without the other men noticing she used the force to infiltrate their minds, using a sort of telepathic mind trick. 'You never liked him anyway. You're glad he's dead. These two should be rewarded once you get back home" She smirked under the hand that was clasped over her mouth.
Riaane stood motionless she collected her thoughts and waited for the men to shoot, This wasn't the life she chose it was the life she was given some may say she failed this life but when you really get down to it once your happier in death your life must be failing you. Her eyes closed and when she expected to be shot the men simply holstered their blasters and walked away their ship somewhere in the distance. Riaane wiped the blood of her face and turned towards the Twi'Lek before her.

"How did they...why did they....did you just?" What she had just witnessed was incomprehensible she couldn't understand what happened but she didn't care. She walked towards her and could just barely see the corners of a cocky grin under her hand. The snow around began to fall even harder than before and the sound of a avalanche was close by. "Quick we can hide in that cave!" Riaane pointed towards the cavern and began trudging towards it shivering and wishing she were dead.
[member="Riaane T'ribol"]

"We're taking the easy way out? Ugh, fineee..." She groaned a little, extending her hands out. One pushed the girl into the cave, the other sent the group of people flying. She then leapt over into the cave, bringing the girl deeper in to a fire she had lit earlier to warm herself up.
As the two landed in the cave Riaane was much less concerned with the Jedi than with the crumbling sound of rocks seemingly coming from outside. "That cant be good." She mumbled it was becoming evident that the storm was tampering with the structural integrity of the cave. Riaane turned towards the exit only to see rocks falling from the roof of the cave and in front of the exit.

Rianne rushed towards the exit to access the situation.

"No! No! No! BLAST!"

She turned towards the Jedi who was now standing next to the warmth of the campfire she presumably lit.

"Were sealed in and before you get any ideas if you try to move the rocks the ceiling might collapse killing us."

[member="Natuka Chikura"]
"Normally, you'd be right...but you underestimate the power of the Force." She said, standing up and smiling. "Ilum is a world most sacred to the Jedi, a longtime part of our history. With enough expertise, The Force flows even greater than normal." She said, raising a hand upwards and her other hand out. With her outstretched hand she launched the rocks sealing the entrance, the top of the cave rumbling. She moved the outstretched hand up afterwards, holding up the cave enough for the two to escape. "Go on, run! I can't hold this forever!"
The rocks being lifted away from the entrance without nay repercussions following petrified Riaane. Her legs became stiff, Her eyes widened, Her mouth fell open and it was as if she had been ripped from reality itself. When Natuka yelled at her to run she was brought back to plain that was reality. She turned to see the Jedi and caught wind of her visible struggle to support the cave, With no hesitation present Riaane began to sprint to the outside world nearly forgetting the storm that awaited her.

"Well great were not crushed but were still gonna die courtesy of our good friend hypothermia!"

Riaane was without a jacket and therefore shivering and wishing her fur was a little denser. She turned to the Jedi and a look of pure anxiety possessed her face.

"Even if we do get off world the pirates have ships above waiting for us."

Her eyes were bleak and looked at the ground sniffling and barely holding back tears.

"Listen if we are about to get captured i want you to kill me."

Most people became frightened and fearful at the mere thought o death. Riaane was not most people from her point of view when you go through the intense physical and metal anguish she suffered death was a virtue and always better than the alternative.

[member="Natuka Chikura"]
[member="Riaane T'ribol"]

"Now why would I wanna kill such an adorable fuzzball? My ship is decked out with modern day weapons and shielding systems, we'll be in hyperspace before those pirates know we're there. Now come on, my ship is close by." She said, proceeding to walk. She tossed her coat to the other female, being able to withstand the cold for the short time it would take to get to her ship.
Riaane was almost complacent at the woman's words in her eyes they failed to describe in any context she wished to accept.

"Adorable? Fuzzball?"

She was ready to continue her incessant questioning until a heavy fur coat was passed to her. That was more than enough to shut her up as she put it on accepting its warmth and bearing the weight that came with it. As she snuggled in the coat she turned towards the Jedi now exposed to the frigid temperatures.

"Don't you need a coat?"

She continued to follow the woman impatient to leave this snowball of a world.

[member="Natuka Chikura"]
"Nah. I hate the cold, but I'll be fine." She said, giving the girl a thumbs-up. "Plus, my ship's heating is so good you'll feel like you're on Tatooine!"She said and walked into her ship as they found it, taking off into orbit
As the two entered Natuka's ship Riaane was met with the soothing feeling of what felt like the best heaters in the entire galaxy, But then again being a escaped slave you don't have such luxuries plus they did just come back from what very well might be the coldest planet in the galaxy. She looked at Natuka with eyes that said everything she needed but felt she needed to reiterate.

"Thank you."

Riaane held out the coat she had been given previously and then looked to the cockpit window with eyes of pure horror. There were Zygerian slaver ships outside one was particularly huge. Immediately Riaane turned towards the woman next to her.


[member="Natuka Chikura"]
Shouting? that was strange, and it was a new voice, thought Tana as he walked out of one of the ships bedrooms, eye scanning the hallway for the sound. Walking to the cockpit the young Jedi was a little confused by the commotion looking at the new addition to the room then back to Natuka, "I have several question, who's this and what is that"?

His hands pointing out the window towards the ship that was in no way Jedi related, his expression changing from confused to seroius and he felt the apparent hostility coming from the other craft.

[member="Riaane T'ribol"] [member="Natuka Chikura"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

"I'll explain later, just set the coordinates for somewhere Silver Jedi affiliated and get us the hell outta here." She said, ruffling the boy(?)'s head as she always did before helping the other female settle in
Riaanes eyes stayed locked on the ship in front her and her heart pounded at enormous magnitudes. Her body was frozen in place and she almost didn't notice someone else entered the cockpit. Her worries were slightly comforted as blue streaks of light broke through the cockpit window and they entered Hyperspace. She turned to look over the what looked to be another Jedi standing in the room seemingly confused at her presence.

She took a few steps back as to address the two at the same time.

"Well were not dead. That counts for something but even then theres a good chance they are tracking us and waiting somewhere along our route. If we wanna make a clean getaway we should probably make a detour to throw them off our scent."

She stared silently at the two for a while gathering the courage to break the awkward silence until finally speaking up.

"By the way my name is Riaane."

[member="Natuka Chikura"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
"Rightly oh quick get away her we are", with haste he punched in the ships controls the data for the nearest Jedi world, having to hold on a little as the ship suddenly went into hyper space. Not before enjoying a nice head pat from Natuka, still things had gone from 0 to 10 in such a short time, he was very interested in getting some answers.

As the white lines engulfed the ship he took a seat into one of the spar seats, looking to their new companion as she started talking. "Alive, yeah I guess, who were those people anyways"? More so why would they be tracking them like this? Each second he became more and more intrigued about their current situation.

"Also my name is Tanasuki Yumi, nice to meet you Riaane, well at least I hope so".

[member="Riaane T'ribol"]v[member="Natuka Chikura"]

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