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Solan Charr

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[SIZE=14.6667px]Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Solan Charr.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Loyalties:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] The Jedi Order, or what is left of it and its ideals[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Role:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] This Solan is a mirror Universe version of the current Dark side master. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Development Threads:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px](Explains the events that makes true universe Solan who he is and as such those events that did not happen for Mirror Solan.)[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Age:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] 25[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Species:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Vahla (1/2) Kiffer (1/4) Miraluka (1/4)[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Force Sensitivity:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Master leveled[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Appearance:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] The man would be a mirror image of the true universe’s own Solan Charr, short brown hair atop the body of the man. Slender and at five foot ten with the key defining difference being his weight as he seems even more so than True universe Solan. Standing at only a hundred and ten pounds, his body seems skinny to the point that he should not be standing yet seems to operate as physically fit as someone who was twice his weight. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]From there his eyes hold no color, a foggy grey in them showing absolutely no pupils or any such features. He also retains full body scarring, from blaster damage, saber cuts, and most completely full body burns that have healed over long ago. His entire mannerism is clean though. His hair is well kept and never a mess outside of a fight, he even walks slowly and carefully. Calmly taking in the very way he walks. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]His clothing is normally that of a robe and cloak that hides his body and very presence, keeping it too dark or unnoticeable colors that would be looked over easily. He never is seen carrying a weapon though he is on record for having a saber, its location unable to be clarified. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]In rare times, or when normally among crowds, Solan can be seen in a rather normal dress for a common person. with a dark black button down shirt under a dark brown overcoat. His demeanor that of an academic who was more akin to a teacher than a healer and someone whom you could overlook for simply being normal if it were not for his blindness. Which is made more clear by a metal cane he carries about that looks more like an extendable walking stick. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Personality:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] The man’s personality is one of a calm, controlled and collected individual with whom holds no ill will or anger towards anyone. He has an air of sorrow about him but never emits a feeling of sadness and while he's calm his actions are always made to divert the death of anyone, even those he fights. He can hold anger towards noone, and even forgive you for genocide, refusing to kill anyone if they surrender. His actions are almost always selfless in that he would give his life to defend someone and the time he spends around Kira is the only true time a smile is seen from his face. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Weapon of Choice:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Lightsaber and the Force[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Wealth:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Very little wealth past that of what he needs to survive, even a home cannot be counted under his positions or personal wealth.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Combat Function:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] The character normally acts as much like that in the realm of a jedi consular, preferring to avoid a fight if at all possible and even then only engage in combat through use of the force and limited bladework. Though he is able to fight with the saber it is only with the form of Niman in order to focus on his abilities with the force itself. As such the force powers he is known to use are that of cyrokinesis, healing, pyrokinesis rarely, and telekinesis. The use of Telepathy is assumed though he has never outright proven his proficiency in such to anyone. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Skills:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]​

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Force Sight[/SIZE]​

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Force Healing[/SIZE]​

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Cyrokinesis[/SIZE]​

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Niman[/SIZE]​

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Pyrokinesis[/SIZE]​

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Telepathy[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Notable Possessions: [/SIZE]​

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]His Cloak[/SIZE]​

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]His Robes[/SIZE]​

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]His Saber[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Other Notes: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Solan was born with his parents on the run, his body being cradled by his mother Vanya whom was a knight of a long forgotten order, his father being one as well and their path being set before them. The Empire had wanted dissidents dead and the parents of Solan’s were no different. This caused for Solan’s early years to be a simple hop from planet to planet, finding moments of peace and quiet among centers of heavy population while trying to simply live their lives.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]This led for a very different childhood than most even in this galaxy, learning to watch out for those who would give you up. Helping when you can but otherwise being forced to simply watch the pain and suffering of others. His parents had tried to instill in him to be passive, to wait, but knew it was a useless battle with him so instead taught him how to help in small ways. The first of these ways was through the art of healing, both conventional and through the force as he was taught of many cures the Empire had found for those of importance in their society. One of which from a planet called Deleritas could cure what was previously a slow and painfully complete disease that was passed down through the genetics of another. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]He excelled in this realm, the drive to help others having him testing and learning as much as he could from both botany and the force in such ways. Even his empathy, a genetic mutation that hooked onto the emotions of others pulled and drew in other’s pain around him at all times to give them peace while he stood in torment at the other’s feelings. It wasn’t enough for him though and even his calm and collected visage had gotten him shot and cut up by others during his growing up, his parents saving him normally as they were never far behind. By age ten he had already been shot twice and his body had been stabbed by the saber of one of the Empire’s force users. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]It would be every month from that point, a fight over the harming of someone he saw and the need to leave the place they had been in before. They were no danger to the Empire in truth, a simple hint of hope that could be used to cause even more pain to those they helped as after they had been chased off those who took up control over the ones Solan was able to try and help simply came to suffer more. This started to cause a great depression in the now eleven year old as he and his family found themselves run off to Nar’Shadaa. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]There his family was able to lay low completely, truly being lost from the sight of the empire they were able to help others without them getting in trouble any longer. Solan’s depression continued to get worse though every time a news feed of the newest camp came up, or someone who had caused ‘dissent’ was executed. He could not help any of them from where he was, alone in the slums with only his family and the best he could do was heal people. He demanded he be taught to fight and that was only what drew him into his next conflict when he was told no. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Solan had been attempting to control two specific powers he had read about in a holojournal he had taken from his father, those of Cryo and Pryokinesis. He saw them as ways he could help people without being caught and yet had not tried to use them practically in the least sense yet. But as he stood on the planet he watched a girl being dragged from her home by Imperial soldiers, her parents next and her brother after where they were all lined up. Staring in horror with the crowd, and officer walked down the line till he focused on the girl and smiled as he motioned for her to be taken from the line and forced to her knees with someone holding her eyes open. Then a single crack, her eyes started crying, a second caused her to beg him no more, and to stop before the third sounded, her family motionless on the ground while that officer simply smiled. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Solan’s calm demeanor broke as he lunged forward. His fist came out and he tried to hit the full grown man who towered over him, the thirteen year old child that Solan was and simply was looked at before the officer brought a foot up and kicked Solan into the ground. He shook his head and looked around at the others, raising the blaster pistol at Solan’s head and speaking the words. “Ingrate…” With that the man started to pull the trigger before his entire body burst into flames, the two soldiers holding the girl let go only seconds before they two burst and Solan himself smiled at the sight until the officer collapsed on him and before Solan could stop it the flames crawled onto him along with the powerpack of the blaster bursting and the chemicals of the powercell landing in his eyes.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]He rolled on the ground, burning and his eyes being damaged as he found that the help came too late. His body lay there, alive but burns reaching all the way up to his neck. His eyes were blank, grey, clouded with not a hint of life in them and only when his mother found what was happening did he get treated by her use of force healing. The Girl he had protected had come along, her own age the same as his and watched over him. She helped his mother and nursed him, waiting for Solan to speak again, or even be fully conscious so that she could thank him.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]His consciousness returned two weeks later, simply out the entire time and sustained from their efforts. But the chemicals had permanently damaged his eyesight and his body was covered still in the burns that had been healed but left him permanently scarred. His every muscle hurt, his hands trembled and he started to scream until his ears were filled with the voice of his mother and the girl, trying to keep him calm. But he could no longer see, his eyes crying as he could no longer see. He was blind, he was even more useless now, he thought so atleast. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]His world tore itself apart internally now, unable to do anything to help, to improve the lives of others. He knew without his eyes he could not fight, or heal, or do much of anything until his mother explained how he would be able to still see. Explaining that she herself was just as blind as he was which he had never noticed until that moment. She spend days teaching him how to see without his eyes, to let the force act as his eyes for him and even then it took him weeks to get a handle on a very basic form of it. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]All through this though, the girl who seemed to be named Kira was able to talk to him now. She thanked him, helped him get around and helped him eat while Vanya had to treat others too. She explained that they had not been able to pay the officer for their safety and for living in his home, how cruel the man had been. And when she cried he could still feel her pain, he helped her with that pain, talked to her and took it on himself so she would not feel so much sorrow. This simple relation between the two as close friends on such a detailed level kept him from causing anymore trouble and her nearby. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]It took almost a year for Solan’s sight to be good enough for him to operate in public, able to move through crowds without bumping into anyone and navigate as if he had never lost his sight. In that time Kira had shown a genetic illness that he had learned from the notes of his mother a certain mixture of a plant could cure. His first act had been to personally do so, embedding the properties into repairing the abnormality and treating it quite completely to the point where the girl only felt minor problems such as coughing and headaches. It wasn’t a complete cure but her life was no longer in danger. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Around this time Solan was able to take a much closer relation to helping people as he could now see things in such a way that was in some ways superior to his old sight. Able to operate indirectly and cause with small manipulations of the force the misfortune of the imperials, but something else was taught to him from those injuries. He could not kill. No matter how hard he tried he would refuse to kill even the most disgusting of creatures that harmed others without mercy. The most he would do is maim and even it was odd. He also took to taking on massive amounts of other’s pains and sorrows. This would leave him with the calm and saddened air about him, barely ever showing anger or acting in a rash manner.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]From that point he seemed to focus more on others and along the way he had come to learn of Kira’s own abilities with the force. She would not train though, for some reason she did not want to become a user of the power and to him he didnt fully understand but accepted it. Living very close to her still both physically and mentally as he found himself going to her often to simply talk and smile. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Around the age of eighteen he had asked her to marry him, the practice new to him but knowing simply that she was who he loved and would do anything for. The marriage was a silent occasion, few being witness to the event itself but it remained true in that it happened. He would remain with her when not out helping where he could as he found his use in this galaxy to be renewed. There wasn’t much eventful in terms of happening for him in the recent years, though his actions seemed to sink up with a greater scheme of things in where he helped those whom had a grudge against the Empire. As if trying to ignite those sparks that others had struck. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Specifically for the Event, this character is meant to die during it and as such is in no way meant to be anything more than a story element for my character and if the DMs so choose a tool for their story. As such his life will be contained to the event threads as well as his death in order to avoid a whole grand paradox deal/effect. Also, an easy way for me to cop out and kill off a version of Solan… what i like killing characters. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px](History is subject to change, but it should be fine now. Being the mirrorverse and all.)[/SIZE]​
[member="Solan Charr"]

I know you've put a lot of effort into this submission, and that's worthy of note, but after some deliberation with a member of the event team I cannot approve this as of yet. First-things-first, there's no requirement that your mirror version must be submitted (NPC are all optional regardless) which means we--Codex Judges--have not been provided the resources to judge submissions for the event anyway.

So for now, this submission is going to be archived until more information about the event is provided. If at that point it becomes clear which changes must be made to this submission, you may request that it be unarchived. Until then I thank you for the time you've taken to work on this submission and apologize for the resulting decision.

Just remember, NPC submissions are not required and unless the event team says otherwise that goes for your mirror character as well.

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

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