Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Sol’amud
FACTION: Mandalorians
RANK: Initiate
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: 150 lbs
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Brown, almost a light walnut.

[+]Ram’ser-A marksman by trade, Sol relies on long range weaponry to get his job done. Slugthrowers, blaster rifles; anything with a barrel and a scope is Sol’s ideal weapon.
[+]Shev’la-In both words and actions, Sol is a silent warrior. Tending to keep to himself, Sol only chimes in with his opinion when it is absolutely necessary. As of yet a clanless warrior, though the entirety of the Mando are his family, he has none to claim as his own. To accompany his quiet manner, Sol complements his long-range weaponry with the gift of silence. His beskar’gam is lighter in weight than most Mandalorian armor. While this provides him less protection in a firefight, it offers an effective bonus to stealth-oriented missions. Due to Sol’s strategy of silent but deadly, this exchange of protection for stealth is considered a positive in his books. To complement this skill, Sol is skilled at killing silently from close range with his vibroblade. However…
[-]Nayc akaanir gebbar-Though he is a skilled marksman, when it comes to hand-to-hand combat Sol cannot match the strength or skill of most warriors. If noticed and engaged, Sol cannot hold his own in a close range fight. His skill in a hand-to-hand fight is next to none, and any enemy trained even slightly in close quarter combat will be able to destroy him immediately.
[+]Birov iviin-Sol’s speed is one more of his skills. Small and light, Sol is able to make his way from one part of a battlefield to the other side more quickly than some Jetiise and Darjetii. His armor further assists in this skill, with its light design.
[-]Liser’t senar-Ground combat is Sol’s strong suit, while his skill in a starfighter is civilian-tier. Able to plot hyperspace jumps and conduct basic flight patterns is the extent of Sol’s ability, and he relies heavily on others to provide air support for any mission that demands it.
[=]Nayc gev-While neither positive nor negative, Sol does not stop once he has committed to something. Whether it be a job, plan, or goal, Sol will not rest until he has achieved what he set out to do. While this can be positive for his reputation as a bounty hunter and can garner trust in both his comrades and employers, it can be negative if he bites off more than he can chew and ends up in a situation where he is facing impossible odds.
APPEARANCE: While Sol is usually seen in his minimalistic blue beskar’gam, he will occasionally revert to civilian clothing when undercover, though he feels at home in his armor more than anything else. Underneath the plating of beskar, Sol looks more or less like any other man in his mid-twenties. A scar running from the left side of his eyebrow down to the middle of his cheekbone is the Mandalorian’s only distinctive feature. Dark skin accompany his hazel eyes and dark brown hair, and though he is shorter and smaller for a man, his posture is always straight and firm, betraying his strong will.
BIOGRAPHY: Orphaned. A word well known by most Mandalorian warriors, Sol being one of the unlucky few who was the holder of such a title. Unlike most orphans taken in by the Mandalorians, Sol’s story did not begin with fire and death, with his parents hiding him as they ran for their lives away from the burning husk of a city. No, his was a much more drab beginning. Abandoned, no one knew why, Sol was given a general designation (7913) and taken into an orphanage. His first years were spent in the confines of the dingy building, and, as all good characters do despite their circumstances, he learned. Not a large, boy, Sol came to realize that he could never best the larger, stronger children in a fight. It was the obvious truth, but eventually he came upon a solution. A stick, taken from one of the few trees in the orphanage, and the fallen hairband of one of the nannies became a weapon. Rocks were the ammunition, and Sol rained down hell upon his opponents. Over time, the others accepted him as their pseudo-leader. It was not as if the nannies cared, anyway. Their job was suddenly taken care of, and it was as if they were being paid for nothing.
Sol took what he wanted, but no one was left truly wanting. The little group had become scavengers, thieves, and whatever Sol dictated was made reality. He tasted power. He knew control. From a band of children who beat each other, the orphan had made an army whose anger was suddenly and outwardly directed. And someone noticed. A Mandalorian, his name not given, came in one day. His armor gleamed, his weapons sparkled in the lowering sun. Needless to say, the children were impressed. But he strode with purpose through the room, the other orphans parting before him like the Red Sea, until he came to stand before Sol. He nodded once, an affirmation that the boy had been chosen, before spinning about and returning the way he came. It did not take more than a second for Sol to follow.
His next few years were spent in learning the art of war. As all Mandalorian children, Sol was trained in every art of war. His formerly demonstrated skill with the slingshot appeared to extend to all weaponry, and Sol quickly showed himself to be the warrior his Mandalorian father took him to be. However, once more, tragedy struck the boy. Reau, the Mandalorian, never returned from one of his missions. Sol was left alone again, but this time with more skill and cunning than he had ever possessed. Over the years he sought out trainers, learned all he could, and carried on his father’s legacy, if not in name, in skill. In the current day, he has become a cold and calculating bounty hunter with unbreakable ties to the Mandalorians and their culture.
SHIP: Z-95 Headhunter, unmodified.

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