Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Smuggling/Shipping Job Board - Part Two - Brought to you by the Underground

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
(Part One is here - jobs still available.)

Anonymous word has reached you that a loose association called the Underground is paying good money for smuggling runs and various covert whatnots. Rewards may include advanced technology, especially starship components and personal gear, as well as the potential to earn starships. Special service may incur special rewards. Rewards will be proportional to your effort and, when relevant, sportsmanship. All threads must be dev thread quality (10+ substantial posts). These missions can be completed multiple times except as noted. If a target is inside or on the edge of a major faction's territory, it's recommended that you make the thread open or arrange for opposition.

NIRAUAN - a world directly in the path of the One Sith expansion. As stealthily as possible, place covert transmitters within the abandoned Hand of Thrawn fortress. Obtain chunks of black Hijarna stone from one of the towers, which is wrecked. Note: Hijarna stone can soak up massed weapons fire and resist lightsabres. Cutting is not an option.

ITHOR - a world directly in the path of the One Sith expansion. Take shiploads of Ithorian priests and Bafforr tree groves to the neutral library world of Obroa-Skai.

CONTRUUM - a quasi-neutral world with a long history of being aggressively screwed over by the Republic, among others. The local government is a corporate police state. Break insurgents and political prisoners out of death row and evacuate them to Boz Pity on the Mara Corridor.

VOID STATION - an asteroid city directly in the path of Techno Union expansion. Help a local outlaw tech chop shop and its operators to pack up and evacuate to Ryloth in Rebel Alliance territory. Can only be completed once.

VERKUYL - a neutral bacta-producing world on the edges of the Unknown Regions, formerly controlled by the Fringe Confederation. All known routes pass through Fringe space, which is experiencing a civil war. Smuggle loads of bacta through the hostilities to the Omega Protectorate world of Sullust.

CRYSTAN - a world on the edges of One Sith territory, near the subjugated planet of Khomm. Khommite refugee cloners have gone to ground on Crystan and called for evacuation. Transport them to the nearby Omega Protectorate world of Fondor.

Jak Skirata

[member="Alec Rekali"]

I'm in need of a ship, if you want to fly, I'd break those prisoners out for a cut of the reward

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