Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corporation Name: Smith & Westworld (S&W)

Headquarters: Dusuun, First Order Capital

Locations: Dusuun

Operations: Tactical gear and weaponry


"Any fool can make a blaster, it takes skill to make tactical gear"
-Will Westworld at a press conference
Brent Smith had spent several years in the First Order's stormtrooper and FSOB department before he came to the startling realization of how sparse the galaxy was in tactical gear. There were so many blasters, slug throwers, and blades out there with each being little more than a slight alteration of the other. However, there was a massive lack in tactical gear--the type of gear one could take into combat and use that wasn't intended to shoot or slash. Brent and Westworld met quite by chance at a gala. The HRD and he hit it off rather well, and when Brent relegated his laments to the fellow, the droid asked him why he didn't do anything about it. Over a series of conversations spanning several weeks, Brent and Westworld decided to invest and throw their lot in together for this company.

Westworld gladly serves as the public face. The HRD is incredibly flagrant, sometimes making circuses across the holonet just to fulfill his melodramatic desires. Most doubt that there is really a "Smith" or that anyone could be Westworld's business partner. Behind walls and walls of conspiracy, false ID's, dead people, dead ends, miss directions, and all other manner of "You cannot know this In Character" sorts of things, Brent Smith gains his shares from the business and opperates as the co-owner of S&W. Westworld serves as the primary money handler, business person, and all-around CEO, as it were. He is a serial enterpenuer, his knowledge of business is better than most. Brent and he co-design the products of S&W and together decide the direction of their business. Brent sees and provides the opportunity for product creation, Westworld sees the opportunity for profit, together they make a good team. If someone wanted to slice things out, they could say Brent is the creative mind and Westworld is the practical mind behind their business.

Tier: 2

S&W is dedicated to the highest level of weapons creation, integrity, and quality gear. Tactical equipment is created with two focuses in mind: durability and practicality. S&W operates within the First Order space, as such they are partial to the First Order's rule and ways. The Order gets first pick when it comes to S&W stock, the remainder is sold to closed markets and approved buyers. S&W can be very picky when it comes to who they will and will not sell too. Crimals (except the reformed) are frowned upon. Government contracts (both local and interplanetary) are very welcome however despots and dictators will be denied at the door. S&W supports security and believes that every child should be able to go to sleep at night without having the fear of someone breaking down their door. Interestingly, if a criminal action using a S&W weapon or gear is perpetrated, this company has been more than cooperative with the government in extracting the perpetrator and helping bring them to justice.

Westworld, a HRD who knows he is such, is the face of the company. Behind it all, working from shadows that no amount of hand-waved research is allowed to penetrate, Brent operates, assists, and collects his shares of the earnings.

Due to Westworld's political inclination droids are not used in this company for labor except occasionally as paid employs alongside organic workers. They are not owned, they are hired and treated as equals to those with a heartbeat. S&W does sell some of its gear to the open markets, but most is relegated to private contracts. Illegal activity and criminals (Except the reformed) are frowned upon.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source: none
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review

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