Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sin vs Sin

The Necro-Witch, and numerous names she answered to, had strolled through the skeletons of the galaxy looking for that proper Apprentice. To date, she had killed them all, not because she grew tiresome of them, but because her unadulterated need to feel pain, or express it, was more than the simpleton could withstand.
Minds....she broke them!
Bodies she thrashed upon the shores.....and religiously wore their bones upon her person! tasted awful the fist time....but like all bad habits, one learns to deal with those atrocities!
She was Sith, but even those that dared walk in her shadow understood one true mantra, she wasn't just a killer....but a eater of worlds....and on occasion, flesh. To call her a murder, was like calling the suns the harbinger of warmth, for this Dagobah Sith, the concept of warmth meant only one thing; you lost the battle of supremacy and she put you to spit, rolling and cooking you for her daughters, Andarta and Agrona
Life, or the defunct understanding of it, was lost on her. She could raise the dead, in so many ways, but when she died, who would raise her? Or perhaps the thought of death was just a misconception of holistic beliefs, because when, or if, she died, she had sealed pacts among the Sith Lords to transfer her essence into a less horrible version she now haunted the galaxy with.
Yet, even with her potential immortality, she needed one to teach what she knew. Most Sith, if not all, wanted to live death through their teachings; but she, unlike her sisters and brothers, wanted to live through her Apprentices....and if their bodies provided proper accomadations; she would take them; and haunt the galaxy for all eternity.
[member="Lord Sin"]​
There was not much he had not experienced already, death, pain, lost, love. It was all there. Death brought with it a new concept on life and how to live it, the walks he spent in Hell were more than enough to open his eyes to new powers he had yet to touch. At one point he had allied once with a Sith cultist group, the Covenant, though it was only because they knew of the Academy of Bogan, Romeo felt it was okay to let them have full access to it's halls. Little did he know that the Covenant was lead by something worse than even the Zambrano dog known as Kaine.

But it didn't stop him from visiting the woman known as Venefica, Daughter of Vahl, but he was the Blood of Vahl, something deeper.

The Goddess was always in his head, probing, speaking, and scratching at the walls of his psyche. It was only recently he gave into his heritage and accepted the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, and his Vahla blood. Romeo had never felt more alive, more at peace with himself.

So why was it that today he knew coming to the woman would only disrupt that new found peace? Power, he needed more. Always the darkside craved more. The newly risen Darth Crucifere would not fail, he would surpass her in all ways.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
Tradionally, she had always taken any potential victims, or Apprentices, to her homeworld of Dagobah. But her planet. smelling of sweet swamps and decaying flesh, had now fell under the judgment of the new age Jedi. Their foul smell, and their taint of righteousness, had corrupted the planet in ways that even Dragonsnakes and Swamp Slugs would never approve; and the Swamp Witch could do nothing but watch the decaying trees bloom under a new moon. This despised her, but she was only one, and the Jedi where many. This new reformation had trumped any Sith Order, why, because the Sith were broken, but under a new guidance; the Sith would be many and the Jedi only one.
But one Sith, even two, had once destroyed the Jedi from the inside; turning them from heroes into hiding prey as the circling birds-of-prey scoured the sky for them; but that was a different time for the Sith, a time of happiness but a time of false hopes. No Sith, empire or collection, could ever hold the galaxy for their own. Or could they? The Dagobah Sith, knew otherwise. The only Sith Empire, whom she fought for, had betrayed her and cast her a traitor; but those fools had only gave the Witch a new cause. Now, with the One Sith broken and looking for allies, she would come to them as a dark knight of death, but only to to flip the switch of electrical judgment as they wished to do to her once.
No! If the Sith were to survive, then they needed to redefine themselves; and grasp history with both hands. So, as it was her worst choice to choose, she sent out one message to anyone willing to hear. Meet her at Mustafar, where the true Sith Empire once began, and anyone willing to accept this message as truth, they had to two choices presented to them, fight....or die.
[member="Lord Sin"]​
Steam filled his nostrils, making the planet that more comfortable for him. Crucifere's eyes studied the flow of the molten lava river as his steps clicked from his boots. Bringing the into mind the message, the reason he knew a certain person was here, the Vahla did not know why they would want to bring yet another Sith Empire into the galaxy was not something this man felt was wise. It had been tried over, and over again, and it always failed. Each time, whether they be united, a rule of two or one, they're fate was sealed. Why? Because the Sith Code was not meant to hold the galaxy in one's palm. No rendition of that code was built to hold the galaxy together. It was a person thing, a way of life, and the Sith would never hold the galaxy.

Sin knew this, yet Venefica wanted to give this one more shot.

He believed it was time the Sith gave up empires, and kingdoms. To let go of the concept of galactic domination and begin anew, and start over. Sin had liked the idea of the Covenant, it was new but applied Sith teachings where they needed to be. But he figured any power hungry Sith would go too far, they would try to become too much too fast, and they would fall. Every time. But if this person wanted to try again, and if he wanted more power, he would have to just suck it up and deal with this Sith Lord's false sense of fate.

[member="Darth Venefica"]

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